The end of the third period
Loosing track of the puck Arve Alme lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
Events unfold rapidly - Rudolf Bringmann is brought for the shot!
Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
A penalty. Georg Huguenin 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Ak Bars Kazan19
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
Ansgar Glete overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Arve Alme is strong
Blocked shot of Hugo Bukarts but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
Cirillo Teofilo is in the opponent's zone
A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
Goal. 6-2. Navum Elfimov
Navum Elfimov outplays the opponent and shoots!
Laco Kohutiar gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Laco Kohutiar rushes towards the cage
A slack shot performed by Ansgar Glete. The goalkiper of BlackCarnageSPB handels it quite easily
Ansgar Glete appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Mogens Jonsen corralled it and crosses the blue line
With no hint on violence, defense of BlackCarnageSPB closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
Under a head of steam Arve Alme rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
Events unfold rapidly - Heinz Galvins is brought for the shot!
A sprint drive! Heinz Galvins enters the zone
A penalty. Nolan dAubigne 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
various technics are used by Arve Alme, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
Cirillo Teofilo appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by BlackCarnageSPB - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
Arve Alme rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Moisey Lutsevich flicks to the cage
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
A penalty. Vilhelm Friis 2 minutes
Vilhelm Friis breaks the rules
With a backhand shot Vilhelm Friis puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
Goal. 6-1. Vilhelm Friis
Ak Bars Kazan19 greatly played the puck and Vilhelm Friis is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
A push, Gollenbeck Schittenhelm smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
A penalty. Eyl Hatakka 2 minutes
Roughing by Eyl Hatakka
All under control. Juris Gulbis plays confident
Rudolfs Legzdins partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Ak Bars Kazan19 keeps on advancing
Players of BlackCarnageSPB can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
Vilhelm Friis meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
Clear play by Arve Alme
BlackCarnageSPB played the moment like a good play - Brown Meisch comes on the centre stage!
As Ibrahim Buzinkay entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
Players of Ak Bars Kazan19 start their attack
The puck is held by Ak Bars Kazan19
Rudolf Bringmann skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 6-0. Rudolf Bringmann
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Rudolf Bringmann did it!
BlackCarnageSPB cought the opponent on change
Arve Alme is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
Not for the first time Hugo Bukarts exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Eruslan Kharlamov starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Eruslan Kharlamov built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
A penalty. Leif Winroth 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
With a quick wrist shot Heinz Galvins got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 5-0. Heinz Galvins
Shot from the blue line!
The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, BlackCarnageSPB enters the zone efortlessly
Arve Alme gets everything entering the slot as if he were a tornado - the puck is locked down
Ibrahim Buzinkay built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
Players of Ak Bars Kazan19 won the puck
Arve Alme - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Cirillo Teofilo is ready to shoot
The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
With no visible efforts Arve Alme parries the puck
Cirillo Teofilo flicks to the cage
Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. BlackCarnageSPB enters the zone as if by the guidline
After a powerfull shot the puck hits goalie in his mask - he is taken aback but the cage is safe
Each player of the BlackCarnageSPB got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Zelig Balodis moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Arve Alme parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Brown Meisch jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
Brown Meisch shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
First-class clean check by a defensman of Ak Bars Kazan19
Eruslan Kharlamov is stronger at the spot
An unsuccessful hip-check by Vilhelm Friis. That's a penalty
In a short, slack flick Heinz Galvins shots through the goalie.
Goal. 4-0. Heinz Galvins
Every pass is accurate - Heinz Galvins goes for the shot!
Cirillo Teofilo does a buttonhook. BlackCarnageSPB is advancing
Moisey Lutsevich grabs the puck from Rudolfs Legzdins
Arve Alme catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Eruslan Kharlamov with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Ak Bars Kazan19!
BlackCarnageSPB holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
A penalty. Gustav Hodza 2 minutes
Rough play by Gustav Hodza. Minor penalty, no doubt
Navum Elfimov gains the puck for his team
The puck is in Arve Alme trapper
Petro Plasil circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
With his pass Michael Pombo simply cuts apart Ak Bars Kazan19 defence
Players of BlackCarnageSPB start their attack
The puck is held by BlackCarnageSPB
Players of BlackCarnageSPB won the puck
The team is saved by Juris Gulbis! A copy-book move with the shield
Florien Bergevin circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Ak Bars Kazan19 forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
A strong flick by Eruslan Kharlamov succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 3-0. Eruslan Kharlamov
The cross turned into a shot, Eruslan Kharlamov hurries for a putback.
Eruslan Kharlamov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
A penalty. Rudolfs Legzdins 2 minutes
Rudolfs Legzdins commits a faul
Anton Besigye makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
Heinz Galvins jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
Hugo Bukarts watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Juris Gulbis weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Florien Bergevin is ready to shoot!
Florien Bergevin built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
Hugo Bukarts skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 2-0. Hugo Bukarts
Events unfold rapidly - Hugo Bukarts is brought for the shot!
BlackCarnageSPB forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
Juris Gulbis parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Gustav Hodza is ready to shoot
Juris Gulbis chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Navum Elfimov shoots against the defenseman
Ak Bars Kazan19 holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Coming out of the goal, Arve Alme narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Yakub Prokhorov into the game – a shot!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Michael Pombo and he is already in Ak Bars Kazan19 zone
Juris Gulbis parries the shot
Rudolfs Legzdins flicks from the blue line…
Gollenbeck Schittenhelm hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Arve Alme chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Raoul Kostourek shoots!
Seemingly the corner was vacant but Arve Alme appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
Events unfold rapidly - Cirillo Teofilo is brought for the shot!
BlackCarnageSPB players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
Eruslan Kharlamov overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by BlackCarnageSPB
Off-side. Players of BlackCarnageSPB were too hasty
Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Ak Bars Kazan19
Heinz Galvins gains the puck for his team
Heinz Galvins skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 1-0. Heinz Galvins
BlackCarnageSPB sniper charges from the blue line!
Hugo Bukarts does a buttonhook. BlackCarnageSPB is advancing
Arve Alme is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Events unfold rapidly - Brown Meisch is brought for the shot!
The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Arve Alme manages to throw it away just in time
Brown Meisch partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Zelig Balodis appeared to be more adroit at face-off
Events unfold rapidly - Moisey Lutsevich is brought for the shot!
Meeting no active resistance players of BlackCarnageSPB cross the blue line
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00Loosing track of the puck Arve Alme lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
‘59:40Events unfold rapidly - Rudolf Bringmann is brought for the shot!
‘59:40Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘59:40A penalty. Georg Huguenin 2 minutes
‘59:20A penalty within the team Ak Bars Kazan19
‘59:20The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘58:20Ansgar Glete overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘58:00Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Arve Alme is strong
‘56:40Blocked shot of Hugo Bukarts but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘56:40Cirillo Teofilo is in the opponent's zone
‘56:40A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
‘56:00Goal. 6-2. Navum Elfimov
‘56:00Navum Elfimov outplays the opponent and shoots!
‘56:00Laco Kohutiar gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Laco Kohutiar rushes towards the cage
‘56:00A slack shot performed by Ansgar Glete. The goalkiper of BlackCarnageSPB handels it quite easily
‘55:20Ansgar Glete appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘55:20Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Mogens Jonsen corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘55:20With no hint on violence, defense of BlackCarnageSPB closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
‘54:40Under a head of steam Arve Alme rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
‘52:40Events unfold rapidly - Heinz Galvins is brought for the shot!
‘52:40A sprint drive! Heinz Galvins enters the zone
‘52:40A penalty. Nolan dAubigne 2 minutes
‘52:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘52:00various technics are used by Arve Alme, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
‘50:40Cirillo Teofilo appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘50:40A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by BlackCarnageSPB - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘50:40Arve Alme rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘50:00Moisey Lutsevich flicks to the cage
‘50:00:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘50:00A penalty. Vilhelm Friis 2 minutes
‘48:40Vilhelm Friis breaks the rules
‘48:40With a backhand shot Vilhelm Friis puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
‘48:20Goal. 6-1. Vilhelm Friis
‘48:20Ak Bars Kazan19 greatly played the puck and Vilhelm Friis is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘48:20:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘48:20A push, Gollenbeck Schittenhelm smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘48:00A penalty. Eyl Hatakka 2 minutes
‘47:00Roughing by Eyl Hatakka
‘47:00All under control. Juris Gulbis plays confident
‘46:40Rudolfs Legzdins partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘46:40Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Ak Bars Kazan19 keeps on advancing
‘46:40Players of BlackCarnageSPB can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘46:20Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
‘46:00Vilhelm Friis meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
‘45:40Clear play by Arve Alme
‘45:20BlackCarnageSPB played the moment like a good play - Brown Meisch comes on the centre stage!
‘45:20As Ibrahim Buzinkay entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘45:20Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘44:40Players of Ak Bars Kazan19 start their attack
‘43:40The puck is held by Ak Bars Kazan19
‘42:00Rudolf Bringmann skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
‘41:20Goal. 6-0. Rudolf Bringmann
‘41:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Rudolf Bringmann did it!
‘41:20BlackCarnageSPB cought the opponent on change
‘41:20Arve Alme is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
‘40:20The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
‘40:20Not for the first time Hugo Bukarts exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘40:00Eruslan Kharlamov starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘40:00Eruslan Kharlamov built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘40:00A penalty. Leif Winroth 2 minutes
‘39:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘39:20With a quick wrist shot Heinz Galvins got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘37:40Goal. 5-0. Heinz Galvins
‘37:40Shot from the blue line!
‘37:40The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, BlackCarnageSPB enters the zone efortlessly
‘37:40Arve Alme gets everything entering the slot as if he were a tornado - the puck is locked down
‘37:00BlackCarnageSPB played the moment like a good play - Brown Meisch comes on the centre stage!
‘37:00Ibrahim Buzinkay built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘37:00Players of Ak Bars Kazan19 won the puck
‘36:40Arve Alme - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
‘35:20Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Cirillo Teofilo is ready to shoot
‘35:20The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘35:20With no visible efforts Arve Alme parries the puck
‘35:00Cirillo Teofilo flicks to the cage
‘35:00Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. BlackCarnageSPB enters the zone as if by the guidline
‘35:00After a powerfull shot the puck hits goalie in his mask - he is taken aback but the cage is safe
‘34:40Each player of the BlackCarnageSPB got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘34:40Zelig Balodis moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘34:40Arve Alme parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘34:20Brown Meisch jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
‘34:20Brown Meisch shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘34:20First-class clean check by a defensman of Ak Bars Kazan19
‘31:20Eruslan Kharlamov is stronger at the spot
‘31:20A penalty. Vilhelm Friis 2 minutes
‘30:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Vilhelm Friis. That's a penalty
‘30:00In a short, slack flick Heinz Galvins shots through the goalie.
‘29:00Goal. 4-0. Heinz Galvins
‘29:00Every pass is accurate - Heinz Galvins goes for the shot!
‘29:00Cirillo Teofilo does a buttonhook. BlackCarnageSPB is advancing
‘29:00Moisey Lutsevich grabs the puck from Rudolfs Legzdins
‘28:00Arve Alme catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘27:20Eruslan Kharlamov with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Ak Bars Kazan19!
‘27:20BlackCarnageSPB holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘27:20A penalty. Gustav Hodza 2 minutes
‘27:00Rough play by Gustav Hodza. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘27:00Navum Elfimov gains the puck for his team
‘26:20The puck is in Arve Alme trapper
‘26:00Petro Plasil circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘26:00With his pass Michael Pombo simply cuts apart Ak Bars Kazan19 defence
‘26:00Players of BlackCarnageSPB start their attack
‘26:00Players of BlackCarnageSPB can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘25:00The puck is held by BlackCarnageSPB
‘22:00Players of BlackCarnageSPB won the puck
‘21:40The team is saved by Juris Gulbis! A copy-book move with the shield
‘21:00Florien Bergevin circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘21:00Ak Bars Kazan19 forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘21:00Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00A strong flick by Eruslan Kharlamov succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘20:00Goal. 3-0. Eruslan Kharlamov
‘20:00The cross turned into a shot, Eruslan Kharlamov hurries for a putback.
‘20:00Eruslan Kharlamov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘20:00A penalty. Rudolfs Legzdins 2 minutes
‘19:40Rudolfs Legzdins commits a faul
‘19:40Anton Besigye makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
‘17:00Arve Alme catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘16:40Heinz Galvins jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
‘16:40Hugo Bukarts watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘16:40Players of BlackCarnageSPB start their attack
‘16:40Juris Gulbis weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘15:40Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Florien Bergevin is ready to shoot!
‘15:40Florien Bergevin built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘15:40They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
‘15:20Hugo Bukarts skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
‘14:00Goal. 2-0. Hugo Bukarts
‘14:00Events unfold rapidly - Hugo Bukarts is brought for the shot!
‘14:00BlackCarnageSPB forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘14:00Juris Gulbis parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘13:40Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Gustav Hodza is ready to shoot
‘13:40Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Ak Bars Kazan19 keeps on advancing
‘13:40Juris Gulbis chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘13:20Navum Elfimov shoots against the defenseman
‘13:20Ak Bars Kazan19 holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘13:20Coming out of the goal, Arve Alme narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
‘12:40Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Yakub Prokhorov into the game – a shot!
‘12:40An outstanding diagonal pass to Michael Pombo and he is already in Ak Bars Kazan19 zone
‘12:40Juris Gulbis parries the shot
‘11:40Rudolfs Legzdins flicks from the blue line…
‘11:40Gollenbeck Schittenhelm hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘11:40Arve Alme chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘11:20Raoul Kostourek shoots!
‘11:20The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘11:20Seemingly the corner was vacant but Arve Alme appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘11:00Events unfold rapidly - Cirillo Teofilo is brought for the shot!
‘11:00BlackCarnageSPB players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘11:00Eruslan Kharlamov overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘9:00Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by BlackCarnageSPB
‘7:40Off-side. Players of BlackCarnageSPB were too hasty
‘6:20Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Ak Bars Kazan19
‘5:40Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Ak Bars Kazan19
‘4:20Heinz Galvins gains the puck for his team
‘3:20Heinz Galvins skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
‘3:00Goal. 1-0. Heinz Galvins
‘3:00BlackCarnageSPB sniper charges from the blue line!
‘3:00Hugo Bukarts does a buttonhook. BlackCarnageSPB is advancing
‘3:00Arve Alme is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘2:40Events unfold rapidly - Brown Meisch is brought for the shot!
‘2:40A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by BlackCarnageSPB - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘2:40The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Arve Alme manages to throw it away just in time
‘2:20Brown Meisch partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘2:20:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘2:20Zelig Balodis appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘2:20Arve Alme - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
‘1:20Events unfold rapidly - Moisey Lutsevich is brought for the shot!
‘1:20Meeting no active resistance players of BlackCarnageSPB cross the blue line
‘1:20Start of the first period