Career events Thomas "Sarmat"
87 3 Was traded to team Juventus
87 2 Was traded to team Paris Lexus Monsters
81 55 Signed new contract with XK OyKC with salary 1389 for 5 years
76 55 Signed new contract with XK OyKC with salary 876 for 5 years
74 47 Was traded to team XK OyKC
73 55 Signed new contract with Siberian snipers with salary 413 for 3 years
71 55 Was traded to team Siberian snipers
71 4 Was traded to team Paris Lexus Monsters
70 55 Was traded to team XK Crystal Omsk
70 55 Signed new contract with Lions de Lyon with salary 85 for 3 years
70 55 Was traded to team Lions de Lyon
70 45 Has signed a contract with XK Crystal Omsk
70 4 Has been taken into the main team XK Crystal Omsk from youth school