
Look through your contracts
In order to see the list of players in your team you can open up this page Team -> Contracts in left menu.  Toggling «General»and «Abilities» screens you can observe your players attributes. For detailed information on the meaning of these stats read the guide.
Current quest
Money bonus: 6,000
Setup policies
Policies are a sort of settings for the match that can strengthen certain aspects of your teams performance. You can choose only two policies at a time. Go to Roster->Tactics and choose the most needed policies to your taste. 
Current quest
Money bonus: 16,000
Tune the tactics
Read the manual on tactics. Go to Roster -> Tactics, edit some settings and apply the changes.
Current quest
Money bonus: 16,000
Control the finances
Go to Team -> Finances in left menu. Here you’ll see your club’s income and expenses. For more information
on finances read the guide.
Money bonus: 6,000
Sign a long-term contract
You can sign1 to 5-year contract with each of your players. Contract’s terms and player’s wage depend on his abilities, star-status and loyalty.   For more information read this. Now your taskis to sign a long-term contract with one of your players (3 or more seasons). It is better to sign long-term contracts only with the best of your players so you’d have to do it carefully. Later you’ll need to sign contracts with all of the players you want to stay in the club. If it is not signed, in the off-season it’ll be prolonged for one year automatically if the loyalty is higher than 20. If not, he will leave the club.
Not available
Money bonus: 8,000
Firу a player
Sometimes it is easier to fire unwanted players than keep them on the payroll, but in any case you will have to pay him a partof his remaining salary for pre-term cancellation of the contract. For additional information read the guide. Go to Team -> Contracts in left menu, choose a player from the list (the one you think is unnecessary for the team’s success)
and fire him.
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Money bonus: 8,000
Make a replacement in the roster
Working with your roster is the key to success. To do it skillfully read the tactics manual. First of all you need to learn how to make replacements: go to the roster and click the icon to the left side of any player to make a swap in that line-up.
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Money bonus: 8,000
Construction of the Training Center
Each club has a stadium with different buildings. Every building gives you certain opportunites if they are upgraded. Go to Team -> Stadium in left menu
and start construction of one of the most important buildings – training center. For detailed information read the guide. If you assume that at the current
moment your club could use another building more, feel free to make your own choice.

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Money bonus: 10,000
Increase your stadiums capacity
Bigger stadium brings higher income. Go to Team -> Stadium in left menu and start by adding 500
seats more to your arena.  
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Money bonus: 10,000
Create a training schedule
Every day your players are able to inprove their skills while training and playing matches. In more details you can read about it in the guide. You can decide which abilities
each player should train. Go to Roster ->Training and open up training schedules. Training schedule is distribution of daily training in percents. There are default schedules which work unless you manually pick a schedule of your own. Your task is to create your own training schedule. You just need to pick a name, i.e. «Shot» and click «Add». Don’t forget to change the abilities. On default they all are 0. In our case we would need to type 100 in the box and click «Edit».
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Money bonus: 12,000
Setup training schedules for your players
Go to Roster -> Training. Create training schedules for every player with positive
potential. If there is no schedule that suits your taste– create one. Apply the changes.
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Money bonus: 14,000
Learn the opponent
It is very important to be able to learn your opponent’s potential. Go to Team -> Calendar in left menu and click «Comparison» (info icon) in the upcoming match. You’ll see
the preview where you are able to observe the differences between the two teams. Have in mind that the stats here are displayed with no tactics effects.
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Money bonus: 18,000
Play a friendly game
You can play friendly games at any time. To do so go to "Play" in left menu and switch to "Friendly mode". Accept someone’s request or make your own. Such friendly games do not give you money, experience and trainings to your players . They are simply for testing tactics and roster. 
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Money bonus: 18,000
Scout a player
Players have hidden stats that are crucial for their development such as talent, efficiency and aging. To be able to see them, go to your player’s profile and press
«Scout». You’ll get into your scouts office where you need to click «Start scouting». Scouting  a player takes one day. The number of simultaneous
scouted players depends on the level of your scouts office.
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Money bonus: 20,000
Offer an oficial friendly match
Except for usual friendly matches teams are also able to offer official friendly matches which bring income and affect your players. You can play one official friendly match a day. Go to Team -> Info in left menu and switch to "Friendly calendar" tab. Pressing «Invite» you will need the opponent’s ID which you can find on his profile page. At the beginning while you have a low-capacity stadium try to arrange it so that other teams with bigger stadiums would invite you to play. It’ll bring you a higher income.
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Money bonus: 20,000
Start scouting league prospects
First of all you need to read about draft. Then go to Selection ->Scouting.  In the window «Scout league prospects» choose your league and start scouting.
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Money bonus: 22,000
Offer a contract to a free agent
On the free agent market you can find very good players. Find the one you think you need and offer him a contract. Keep in mind your finances and salary cap.
The higher the salary a player gets the less quality players you’d be able to hire. 
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Money bonus: 24,000
Gather a line with 30% chemistry
Chemistry is one of the crucial aspects of tactics. Gather a line with chemistry of
minimum 30%. To do so put three skill, hits or speed players in one line.
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Money bonus: 26,000
Offer a deal profitable for you
To create a better team you need to make deals. So you can get the players and draftpicks you need. For more details on deals read the guide. Deals are regulated by "Transfer value (TV)". Sum of transfer values from each side could approximately the same.
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Money bonus: 28,000
Increase your teams budget to 100000
Saveup or sell players to increase your team’s budget to 100000.
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Money bonus: 30,000