Career events Rudolfs Vilcins
85 55 Signed new contract with HK Zunda  with salary 1284 for 5 years
81 9 Was traded to team HK Zunda 
80 55 Signed new contract with Tooth Fairies with salary 1174 for 5 years
78 55 Signed new contract with Tooth Fairies with salary 939 for 2 years
78 52 Was traded to team Tooth Fairies
77 13 Has signed a contract with HK Zunda 
77 1 Has been fired from team Ozimandius
75 55 Signed new contract with Ozimandius with salary 253 for 3 years
74 51 Was traded to team Ozimandius
74 45 Has signed a contract with BAD CANARIES
74 1 Has been taken into the main team BAD CANARIES from youth school