
Career events Koop Jarnefelt
86 55 Has been fired from team Liga55
81 55 Was traded to team Liga55
80 55 Signed new contract with NJ Devils with salary 565 for 1 years
80 51 Has signed a contract with NJ Devils
80 40 Has been fired from team Chelmet74
79 55 Signed new contract with Chelmet74 with salary 479 for 1 years
76 55 Signed new contract with Chelmet74 with salary 359 for 1 years
75 51 Has signed a contract with Chelmet74
75 44 Has been fired from team HC Gladiators Kyiv
70 25 Was traded to team HC Gladiators Kyiv
70 8 Signed new contract with Lions de Lyon with salary 116 for 5 years
70 8 Was traded to team Lions de Lyon
69 55 Has signed a contract with XK Crystal Omsk
69 40 Has been drafted by team XK Crystal Omsk on the draft of league MHL 8
68 5 Has been taken into the main team LUKKO 2014 from youth school