
Career events Mika Borgstrom
87 13 Was traded to team Torpeda
87 12 Was traded to team TAPPARA
84 5 Signed new contract with Torpeda with salary 1745 for 4 years
81 54 Was traded to team Torpeda
79 55 Was traded to team Dust
78 55 Signed new contract with TAPPARA with salary 1229 for 5 years
77 55 Was traded to team TAPPARA
76 12 Signed new contract with Dust with salary 665 for 3 years
75 55 Was traded to team Dust
74 55 Was traded to team TAPPARA
72 55 Was traded to team Dust
72 45 Signed new contract with Esset with salary 72 for 3 years
72 45 Has signed a contract with Esset
72 4 Has been taken into the main team Esset from youth school