Hall of Fame

177 cm
80 kg
Career events Tuomari Laihiala
64 29 Has been fired from team Northwich
64 29 Has signed a contract with Northwich
64 17 Has been fired from team Northwich
64 9 Signed new contract with Northwich with salary 756 for 1 years
63 55 Signed new contract with Northwich with salary 756 for 1 years
62 38 Has signed a contract with Northwich
62 31 Has been fired from team Northwich
60 55 Signed new contract with Northwich with salary 645 for 2 years
58 55 Signed new contract with Northwich with salary 451 for 2 years
57 55 Signed new contract with Northwich with salary 419 for 1 years
57 51 Has signed a contract with Northwich
56 55 Has been fired from team HK Chelyaba
56 55 Was traded to team HK Chelyaba
55 44 Was traded to team TEHNARI
54 55 Signed new contract with Kansas City Bandits with salary 170 for 4 years
53 48 Has signed a contract with Kansas City Bandits
52 55 Has been taken into the main team Kansas City Bandits from youth school