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Austria U20


Belarus U20


Montreal Forum

Date: 2025-03-05
Audience: 21000 (100%)
Ticket price: 3
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
Austria U20 1 0 0 1 13 7 4 2 2
Belarus U20 3 1 1 1 26 7 11 8 4

Three stars

Oleg Krauchanka

Goals: 2
Assists: 0
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 14:40
Mark Antonovich

Goals: 1
Assists: 0
+/-: +1
Time on ice : 14:20
Navum Mankiewicz

Goals: 0
Assists: 1
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 17:00
Teams stats Austria U20 Belarus U20
Shots 13 7-4-2 26 7-11-8
Goals 1 0-0-1 3 1-1-1
Powerplay shots 2 1-0-1 3 0-0-3
Powerplay goals 1 0-0-1 0 0-0-0
Counterattack shots 5 4-1-0 3 1-1-1
Counterattack goals 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Penalty 2 0-0-2 4 2-0-2
Faceoffs (%) 45 55
Players stats Austria U20 Belarus U20
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Julian Senner 26 23 0.885 60:00 81
G Julian Senner 26 23 0.885 60:00 81
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Valentin Strauss 0 0 1 -2 17:20 2 0 83
RD Johann Koell 1 0 1 -3 32:40 0 0 43
RW Oswald Schett 0 0 0 -3 30:40 0 0 54
C «A» Eugen Buchleitner 0 0 0 -2 17:40 0 43 82
LW Niklas Bitschi 1 0 0 -2 16:40 0 0 83
Line 2
LD Maximilian Stadler 1 0 0 +0 14:00 0 0 86
RD Manfred Schuetzenuer 0 0 0 +0 14:00 0 0 86
RW Herbert vonDoderer 1 0 0 +0 15:00 0 0 85
C «A» Stefan Pirktl 0 0 0 +0 15:40 0 53 84
LW Manes Wangermann 5 1 0 +0 15:40 0 0 84
Line 3
LD Kurt Grillparzar 0 0 0 +0 14:20 0 0 86
RD Fabian Ebner 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RW Adrian Burov 1 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
C Wolfgang Gau 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 53 87
LW Carl Eberle 1 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
Line 4
LD Oskar Schopp 1 0 0 -1 14:20 0 0 86
RD Johann Koell 1 0 1 -3 32:40 0 0 43
RW Oswald Schett 0 0 0 -3 30:40 0 0 54
C Julius Strolz 0 0 0 -1 13:20 0 30 87
LW Walter Obermoser 1 0 0 -1 13:20 0 0 87
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G 60 Miron Chubsa 12 12 1.000 45:00 88
G 1 Piatrus Khomich 1 0 0.000 15:00 97
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD 7 Navum Mankiewicz 1 0 1 +2 17:00 0 0 83
RD 14 Mitrofan Kazakevich 0 0 1 +2 17:00 0 0 83
RW Gleb Lycenko 2 0 1 +2 18:20 0 0 82
C 76 «C» Yakub Gerasimov 2 0 1 +2 17:00 0 59 83
LW Oleg Krauchanka 6 2 0 +2 14:40 0 0 85
Line 2
LD 10 Viacheslav Nemenman 0 0 0 +0 15:20 0 0 85
RD 27 Ales Chervyakov 0 0 1 +1 28:20 0 0 66
RW 63 Dmitry "Luch" 3 0 1 +1 28:40 0 0 64
C Vladislav Belyakov 0 0 0 +0 15:20 0 46 85
LW 77 Mikalai Pinchuk 3 0 0 +0 15:20 0 0 85
Line 3
LD Aliaksandr Luchenok 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RD Miron Potupa 2 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RW 89 Jazep Hamalainen 1 0 0 +0 14:20 0 0 86
C Leanid Tomko 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 48 87
LW 74 «A» Fabrizio Capelloni 3 0 0 +0 13:20 2 0 87
Line 4
LD 22 Vintsent Moskalevich 0 0 0 +1 13:40 2 0 86
RD 27 Ales Chervyakov 0 0 1 +1 28:20 0 0 66
RW 63 Dmitry "Luch" 3 0 1 +1 28:40 0 0 64
C 13 Mark Antonovich 1 1 0 +1 14:20 0 67 86
LW Simon Hryb 2 0 0 +1 14:00 0 0 86
Tactics Austria U20 Belarus U20
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 Speed -5 +1% +20%
Second line 40 Skill 0 +0% +30%
Third line 40 Hits 0 +0% +30%
Fourth line 40 Skill -10 +0% +32%
First PP 5 on 4 20 Blue line shots +1% +24%
Second PP 5 on 4 20 More passes +0% +32%
First PP 4 on 3 20 Blue line shots +1% +16%
Second PP 4 on 3 20 More passes +0% +24%
First PK 4 on 5 20 Square +0% +40%
Second PK 4 on 5 20 Active defense +0% +20%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Policies Discipline Special lines
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 Speed 7 +3% +32%
Second line 40 Skill 7 +0% +30%
Third line 40 Hits -21 +4% +20%
Fourth line 40 Skill -15 +0% +20%
First PP 5 on 4 40 Carousel +3% +32%
Second PP 5 on 4 40 Carousel +0% +24%
First PP 4 on 3 20 Blue line shots +7% +24%
Second PP 4 on 3 20 Carousel +0% +24%
First PK 4 on 5 40 Active defense +4% +40%
Second PK 4 on 5 20 Square +0% +40%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Policies Motivator Psychologist
Copy time of opponent lines No
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