
Career events Mirko Savoia
82 55 Has signed a contract with Dark Tranquility
82 52 Has been fired from team Dark Tranquility
81 55 Has signed a contract with Dark Tranquility
80 50 Has been fired from team HC Siberia
78 55 Signed new contract with HC Siberia with salary 1025 for 2 years
78 55 Was traded to team HC Siberia
77 33 Was traded to team HC Luninec Sity
72 55 Was traded to team LADOGA
72 55 Was traded to team Cornwall Braves
71 55 Was traded to team Wild Catrans
71 55 Signed new contract with HP with salary 134 for 3 years
71 55 Has signed a contract with HP
71 40 Has been drafted by team HP on the draft of league LHL 2
70 2 Has been taken into the main team Rostov Veliki from youth school