Career events Ludovico Geminiano
86 55 Signed new contract with CKA-X with salary 1092 for 1 years
86 33 Signed new contract with CKA-X with salary 970 for 1 years
85 53 Has signed a contract with CKA-X
85 49 Has been fired from team Latvian Spaniards
85 35 Was traded to team Latvian Spaniards
83 41 Signed new contract with Lordi with salary 939 for 3 years
79 55 Signed new contract with Lordi with salary 370 for 3 years
79 55 Has signed a contract with Lordi
79 45 Has been drafted by team Lordi on the draft of league SHL 1
78 1 Has been taken into the main team Habanero from youth school