Brett Artin makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
Kristian Eggen - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon rushes towards the cage
A penalty. Adolf Kreis 2 minutes
Adolf Kreis gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Fantastic play in the frame by Kristian Eggen! A save!
Aleksandr Sokolovsky got the puck - that's a chance!
Dorian Coty does a buttonhook. Dinamo Molodechno is advancing
Dinamo Molodechno owns the puck
Karl Widhoezl couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
Joschka Marius couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
The puck is in Kristian Eggen trapper
Unexpected pass - Joschka Marius breaks into position!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon corralled it and crosses the blue line
A penalty. Peter Shields 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Peter Shields. That's a penalty
Players of Dinamo Molodechno won the puck
Carlo Kupsa appeared to be more adroit at face-off
With a quick wrist shot Peder Ronneberg got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 5-3. Peder Ronneberg
Shot from the blue line!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Karl Widhoezl corralled it and crosses the blue line
A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
Goal. 5-2. Aleksandr Sokolovsky
Every pass is accurate - Aleksandr Sokolovsky goes for the shot!
Dorian Coty is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
A penalty. Peter Shields 2 minutes
Peter Shields gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Defensemen apprehended Maksimilyan Kuznetsov and removed him out of the zone
Dorian Coty wins face-off
Kristian Eggen saves his team!
Shot from the blue line!
As Carlo Kupsa entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
Carl Glaser stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
Kristian Eggen gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
Randy Newman looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
First-class clean check by a defensman of Dinamo Molodechno
Loosing track of the puck Kristian Eggen lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
Joschka Marius is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
Not for the first time Patrick Jouette exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
After a row of caroms from the defensemen the puck got into the goalie's trapper
Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon shoots!
Dinamo Molodechno cought the opponent on change
Kristian Eggen rushes to the open corner and parries the shot with his shield
Aleksandr Sokolovsky already prepares to shoot!
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
A penalty. Peder Ronneberg 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Joschka Marius leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
Adolf Kreis appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
Goal. 4-2. Adolf Kreis
Adolf Kreis slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
An accurate pass. Severiak moves forward
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
Karl Widhoezl wins face-off
A penalty. Aleksandr Sokolovsky 2 minutes
Aleksandr Sokolovsky breaks the rules
Face-off is won by Guntars Freijs
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Severiak . Attack was bogged down
A slack shot performed by Algot Berglund. The goalkiper of Dinamo Molodechno handels it quite easily
Unexpected pass - Algot Berglund breaks into position!
Severiak forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Silvester Stefanik is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
The defence of the Dinamo Molodechno has failed. Roman Clement shoots!
Roman Clement exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
In a crush in the slot Patrick Jouette in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 4-1. Patrick Jouette
Each player of the Dinamo Molodechno got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Joschka Marius is in the opponent's zone
Centres look cross at each other. Joschka Marius wins the duel
A penalty. Guntars Freijs 2 minutes
Guntars Freijs commits a faul
A pass in the middle of nowhere and Severiak loses control over the puck
Silvester Stefanik parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Karl Widhoezl shots
Severiak is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
Silvester Stefanik felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Absalon Mageroy did it!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Absalon Mageroy and he is already in Dinamo Molodechno zone
With a quick wrist shot Randy Newman got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 3-1. Randy Newman
Due to the individual skill Randy Newman came to the shooting position, he shoots!
Randy Newman hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Dorian Coty couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
Silvester Stefanik manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
Absalon Mageroy took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Meeting no active resistance players of Severiak cross the blue line
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Kristian Eggen is strong
It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
Dinamo Molodechno is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
various technics are used by Silvester Stefanik, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
Each player of the Severiak got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Roman Clement manages to perform an excellent drive!
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 2-1. Adolf Kreis
Adolf Kreis delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
Severiak holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
A penalty. Eugen Feigl 2 minutes
Rough play by Eugen Feigl. Minor penalty, no doubt
First-class clean check by a defensman of Severiak
Karl Widhoezl gains the puck for his team
Each player of Severiak was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
After a powerfull shot the puck hits goalie in his mask - he is taken aback but the cage is safe
Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
Dinamo Molodechno players entered the zone without a hitch
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Brett Artin rushes to stop a cannon shot with his own body! With the face screwed up he still does his job
Kristian Eggen! What is the goalkeeper of Severiak doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
Shot from the blue line!
Aleksandr Sokolovsky hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
Goal. 2-0. Aleksandr Sokolovsky
Due to the individual skill Aleksandr Sokolovsky came to the shooting position, he shoots!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Stefan Carlsson corralled it and crosses the blue line
Kristian Eggen solved this puzzle choosing the right position
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon took the bit between his teeth
Kristian Eggen put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
Aleksandr Sokolovsky moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
A penalty. Roman Clement 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
A splendid wrist shot by Tapio Leppilampi! Puck's in the net!
Goal. 1-0. Tapio Leppilampi
Tapio Leppilampi starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
A sprint drive! Patrick Jouette enters the zone
Severiak owns the puck
First-class clean check by a defensman of Dinamo Molodechno
Guntars Freijs aimed between the wickets but Silvester Stefanik played well with leg pads
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Aatu Koivusaari hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Karl Widhoezl wins face-off
A nice hip-check. Christian Wangermann gained the puck
After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Silvester Stefanik falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
The defence of the Dinamo Molodechno has failed. Adolf Kreis shoots!
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Severiak entered the opponent's zone
Coming out of the goal, Silvester Stefanik narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
Pass, Adolf Kreis is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Adolf Kreis moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
A penalty. Dorian Coty 2 minutes
Dorian Coty couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
The puck is in Silvester Stefanik trapper
Partners skillfully brought Henry Muller to the final shot…
Henry Muller manages to perform an excellent drive!
They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
Players of Severiak initiate the attack
Julien Bove overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
Julien Bove appeared to be more adroit at face-off
A penalty. Joschka Marius 2 minutes
Joschka Marius gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Only Tapio Leppilampi managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Severiak
A nice hip-check. Leos Rumlena gained the puck
Dinamo Molodechno attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Players of Severiak start their attack
Kristian Eggen plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Dinamo Molodechno forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
Kristian Eggen is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon flicks from the blue line…
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Dinamo Molodechno - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
Face-off, Joschka Marius gnaws the puck out
A penalty. Schonberger Leuschke 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
Face-off occured. Dinamo Molodechno holds the puck
The end of the third period
‘60:00Brett Artin makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
‘60:00Kristian Eggen - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘58:20Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
‘58:20Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon rushes towards the cage
‘58:20A penalty. Adolf Kreis 2 minutes
‘56:40Adolf Kreis gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘56:40Fantastic play in the frame by Kristian Eggen! A save!
‘55:40Aleksandr Sokolovsky got the puck - that's a chance!
‘55:40Dorian Coty does a buttonhook. Dinamo Molodechno is advancing
‘55:40Dinamo Molodechno owns the puck
‘55:40Karl Widhoezl couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
‘55:20Joschka Marius couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
‘55:00The puck is in Kristian Eggen trapper
‘54:40Unexpected pass - Joschka Marius breaks into position!
‘54:40Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘54:40A penalty. Peter Shields 2 minutes
‘54:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Peter Shields. That's a penalty
‘54:00Players of Dinamo Molodechno won the puck
‘53:20Carlo Kupsa appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘53:00With a quick wrist shot Peder Ronneberg got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘52:00Goal. 5-3. Peder Ronneberg
‘52:00Shot from the blue line!
‘52:00Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Karl Widhoezl corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘52:00A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
‘51:20Goal. 5-2. Aleksandr Sokolovsky
‘51:20Every pass is accurate - Aleksandr Sokolovsky goes for the shot!
‘51:20Dorian Coty is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘51:20A penalty. Peter Shields 2 minutes
‘51:00Peter Shields gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘51:00Defensemen apprehended Maksimilyan Kuznetsov and removed him out of the zone
‘50:40Dorian Coty wins face-off
‘49:20Kristian Eggen saves his team!
‘47:40Shot from the blue line!
‘47:40As Carlo Kupsa entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘47:40Carl Glaser stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
‘47:20Kristian Eggen gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘47:00Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
‘47:00Randy Newman looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘47:00First-class clean check by a defensman of Dinamo Molodechno
‘46:40Loosing track of the puck Kristian Eggen lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
‘46:00Joschka Marius is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘46:00Not for the first time Patrick Jouette exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘46:00After a row of caroms from the defensemen the puck got into the goalie's trapper
‘44:40Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon shoots!
‘44:40Dinamo Molodechno cought the opponent on change
‘44:40Kristian Eggen rushes to the open corner and parries the shot with his shield
‘44:00Aleksandr Sokolovsky already prepares to shoot!
‘44:00:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘44:00A penalty. Peder Ronneberg 2 minutes
‘43:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘43:40Joschka Marius leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘43:20Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘43:00Adolf Kreis appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
‘40:40Goal. 4-2. Adolf Kreis
‘40:40Adolf Kreis slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘40:40An accurate pass. Severiak moves forward
‘40:40Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Karl Widhoezl wins face-off
‘40:00A penalty. Aleksandr Sokolovsky 2 minutes
‘38:40Aleksandr Sokolovsky breaks the rules
‘38:40Face-off is won by Guntars Freijs
‘37:20A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Severiak . Attack was bogged down
‘36:40A slack shot performed by Algot Berglund. The goalkiper of Dinamo Molodechno handels it quite easily
‘35:00Unexpected pass - Algot Berglund breaks into position!
‘35:00Severiak forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘35:00Silvester Stefanik is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘33:40The defence of the Dinamo Molodechno has failed. Roman Clement shoots!
‘33:40Roman Clement exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘33:40In a crush in the slot Patrick Jouette in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
‘33:00Goal. 4-1. Patrick Jouette
‘33:00Each player of the Dinamo Molodechno got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘33:00Joschka Marius is in the opponent's zone
‘33:00Centres look cross at each other. Joschka Marius wins the duel
‘33:00A penalty. Guntars Freijs 2 minutes
‘31:40Guntars Freijs commits a faul
‘31:40A pass in the middle of nowhere and Severiak loses control over the puck
‘31:00Silvester Stefanik parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘30:40Karl Widhoezl shots
‘30:40Severiak is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘30:40Silvester Stefanik felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
‘30:00It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Absalon Mageroy did it!
‘30:00An outstanding diagonal pass to Absalon Mageroy and he is already in Dinamo Molodechno zone
‘30:00With a quick wrist shot Randy Newman got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘28:40Goal. 3-1. Randy Newman
‘28:40Due to the individual skill Randy Newman came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘28:40Randy Newman hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘28:40Dorian Coty couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Dinamo Molodechno is with the puck
‘28:00An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
‘27:40Silvester Stefanik manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
‘27:20Absalon Mageroy took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘27:20Meeting no active resistance players of Severiak cross the blue line
‘27:20Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Kristian Eggen is strong
‘26:40It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘26:40Dinamo Molodechno is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘26:40various technics are used by Silvester Stefanik, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
‘26:00Each player of the Severiak got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘26:00Roman Clement manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘26:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘24:20Goal. 2-1. Adolf Kreis
‘24:20Adolf Kreis delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘24:20Severiak holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘24:20A penalty. Eugen Feigl 2 minutes
‘23:40Rough play by Eugen Feigl. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘23:40First-class clean check by a defensman of Severiak
‘23:20Karl Widhoezl gains the puck for his team
‘22:20Each player of Severiak was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘22:00The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘21:20After a powerfull shot the puck hits goalie in his mask - he is taken aback but the cage is safe
‘21:00Dinamo Molodechno sniper charges from the blue line!
‘21:00Dinamo Molodechno players entered the zone without a hitch
‘21:00Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Brett Artin rushes to stop a cannon shot with his own body! With the face screwed up he still does his job
‘20:00Kristian Eggen! What is the goalkeeper of Severiak doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
‘19:40Shot from the blue line!
‘19:40Aleksandr Sokolovsky hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘19:40Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
‘19:20Goal. 2-0. Aleksandr Sokolovsky
‘19:20Due to the individual skill Aleksandr Sokolovsky came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘19:20Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Stefan Carlsson corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘19:20Kristian Eggen solved this puzzle choosing the right position
‘19:00Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘19:00Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon took the bit between his teeth
‘19:00Kristian Eggen put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
‘18:00The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘18:00Aleksandr Sokolovsky moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘18:00A penalty. Roman Clement 2 minutes
‘17:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘17:40A splendid wrist shot by Tapio Leppilampi! Puck's in the net!
‘16:20Goal. 1-0. Tapio Leppilampi
‘16:20Tapio Leppilampi starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘16:20A sprint drive! Patrick Jouette enters the zone
‘16:20Severiak owns the puck
‘14:00First-class clean check by a defensman of Dinamo Molodechno
‘13:40Guntars Freijs aimed between the wickets but Silvester Stefanik played well with leg pads
‘13:00Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘13:00Aatu Koivusaari hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘13:00Karl Widhoezl wins face-off
‘12:00A nice hip-check. Christian Wangermann gained the puck
‘11:20After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Silvester Stefanik falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
‘11:00The defence of the Dinamo Molodechno has failed. Adolf Kreis shoots!
‘11:00:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Severiak entered the opponent's zone
‘11:00Coming out of the goal, Silvester Stefanik narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
‘10:40Pass, Adolf Kreis is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘10:40Adolf Kreis moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘10:40A penalty. Dorian Coty 2 minutes
‘10:20Dorian Coty couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘10:20The puck is in Silvester Stefanik trapper
‘10:00Partners skillfully brought Henry Muller to the final shot…
‘10:00Henry Muller manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘10:00They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
‘9:20Players of Severiak initiate the attack
‘9:20Julien Bove overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘9:00Julien Bove appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘9:00A penalty. Joschka Marius 2 minutes
‘8:40Joschka Marius gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘8:40Only Tapio Leppilampi managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘8:20Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Severiak
‘7:20A nice hip-check. Leos Rumlena gained the puck
‘5:40Dinamo Molodechno attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘4:20Players of Severiak start their attack
‘3:40Kristian Eggen plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘3:00Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘3:00Dinamo Molodechno forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘3:00Kristian Eggen is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘2:40Marcel-Auguste Baillargeon flicks from the blue line…
‘2:40A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Dinamo Molodechno - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘2:40Face-off, Joschka Marius gnaws the puck out
‘2:40A penalty. Schonberger Leuschke 2 minutes
‘1:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘1:20Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘1:00Face-off occured. Dinamo Molodechno holds the puck
‘1:00Start of the first period