Career events Ghino Ravanello
87 3 Signed new contract with PINGVINI with salary 1079 for 2 years
85 4 Was traded to team PINGVINI
84 55 Was traded to team Buldox1982
83 26 Was traded to team Clouds
82 55 Was traded to team Laval Rocket
82 55 Was traded to team Draguns
82 55 Was traded to team Calgary Flames
82 50 Was traded to team Edmonton Oilers
82 30 Was traded to team Lethbridge Hurricanes
81 55 Was traded to team Wild Catrans
81 55 Has signed a contract with Windsor Aces
81 40 Has been drafted by team Windsor Aces on the draft of league SHL 1
80 1 Has been taken into the main team Ava Omsk from youth school