Career events Radomir Remizov
87 25 Was traded to team Black Angels
85 55 Signed new contract with Pinetop Hockey with salary 1005 for 4 years
81 55 Signed new contract with Pinetop Hockey with salary 774 for 5 years
80 55 Has signed a contract with Pinetop Hockey
80 54 Has been fired from team Novgorod Mutants
77 55 Was traded to team Novgorod Mutants
77 55 Was traded to team AllexxBand
77 50 Signed new contract with Korolyov Rockets with salary 85 for 3 years
77 50 Has signed a contract with Korolyov Rockets
77 1 Has been taken into the main team Korolyov Rockets from youth school