
6 1






Date: 2025-02-23
Audience: 500 (100%)
Ticket price: 1
Income: 500
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
Sduop 6 2 2 2 40 9 14 17 12
Barnaul 1 0 0 1 21 9 6 6 12

Three stars

Maris Balodis

Goals: 2
Assists: 1
+/-: +4
Time on ice : 15:40
Pierre vonMinutol

Goals: 1
Assists: 2
+/-: +4
Time on ice : 21:20
Serguei Rosenfeld

Goals: 1
Assists: 2
+/-: +4
Time on ice : 21:00
2:20 PENALTY Jaroslav Melichar2 min
Колющий удар соперника клюшкой
PENALTY Kastus Chubsa2 min
PENALTY Biagio Bandello2 min
Задержка клюшкой
PENALTY Jacques Oltramare2 min
Колющий удар соперника клюшкой
Контратака: выход один на один с вратарём
Maris Balodis1-0
Serguei Rosenfeld
On ice: Blaise Knoepfli Pierre vonMinutol Serguei Rosenfeld Jacques Oltramare Maris Balodis
11:40 On ice: Gunnhild Finne Adalbert Kraus Walter Kaplan Oleg Pugachchevsky Liga Apalais
Pierre vonMinutol2-0
Jacques OltramareBlaise Knoepfli
On ice: Blaise Knoepfli Pierre vonMinutol Serguei Rosenfeld Jacques Oltramare Maris Balodis
20:00 On ice: Gunnhild Finne Adalbert Kraus Walter Kaplan Oleg Pugachchevsky Liga Apalais
22:40 PENALTY Adalbert Kraus2 min
24:00 PENALTY Alf Schwach2 min
Толчок соперника на борт
Бросок с неудобной руки
Biagio Bandello3-0
Ehliz Schloske
On ice: Biagio Bandello Svetozar Durcik Ehliz Schloske Kevin Jutterstrom Edvard Vinje
24:40 On ice: Waldemar Meyfarth Henri-Paul Chatelier Alexander Lemesani
Щелчок с длинным замахом
Serguei Rosenfeld4-0
Pierre vonMinutolMaris Balodis
On ice: Blaise Knoepfli Pierre vonMinutol Serguei Rosenfeld Jacques Oltramare Maris Balodis
30:20 On ice: Gunnhild Finne Adalbert Kraus Walter Kaplan Oleg Pugachchevsky Liga Apalais
PENALTY Kastus Chubsa2 min
PENALTY Thomas Vuoriheimo2 min
Неправильная атака соперника
Maris Balodis5-0
Serguei RosenfeldPierre vonMinutol
On ice: Blaise Knoepfli Pierre vonMinutol Serguei Rosenfeld Jacques Oltramare Maris Balodis
41:20 On ice: Gunnhild Finne Adalbert Kraus Walter Kaplan Oleg Pugachchevsky Liga Apalais
44:40 PENALTY Seykk Raty2 min
Задержка клюшки соперника
Бросок с неудобной руки
Ehliz Schloske6-0
Biagio BandelloEdvard Vinje
On ice: Biagio Bandello Svetozar Durcik Ehliz Schloske Kevin Jutterstrom Edvard Vinje
45:00 On ice: Waldemar Meyfarth Alf Schwach Alexander Lemesani Nachman von Metternich
46:40 PENALTY Liga Apalais2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
On ice: Biagio Bandello Svetozar Durcik Ehliz Schloske Kevin Jutterstrom Edvard Vinje 48:20 SHG
Nachman von Metternich6-1
Alf Schwach
On ice: Waldemar Meyfarth Alf Schwach Alexander Lemesani Nachman von Metternich
PENALTY Maris Balodis2 min
Атака соперника сзади
58:20 PENALTY Julien-David Savage2 min
Teams stats Sduop Barnaul
Shots 40 9-14-17 21 9-6-6
Goals 6 2-2-2 1 0-0-1
Powerplay shots 14 4-3-7 10 5-3-2
Powerplay goals 2 0-1-1 0 0-0-0
Counterattack shots 2 1-1-0 4 1-1-2
Counterattack goals 1 1-0-0 0 0-0-0
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 1 (1)
Penalty 12 6-4-2 12 2-4-6
Faceoffs (%) 68 32
Players stats Sduop Barnaul
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Jindrich Kostourek 21 20 0.952 60:00 83
G Jindrich Kostourek 21 20 0.952 60:00 83
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Svetozar Durcik 0 0 0 -1 18:40 0 0 81
RD Biagio Bandello 2 1 1 -1 17:40 2 0 82
RW Ehliz Schloske 3 1 1 -1 17:40 0 0 82
C Kevin Jutterstrom 3 0 0 -1 19:40 0 76 75
LW Edvard Vinje 5 0 1 -1 13:40 0 0 86
Line 2
LD Pierre vonMinutol 1 1 2 +4 21:20 0 0 78
RD Blaise Knoepfli 0 0 1 +4 22:20 0 0 68
RW Serguei Rosenfeld 6 1 2 +4 21:00 0 0 78
C Jacques Oltramare 4 0 1 +4 20:20 2 70 80
LW Maris Balodis 5 2 1 +4 15:40 2 0 84
Line 3
LD David Valyukevich 0 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
RD Vadim Baradulin 1 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
RW Albert Viedensky 1 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
C Nikolajs Silamikelis 1 0 0 +0 9:40 0 55 90
LW Yves Mouret 1 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
Line 4
LD Villum Stief 0 0 0 +0 10:20 0 0 90
RD Kastus Chubsa 0 0 0 +0 10:20 4 0 90
RW Thomas Vuoriheimo 1 0 0 +0 10:20 2 0 90
C Emanuele Trappotoni 2 0 0 +0 10:20 0 58 90
LW Rihards Baldunciks 4 0 0 +0 10:20 0 0 90
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Doron Renner 40 34 0.850 60:00 66
G Doron Renner 40 34 0.850 60:00 66
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Alf Schwach 1 0 1 +1 18:40 2 0 81
RD Waldemar Meyfarth 0 0 0 +1 18:40 0 0 81
RW Nachman von Metternich 4 1 0 +1 18:00 0 0 81
C Alexander Lemesani 0 0 0 +1 18:40 0 25 81
LW Richard Riebauer 2 0 0 +0 14:20 0 0 86
Line 2
LD Adalbert Kraus 0 0 0 -4 20:40 2 0 79
RD Gunnhild Finne 1 0 0 -4 21:20 0 0 68
RW Walter Kaplan 3 0 0 -4 21:20 0 0 78
C Oleg Pugachchevsky 0 0 0 -4 21:20 0 28 73
LW Liga Apalais 5 0 0 -4 16:20 2 0 84
Line 3
LD Henri-Paul Chatelier 0 0 0 +0 10:20 0 0 90
RD Ingemar Martensson 0 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
RW Seykk Raty 0 0 0 +0 9:40 2 0 90
C Ahto Rask 1 0 0 +0 9:40 0 45 90
LW Germaine Currie 0 0 0 +0 9:40 0 0 90
Line 4
LD Ansis Vanags 0 0 0 +0 10:20 0 0 90
RD Julien-David Savage 0 0 0 +0 10:20 2 0 90
RW Harry Stransky 1 0 0 +0 10:20 0 0 90
C Lipman Vitols 0 0 0 +0 10:20 0 42 90
LW Jaroslav Melichar 3 0 0 +0 10:20 2 0 90
Tactics Sduop Barnaul
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +20% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +12% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +3% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +3% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +20% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +12% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +20% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +17% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +20% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +17% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +13% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +7% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +4% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +4% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +13% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +7% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +19% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +8% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +19% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +8% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
No messages