
Career events Brendon Nill
87 33 Was traded to team Garfild
82 22 Was traded to team ScorpionS Bratislava
82 21 Was traded to team Jet Fighter
81 55 Was traded to team ScorpionS Bratislava
81 55 Was traded to team Jet Fighter
80 51 Was traded to team ScorpionS Bratislava
80 50 Signed new contract with Jet Fighter with salary 1496 for 5 years
80 50 Was traded to team Jet Fighter
80 49 Was traded to team ScorpionS Bratislava
75 55 Signed new contract with Jet Fighter with salary 756 for 5 years
74 55 Was traded to team Jet Fighter
71 2 Has signed a contract with Garfild
70 55 Has been fired from team HC NIKOLSK
69 55 Was traded to team HC NIKOLSK
69 55 Signed new contract with Panthers with salary 85 for 3 years
69 45 Has signed a contract with Panthers
69 1 Has been taken into the main team Panthers from youth school