The end of the third period
A penalty. Urbano Tancredi 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
Miloslav Vosatko manages to move on time and parry the puck
The defence of the ATIRAZLUBILA has failed. Magnus Forshufvud shoots!
An accurate pass. Psohlavci Usti moves forward
The team is saved by Louie Olesen! A copy-book move with the shield
Partners skillfully brought Semyon Kornilov to the final shot…
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of ATIRAZLUBILA entered the opponent's zone
ATIRAZLUBILA attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Roman Ludvig gains the puck for his team
Niels Oster stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
Just waving by guesswork Miloslav Vosatko found the puck in the trapper
Magnus Forshufvud crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
Reymo Lepisto has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Miloslav Vosatko managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Avdey Gratchev is in favourable position!
Not for the first time Avdey Gratchev exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
A penalty. Yaromir Gonchar 2 minutes
Yaromir Gonchar realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
The puck is dropped. Psohlavci Usti initiates the atack
Several players of ATIRAZLUBILA attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
Carl Beyer grabs the puck from Savvatiy Lapin
Psohlavci Usti gained the advantage in the last minutes
A splendid wrist shot by Hans-Joachim Clement! Puck's in the net!
Goal. 5-4. Hans-Joachim Clement
Partners skillfully brought Hans-Joachim Clement to the final shot…
A sprint drive! Reiss Kaufer enters the zone
An eager beaver Bertrand Moren achieved his goal and ended the attack
Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
Miloslav Vosatko parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Shot from the blue line!
Avdey Gratchev hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Skilfully turning around, Drew Aguila decides to perform a backhand shot and makes it a goal!
Goal. 4-4. Drew Aguila
Unexpected pass - Drew Aguila breaks into position!
Drew Aguila exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
A penalty. Evgeny Polyakov 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Evgeny Polyakov. That's a penalty
Xavier Velasques stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
In a crush in the slot Drew Aguila in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 4-3. Drew Aguila
Drew Aguila jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
Drew Aguila manages to perform an excellent drive!
The whole areay is on lockdown by Louie Olesen. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
The cross turned into a shot, Joel Wenger hurries for a putback.
ATIRAZLUBILA cought the opponent on change
With no visible efforts Louie Olesen parries the puck
ATIRAZLUBILA greatly played the puck and Reymo Lepisto is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
Johann Baumanis looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
A penalty. Xavier OShea 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Xavier OShea. That's a penalty
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
Jonathan Ferlazzo has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Ernst Daniel appeared to be more adroit at face-off
Ernst Daniel is stronger at the spot
Face-off is won by Roman Ludvig
Diego Brenzoni shoots against the defenseman
ATIRAZLUBILA forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
With no visible efforts Miloslav Vosatko parries the puck
David Scholde took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
David Scholde looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Louie Olesen manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
Semyon Kornilov outplays the opponent and shoots!
Martin Schneuwly moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
A penalty. Misko Clackson 2 minutes
Misko Clackson gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
An outstanding save by Miloslav Vosatko. Some work to do for press photographers
Roman Ludvig gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
Miloslav Vosatko gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Magnus Forshufvud shoots!
Psohlavci Usti forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
The puck flies from under the defenseman, Miloslav Vosatko raises the shield and gets it
Pass, Ernst Daniel is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Avdey Gratchev watches out for a partner to send a pass to
With no hint on violence, defense of Psohlavci Usti closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 4-2. Drew Aguila
Drew Aguila took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
With his pass Johann Baumanis simply cuts apart Psohlavci Usti defence
Semyon Kornilov leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
By the way, we got a penalty here
Louie Olesen saves his team!
Martin Schneuwly shots
Forwards of ATIRAZLUBILA entered the zone of Psohlavci Usti
A pass in the middle of nowhere and Psohlavci Usti loses control over the puck
Only Joel Wenger managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Miloslav Vosatko was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
Partners skillfully brought Reiss Kaufer to the final shot…
Meeting no active resistance players of Psohlavci Usti cross the blue line
Urbano Tancredi gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Only Chuck Thornton managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Misko Clackson swung his baton!
Goal. 4-1. Misko Clackson
Misko Clackson slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
Xavier Velasques makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
Miloslav Vosatko parries the shot
Avdey Gratchev delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
Ernst Daniel exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Miloslav Vosatko parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Hans-Joachim Clement shoots!
Reiss Kaufer moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
A penalty. Carl Beyer 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Carl Beyer. That's a penalty
Suitable actions are demosntrated by Louie Olesen, who picked a good spot - the puck is stuck in his gear
Psohlavci Usti skipped a beat and Martin Schneuwly is in the zone already
Roman Ludvig played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
Ernst Daniel couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Psohlavci Usti is with the puck
With a backhand shot Avdey Gratchev puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
Goal. 3-1. Avdey Gratchev
Avdey Gratchev built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Johann Baumanis prooved to be faster and won it for his team
Players of Psohlavci Usti start their attack
Louie Olesen parries the puck
Kaufmann Janik is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
Kaufmann Janik is in the opponent's zone
Louie Olesen chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Semyon Kornilov falling still shoots the cage
Semyon Kornilov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
A penalty. Magnus Forshufvud 2 minutes
Magnus Forshufvud breaks the rules
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Louie Olesen is strong
Events unfold rapidly - Artur Wallin is brought for the shot!
An outstanding pass performed by Artur Wallin
Chuck Thornton has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Magnus Forshufvud couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Psohlavci Usti is with the puck
With a quick wrist shot Artur Wallin got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 2-1. Artur Wallin
Artur Wallin starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Artur Wallin shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
A penalty. Roman Ludvig 2 minutes
Roman Ludvig couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. ATIRAZLUBILA is with the puck
Arne Lundstrom is stronger at the spot
Goalie fails to parry the puck and Normie Brodie sends it in the cage!
Goal. 2-0. Normie Brodie
There’s a moment at the ATIRAZLUBILA cage!
With his pass Normie Brodie simply cuts apart ATIRAZLUBILA defence
Face-off is won by Semyon Kornilov
Miloslav Vosatko put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
Hans-Joachim Clement is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
A penalty. Arne Lundstrom 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
A strong flick by Hans-Joachim Clement succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 1-0. Hans-Joachim Clement
The defence of the ATIRAZLUBILA has failed. Hans-Joachim Clement shoots!
ATIRAZLUBILA skipped a beat and Reiss Kaufer is in the zone already
Players of ATIRAZLUBILA do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
Ernst Daniel played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
What a moment it was for Ernst Daniel! But Miloslav Vosatko did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Ernst Daniel starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Miloslav Vosatko - it should have been more accurate
Pass, Roman Ludvig is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Roman Ludvig took the bit between his teeth
A penalty. Reymo Lepisto 2 minutes
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00A penalty. Urbano Tancredi 2 minutes
‘59:40We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘59:40Miloslav Vosatko manages to move on time and parry the puck
‘58:40The defence of the ATIRAZLUBILA has failed. Magnus Forshufvud shoots!
‘58:40An accurate pass. Psohlavci Usti moves forward
‘58:40The team is saved by Louie Olesen! A copy-book move with the shield
‘57:20Partners skillfully brought Semyon Kornilov to the final shot…
‘57:20:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of ATIRAZLUBILA entered the opponent's zone
‘57:20ATIRAZLUBILA attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘57:00Roman Ludvig gains the puck for his team
‘56:40Niels Oster stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
‘56:20Just waving by guesswork Miloslav Vosatko found the puck in the trapper
‘55:40Magnus Forshufvud crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
‘55:40:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘55:40Reymo Lepisto has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘54:20Miloslav Vosatko managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
‘53:40Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Avdey Gratchev is in favourable position!
‘53:40Not for the first time Avdey Gratchev exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘53:40A penalty. Yaromir Gonchar 2 minutes
‘53:00Yaromir Gonchar realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘53:00The puck is dropped. Psohlavci Usti initiates the atack
‘52:20Several players of ATIRAZLUBILA attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
‘51:20Carl Beyer grabs the puck from Savvatiy Lapin
‘50:00Psohlavci Usti gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘49:40A splendid wrist shot by Hans-Joachim Clement! Puck's in the net!
‘48:40Goal. 5-4. Hans-Joachim Clement
‘48:40Partners skillfully brought Hans-Joachim Clement to the final shot…
‘48:40A sprint drive! Reiss Kaufer enters the zone
‘48:40An eager beaver Bertrand Moren achieved his goal and ended the attack
‘48:00Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
‘47:20Miloslav Vosatko parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘46:40Shot from the blue line!
‘46:40Avdey Gratchev hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘46:40Skilfully turning around, Drew Aguila decides to perform a backhand shot and makes it a goal!
‘46:20Goal. 4-4. Drew Aguila
‘46:20Unexpected pass - Drew Aguila breaks into position!
‘46:20Drew Aguila exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘46:20A penalty. Evgeny Polyakov 2 minutes
‘45:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Evgeny Polyakov. That's a penalty
‘45:00Xavier Velasques stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
‘44:40In a crush in the slot Drew Aguila in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
‘43:00Goal. 4-3. Drew Aguila
‘43:00Drew Aguila jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
‘43:00Drew Aguila manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘43:00The whole areay is on lockdown by Louie Olesen. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
‘42:40The cross turned into a shot, Joel Wenger hurries for a putback.
‘42:40ATIRAZLUBILA cought the opponent on change
‘42:40With no visible efforts Louie Olesen parries the puck
‘42:20ATIRAZLUBILA greatly played the puck and Reymo Lepisto is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘42:20Johann Baumanis looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘42:20Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘42:00A penalty. Xavier OShea 2 minutes
‘41:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Xavier OShea. That's a penalty
‘41:40Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Jonathan Ferlazzo has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘38:40Ernst Daniel appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘38:40Ernst Daniel is stronger at the spot
‘38:20Face-off is won by Roman Ludvig
‘37:40The team is saved by Louie Olesen! A copy-book move with the shield
‘36:40Diego Brenzoni shoots against the defenseman
‘36:40ATIRAZLUBILA forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘36:40With no visible efforts Miloslav Vosatko parries the puck
‘35:40David Scholde took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘35:40David Scholde looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘35:40Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘35:20Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Louie Olesen manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
‘33:20Semyon Kornilov outplays the opponent and shoots!
‘33:20Martin Schneuwly moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘33:20A penalty. Misko Clackson 2 minutes
‘31:40Misko Clackson gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘31:40An outstanding save by Miloslav Vosatko. Some work to do for press photographers
‘30:00Roman Ludvig gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
‘30:00:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘30:00Miloslav Vosatko gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘29:00Magnus Forshufvud shoots!
‘29:00Psohlavci Usti forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘29:00The puck flies from under the defenseman, Miloslav Vosatko raises the shield and gets it
‘28:00Pass, Ernst Daniel is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘28:00Avdey Gratchev watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘28:00With no hint on violence, defense of Psohlavci Usti closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
‘27:20A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘26:20Goal. 4-2. Drew Aguila
‘26:20Drew Aguila took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘26:20With his pass Johann Baumanis simply cuts apart Psohlavci Usti defence
‘26:20Semyon Kornilov leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘26:00A penalty. Xavier OShea 2 minutes
‘25:40By the way, we got a penalty here
‘25:40Louie Olesen saves his team!
‘25:20Martin Schneuwly shots
‘25:20Forwards of ATIRAZLUBILA entered the zone of Psohlavci Usti
‘25:20A pass in the middle of nowhere and Psohlavci Usti loses control over the puck
‘25:00Only Joel Wenger managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘24:20Ernst Daniel is stronger at the spot
‘23:20Miloslav Vosatko was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
‘22:40Partners skillfully brought Reiss Kaufer to the final shot…
‘22:40Meeting no active resistance players of Psohlavci Usti cross the blue line
‘22:40A penalty. Urbano Tancredi 2 minutes
‘22:20Urbano Tancredi gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘22:20Only Chuck Thornton managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘21:40Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Misko Clackson swung his baton!
‘21:20Goal. 4-1. Misko Clackson
‘21:20Misko Clackson slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘21:20The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘21:20Xavier Velasques makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
‘20:40Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Miloslav Vosatko parries the shot
‘19:20Avdey Gratchev delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘19:20Ernst Daniel exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘19:20Miloslav Vosatko parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘19:00Hans-Joachim Clement shoots!
‘19:00Reiss Kaufer moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘19:00A penalty. Carl Beyer 2 minutes
‘17:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Carl Beyer. That's a penalty
‘17:40Suitable actions are demosntrated by Louie Olesen, who picked a good spot - the puck is stuck in his gear
‘17:20Shot from the blue line!
‘17:20Psohlavci Usti skipped a beat and Martin Schneuwly is in the zone already
‘17:20Roman Ludvig played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
‘16:40Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
‘16:20Ernst Daniel couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Psohlavci Usti is with the puck
‘14:40With a backhand shot Avdey Gratchev puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
‘14:20Goal. 3-1. Avdey Gratchev
‘14:20Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Avdey Gratchev is in favourable position!
‘14:20Avdey Gratchev built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘14:20An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Johann Baumanis prooved to be faster and won it for his team
‘13:40Players of Psohlavci Usti start their attack
‘13:20Louie Olesen parries the puck
‘12:20Kaufmann Janik is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘12:20Kaufmann Janik is in the opponent's zone
‘12:20Louie Olesen chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘11:20Semyon Kornilov falling still shoots the cage
‘11:20Semyon Kornilov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘11:20A penalty. Magnus Forshufvud 2 minutes
‘10:20Magnus Forshufvud breaks the rules
‘10:20Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Louie Olesen is strong
‘9:20Events unfold rapidly - Artur Wallin is brought for the shot!
‘9:20An outstanding pass performed by Artur Wallin
‘9:20Chuck Thornton has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘8:40Magnus Forshufvud couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Psohlavci Usti is with the puck
‘8:00With a quick wrist shot Artur Wallin got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘7:40Goal. 2-1. Artur Wallin
‘7:40Artur Wallin starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘7:40Artur Wallin shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘7:40A penalty. Roman Ludvig 2 minutes
‘6:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘6:00Roman Ludvig couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. ATIRAZLUBILA is with the puck
‘5:40Arne Lundstrom is stronger at the spot
‘5:20Goalie fails to parry the puck and Normie Brodie sends it in the cage!
‘5:00Goal. 2-0. Normie Brodie
‘5:00There’s a moment at the ATIRAZLUBILA cage!
‘5:00With his pass Normie Brodie simply cuts apart ATIRAZLUBILA defence
‘5:00Face-off is won by Semyon Kornilov
‘4:00Miloslav Vosatko put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
‘3:00Shot from the blue line!
‘3:00Hans-Joachim Clement is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘3:00Players of Psohlavci Usti start their attack
‘3:00A penalty. Arne Lundstrom 2 minutes
‘2:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘2:40A strong flick by Hans-Joachim Clement succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘2:20Goal. 1-0. Hans-Joachim Clement
‘2:20The defence of the ATIRAZLUBILA has failed. Hans-Joachim Clement shoots!
‘2:20ATIRAZLUBILA skipped a beat and Reiss Kaufer is in the zone already
‘2:20Players of ATIRAZLUBILA do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
‘2:00Ernst Daniel played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
‘2:00What a moment it was for Ernst Daniel! But Miloslav Vosatko did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘1:20Ernst Daniel starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘1:20Meeting no active resistance players of Psohlavci Usti cross the blue line
‘1:20Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Miloslav Vosatko - it should have been more accurate
‘1:00Pass, Roman Ludvig is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘1:00Roman Ludvig took the bit between his teeth
‘1:00A penalty. Reymo Lepisto 2 minutes
‘0:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘0:40Start of the first period