
Career events Tibor "Mobile"
87 10 Has been fired from team USSR
87 10 Was traded to team USSR
85 48 Has signed a contract with GazMyas
85 40 Has been fired from team Lokomotiv - Orsha
85 25 Has signed a contract with Lokomotiv - Orsha
83 39 Has been fired from team Bbiwehb
82 21 Was traded to team Bbiwehb
80 50 Signed new contract with Блюзмены with salary 1800 for 5 years
75 42 Signed new contract with Блюзмены with salary 1092 for 5 years
70 10 Signed new contract with Блюзмены with salary 230 for 5 years
69 55 Has signed a contract with Блюзмены
69 40 Has been drafted by team Блюзмены on the draft of league PHL
68 5 Has been taken into the main team Hajha from youth school