Niirikki Turunen saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
Maris Ulmanis took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Kristal players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
A penalty. Rudolf Gleirscher 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Koleki . Attack was bogged down
start 4
Beginning of the overtime
end 3
The end of the third period
Players of Koleki can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Jan Volek appeared to be better at face-off
Fredrik Dolejs catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Koleki sniper charges from the blue line!
Panteleimon Moskalevich watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Annegret Kunze aimed between the wickets but Niirikki Turunen played well with leg pads
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Annegret Kunze did it!
Kristal players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
With a backhand shot Jorgen Oster puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
Goal. 3-3. Jorgen Oster
Jorgen Oster shoots!
Jorgen Oster exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Stepan Mozik plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 2-3. Armin Korbuly
Armin Korbuly already prepares to shoot!
A sprint drive! Armin Korbuly enters the zone
Players of Kristal were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
A save performed by Fredrik Dolejs. Not brilliant but calm though
Each player of the Koleki got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Panteleimon Moskalevich moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
First-class clean check by a defensman of Koleki
Vill Torvalds securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
Valeriy Prokopovich leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Face-off occured. Kristal holds the puck
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Niirikki Turunen, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Maris Ulmanis jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
Kristal charges
Players of Kristal won the puck
A penalty. Vill Kuula 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Gleb Hancharuk makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
Niirikki Turunen saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
Micheal Botterill took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Kristal players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
The Koleki attack failed
Fantastic play in the frame by Fredrik Dolejs! A save!
The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
As Arnold Stoffel entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
A penalty. Armin Korbuly 2 minutes
Armin Korbuly commits a faul
Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Fredrik Dolejs manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
Dietmar Etienne shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Koleki entered the opponent's zone
Under a head of steam Fredrik Dolejs rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Arturs Nimanis into the game – a shot!
Kurt Kroniger does a buttonhook. Koleki is advancing
Each player of Koleki was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
A penalty. Manes Franz 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Maris Ulmanis securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
Kristal gained the advantage in the last minutes
An eager beaver Gleb Hancharuk achieved his goal and ended the attack
A penalty. Vill Torvalds 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
Panteleimon Moskalevich couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Koleki is with the puck
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
Fredrik Dolejs catches the puck with a trapper
Hildrun Gaugel shoots against the defenseman
Koleki players entered the zone without a hitch
Face-off is won by Valeriy Prokopovich
Arturs Nimanis couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Kristal is with the puck
Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
Players of Kristal initiate the attack
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Players of Koleki start their attack
Skilfully turning around, Bernt Strom decides to perform a backhand shot and makes it a goal!
Goal. 2-2. Bernt Strom
Bernt Strom appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
The puck bounces back to the Koleki zone
Niirikki Turunen rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Elizar Isaev is in favourable position!
Kristal cought the opponent on change
An outstanding save by Niirikki Turunen. Some work to do for press photographers
Daniel Neumuller partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Maris Ulmanis hastily crosses the blue line around the board
A penalty. Svatopluk Kotala 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Koleki
Fredrik Dolejs - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
Bully-off to the right; Panteleimon Moskalevich with the puck – a chance!
Koleki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Fredrik Dolejs saves his team!
Kurt Kroniger shots
On an even keel fowards of Koleki rolled into the zone
Players of Koleki won the puck
A penalty. Bernt Strom 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
Goal. 2-1. Dietmar Etienne
Koleki sniper charges from the blue line!
Dietmar Etienne moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
The cage was empty but some player of Kristal stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
Shot from the blue line!
Not for the first time Arturs Nimanis exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Fredrik Dolejs, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Partners skillfully brought Arturs Nimanis to the final shot…
Kurt Kroniger manages to perform an excellent drive!
Players of Kristal were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
A penalty. Daniel Neumuller 2 minutes
Roughing by Daniel Neumuller
Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Fredrik Dolejs - it should have been more accurate
Evsey Rodionov shots
Hildrun Gaugel watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Anders Stenberg rushes to stop a cannon shot with his own body! With the face screwed up he still does his job
Attackers of Koleki broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
Daniel Neumuller was a little better at the spot
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
Fredrik Dolejs weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
The defence of the Kristal has failed. Alexandre Cugnet shoots!
Koleki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
A penalty. Micheal Botterill 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Niirikki Turunen acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
Maris Ulmanis shots
Daniel Neumuller hastily crosses the blue line around the board
An absolutely powerful shot by Evsey Rodionov and the puck shakes the net of the cage!
Goal. 1-1. Evsey Rodionov
Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Evsey Rodionov!
Hildrun Gaugel watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Players of Koleki were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
A carom! Goooooaaal!
Goal. 0-1. Bernt Strom
Partners skillfully brought Bernt Strom to the final shot…
Kristal is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
Jan Volek played splendidly at the spot
‘64:20The puck is dropped. Koleki initiates the atack
‘62:40Niirikki Turunen saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
‘62:20Maris Ulmanis took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘62:20Kristal players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘62:20A penalty. Rudolf Gleirscher 2 minutes
‘62:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘62:00A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Koleki . Attack was bogged down
‘61:20Beginning of the overtime
‘60:20The end of the third period
‘60:00Players of Koleki can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘59:40Jan Volek appeared to be better at face-off
‘59:00Fredrik Dolejs catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘58:00Koleki sniper charges from the blue line!
‘58:00Panteleimon Moskalevich watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘58:00Annegret Kunze aimed between the wickets but Niirikki Turunen played well with leg pads
‘55:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Annegret Kunze did it!
‘55:20Kristal players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘55:20Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘54:20With a backhand shot Jorgen Oster puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
‘54:00Goal. 3-3. Jorgen Oster
‘54:00Jorgen Oster shoots!
‘54:00Jorgen Oster exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘54:00Stepan Mozik plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘53:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘52:40Goal. 2-3. Armin Korbuly
‘52:40Armin Korbuly already prepares to shoot!
‘52:40A sprint drive! Armin Korbuly enters the zone
‘52:40Players of Kristal were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘51:40The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
‘51:00A save performed by Fredrik Dolejs. Not brilliant but calm though
‘50:00Each player of the Koleki got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘50:00Panteleimon Moskalevich moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘50:00First-class clean check by a defensman of Koleki
‘48:40Vill Torvalds securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
‘48:00Valeriy Prokopovich leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘48:00Face-off occured. Kristal holds the puck
‘46:40A shot was good, the vision blocked for Niirikki Turunen, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘46:00Maris Ulmanis jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
‘46:00Kristal charges
‘46:00Players of Kristal won the puck
‘46:00A penalty. Vill Kuula 2 minutes
‘41:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘41:40Gleb Hancharuk makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
‘41:00Niirikki Turunen saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
‘40:20Micheal Botterill took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘40:20Kristal players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00The Koleki attack failed
‘39:00Fantastic play in the frame by Fredrik Dolejs! A save!
‘37:40The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
‘37:40As Arnold Stoffel entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘37:40A penalty. Armin Korbuly 2 minutes
‘36:40Armin Korbuly commits a faul
‘36:40Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Fredrik Dolejs manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
‘36:20Dietmar Etienne shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
‘36:20:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Koleki entered the opponent's zone
‘36:20Under a head of steam Fredrik Dolejs rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
‘35:40Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Arturs Nimanis into the game – a shot!
‘35:40Kurt Kroniger does a buttonhook. Koleki is advancing
‘35:40Each player of Koleki was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘34:40A penalty. Manes Franz 2 minutes
‘34:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘34:20Maris Ulmanis securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
‘32:40Kristal gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘32:20An eager beaver Gleb Hancharuk achieved his goal and ended the attack
‘27:20A penalty. Vill Torvalds 2 minutes
‘26:40We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘26:40Panteleimon Moskalevich couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Koleki is with the puck
‘26:00Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘24:20Fredrik Dolejs catches the puck with a trapper
‘24:00Hildrun Gaugel shoots against the defenseman
‘24:00Koleki players entered the zone without a hitch
‘24:00Face-off is won by Valeriy Prokopovich
‘23:40Arturs Nimanis couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Kristal is with the puck
‘22:20Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
‘21:40Players of Kristal initiate the attack
‘20:40Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Players of Koleki start their attack
‘20:00Skilfully turning around, Bernt Strom decides to perform a backhand shot and makes it a goal!
‘19:40Goal. 2-2. Bernt Strom
‘19:40Bernt Strom appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘19:40The puck bounces back to the Koleki zone
‘19:40Niirikki Turunen rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘19:20Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Elizar Isaev is in favourable position!
‘19:20Kristal cought the opponent on change
‘19:20An outstanding save by Niirikki Turunen. Some work to do for press photographers
‘19:00Daniel Neumuller partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘19:00Maris Ulmanis hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘19:00A penalty. Svatopluk Kotala 2 minutes
‘18:40A penalty within the team Koleki
‘18:40Fredrik Dolejs - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
‘18:00Bully-off to the right; Panteleimon Moskalevich with the puck – a chance!
‘18:00Koleki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘18:00Fredrik Dolejs saves his team!
‘17:20Kurt Kroniger shots
‘17:20On an even keel fowards of Koleki rolled into the zone
‘17:20Players of Koleki won the puck
‘17:20A penalty. Bernt Strom 2 minutes
‘14:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘14:20Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
‘12:40Goal. 2-1. Dietmar Etienne
‘12:40Koleki sniper charges from the blue line!
‘12:40Dietmar Etienne moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘12:40The cage was empty but some player of Kristal stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
‘12:00Shot from the blue line!
‘12:00Not for the first time Arturs Nimanis exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘12:00A shot was good, the vision blocked for Fredrik Dolejs, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘11:40Partners skillfully brought Arturs Nimanis to the final shot…
‘11:40Kurt Kroniger manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘11:40Players of Kristal were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
‘11:20A penalty. Daniel Neumuller 2 minutes
‘11:00Roughing by Daniel Neumuller
‘11:00Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Fredrik Dolejs - it should have been more accurate
‘10:40Evsey Rodionov shots
‘10:40Hildrun Gaugel watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘10:40Anders Stenberg rushes to stop a cannon shot with his own body! With the face screwed up he still does his job
‘9:40Attackers of Koleki broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
‘9:20Daniel Neumuller was a little better at the spot
‘8:40Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘8:20Fredrik Dolejs weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘7:00The defence of the Kristal has failed. Alexandre Cugnet shoots!
‘7:00Koleki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘7:00A penalty. Micheal Botterill 2 minutes
‘6:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘6:00Niirikki Turunen acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘5:40Maris Ulmanis shots
‘5:40Daniel Neumuller hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘5:40An absolutely powerful shot by Evsey Rodionov and the puck shakes the net of the cage!
‘5:00Goal. 1-1. Evsey Rodionov
‘5:00Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Evsey Rodionov!
‘5:00Hildrun Gaugel watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘5:00Players of Koleki were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘2:00A carom! Goooooaaal!
‘1:00Goal. 0-1. Bernt Strom
‘1:00Partners skillfully brought Bernt Strom to the final shot…
‘1:00Kristal is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘1:00Off-side. Players of Koleki were too hasty
‘0:40Start of the first period