Career events Dzhuuzo Kallioniemi
87 34 Was traded to team TAPPARA
86 55 Was traded to team Dust
86 43 Signed new contract with TAPPARA with salary 1743 for 1 years
86 33 Was traded to team TAPPARA
85 55 Was traded to team Dust
85 29 Was traded to team TAPPARA
85 4 Was traded to team Dust
83 4 Was traded to team TAPPARA
81 31 Signed new contract with Torpeda with salary 1217 for 5 years
81 25 Was traded to team Torpeda
77 19 Was traded to team Rusty rhinoceros
76 47 Has signed a contract with FinnAir
76 1 Has been taken into the main team FinnAir from youth school