Career events Voldemars "Eliseev"
82 40 Has been fired from team Latvijas-Berz riga
78 6 Signed new contract with Latvijas-Berz riga with salary 1005 for 4 years
74 50 Signed new contract with Latvijas-Berz riga with salary 801 for 4 years
70 55 Signed new contract with Latvijas-Berz riga with salary 495 for 4 years
69 6 Was traded to team Latvijas-Berz riga
68 52 Signed new contract with HK Zunda  with salary 261 for 2 years
68 5 Was traded to team HK Zunda 
67 55 Was traded to team Titan
67 45 Has signed a contract with TEHNARI
67 4 Has been taken into the main team TEHNARI from youth school