Adam Debroc is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
There’s a moment at the Ивановцы cage!
Forwards of Molot 2005 entered the zone of Ивановцы
A penalty. Martin Born 2 minutes
Martin Born realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
A penalty. Storm Agerskov 2 minutes
By the way, we got a penalty here
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Sevastyan Polyakov is strong
Aatto Blomqvist shoots against the defenseman
Muller Kunze gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Muller Kunze rushes towards the cage
The puck is held by Molot 2005
Adam Debroc catches the puck in the air and hides it behind the defensemen
Jan Collenberg is left alone on the slot!
Molot 2005 charges
Adam Debroc is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Pass, Nikodim Rybakov is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Gaston Blatter manages to perform an excellent drive!
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Sevastyan Polyakov, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Events unfold rapidly - Maros Blascik is brought for the shot!
Ивановцы holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Molot 2005 gained the advantage in the last minutes
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Ивановцы. Attack was bogged down
A penalty. Arne Kroningssvard 2 minutes
Roughing by Arne Kroningssvard
Gaston Blatter played splendidly at the spot
Players of Molot 2005 initiate the attack
A penalty. Mefodiy Morozov 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Goalie fails to parry the puck and Jan Collenberg sends it in the cage!
Goal. 1-2. Jan Collenberg
Molot 2005 players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jan Collenberg shoots
Jan Collenberg watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Adam Debroc gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Valdemars Kronvalds crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
An accurate pass. Molot 2005 moves forward
Molot 2005 owns the puck
A penalty. Mefodiy Morozov 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Mefodiy Morozov. That's a penalty
Clear play by Adam Debroc
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
Molot 2005 forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Adam Debroc chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Molot 2005 players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jan Collenberg shoots
Melchior Flüeler is in the opponent's zone
With a quick wrist shot Sergey Vergunov got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 1-1. Sergey Vergunov
Combination, pass goes by - Sergey Vergunov is alone!
Ивановцы players entered the zone without a hitch
Sevastyan Polyakov rushes to the open corner and parries the shot with his shield
Shot from the blue line!
Ивановцы cought the opponent on change
A penalty. Arne Kroningssvard 2 minutes
Arne Kroningssvard couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
The Molot 2005 attack failed
Fantastic play in the frame by Adam Debroc! A save!
Events unfold rapidly - Melchior Flüeler is brought for the shot!
Ивановцы skipped a beat and Ruslan Popov is in the zone already
A penalty. Sergey Vergunov 2 minutes
Sergey Vergunov couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Adam Debroc just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
Combination, pass goes by - Nikodim Rybakov is alone!
Nikodim Rybakov shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
A penalty. Bernie Piche 2 minutes
Bernie Piche realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
A penalty. Libor Slovak 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
With no visible efforts Sevastyan Polyakov parries the puck
Johannes Thiele shots
An accurate pass. Ивановцы moves forward
Adam Debroc weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
Valdemars Kronvalds starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Thanks to his personal performance Gaston Blatter made himself comfortable in the Ивановцы zone
Gaston Blatter couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Molot 2005 is with the puck
Players of Ивановцы were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
Leopold von Metternich is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
Adam Debroc pressed the puck to the ice and tucked himself up getting ready for a face-off
Bully-off to the right; Jan Collenberg with the puck – a chance!
Not for the first time Ruslan Popov exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
Face-off is won by Kurt Dorfmeister
A penalty. John Mcguigan 2 minutes
John Mcguigan commits a faul
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adam Debroc is strong
There’s a moment at the Ивановцы cage!
Jan Collenberg charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
Adam Debroc catches the puck with a trapper
Molot 2005 sniper charges from the blue line!
Forwards of Molot 2005 entered the zone of Ивановцы
A penalty. Ingeborg Dreher 2 minutes
Ingeborg Dreher realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Face-off is won by Melchior Flüeler
A penalty. Rostislav Sip 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Adam Debroc parries the shot
Nikodim Rybakov appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
Ивановцы skipped a beat and Valdemars Kronvalds is in the zone already
What a moment it was for Denis Heinisch! But Sevastyan Polyakov did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Denis Heinisch starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
Leopold von Metternich plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
A push, Eskil Jonsson smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
Ingeborg Dreher was a little better at the spot
Just waving by guesswork Adam Debroc found the puck in the trapper
Imants Dubra got the puck - that's a chance!
On an even keel fowards of Molot 2005 rolled into the zone
Each player of Molot 2005 was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
A slack shot performed by Storm Agerskov. The goalkiper of Molot 2005 handels it quite easily
Shot from the blue line!
Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Ивановцы enters the zone as if by the guidline
Schmidpeter Grummt is stronger at the spot
various technics are used by Adam Debroc, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
Melchior Flüeler scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
Molot 2005 players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
A nice hip-check. Paul Vacietis gained the puck
Ames Miller has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Adam Debroc gets everything entering the slot as if he were a tornado - the puck is locked down
Philippe Kalvelis is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Molot 2005 entered the opponent's zone
Jan Collenberg is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 0-1. Jan Collenberg
Bully-off to the right; Jan Collenberg with the puck – a chance!
Jan Collenberg shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
Aatto Blomqvist overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
A push, Mefodiy Morozov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
Defensemen of Molot 2005 put an end to the invasion
Sevastyan Polyakov - perfect play with the trapper
Due to the individual skill Flavio Gunthor came to the shooting position, he shoots!
Ивановцы players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
Adam Debroc catches the puck in the air and hides it behind the defensemen
Molot 2005 sniper charges from the blue line!
Valdemars Kronvalds charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
Adam Debroc gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Combination, pass goes by - Gaston Blatter is alone!
Valdemars Kronvalds moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Imants Dubra securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
Muller Kunze played splendidly at the spot
Sevastyan Polyakov parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Muller Kunze already prepares to shoot!
As Johannes Thiele entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
A penalty. Kurt Dorfmeister 2 minutes
Kurt Dorfmeister couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
Players of Ивановцы lose the puck
An outstanding save by Sevastyan Polyakov. Some work to do for press photographers
There’s a moment at the Molot 2005 cage!
Aatto Blomqvist is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
A push, Nikodim Rybakov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
John Mcguigan makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Adam Debroc falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
Jan Collenberg shots
Molot 2005 forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
Sevastyan Polyakov chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Maros Blascik!
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
The end of the third period
‘60:00Adam Debroc is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
‘59:40There’s a moment at the Ивановцы cage!
‘59:40Forwards of Molot 2005 entered the zone of Ивановцы
‘59:40A penalty. Martin Born 2 minutes
‘58:20Martin Born realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘58:20A penalty. Storm Agerskov 2 minutes
‘58:00By the way, we got a penalty here
‘58:00Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Sevastyan Polyakov is strong
‘57:00Aatto Blomqvist shoots against the defenseman
‘57:00Muller Kunze gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Muller Kunze rushes towards the cage
‘57:00The puck is held by Molot 2005
‘55:40Adam Debroc catches the puck in the air and hides it behind the defensemen
‘54:40Jan Collenberg is left alone on the slot!
‘54:40Molot 2005 charges
‘54:40Adam Debroc is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘53:40Pass, Nikodim Rybakov is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘53:40Gaston Blatter manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘53:40A shot was good, the vision blocked for Sevastyan Polyakov, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘53:00Events unfold rapidly - Maros Blascik is brought for the shot!
‘53:00Ивановцы holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘53:00Molot 2005 gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘52:40A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Ивановцы. Attack was bogged down
‘52:00A penalty. Arne Kroningssvard 2 minutes
‘51:00Roughing by Arne Kroningssvard
‘51:00Gaston Blatter played splendidly at the spot
‘50:40Players of Molot 2005 initiate the attack
‘50:00A penalty. Mefodiy Morozov 2 minutes
‘48:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘48:40Goalie fails to parry the puck and Jan Collenberg sends it in the cage!
‘47:40Goal. 1-2. Jan Collenberg
‘47:40Molot 2005 players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jan Collenberg shoots
‘47:40Jan Collenberg watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘47:40Adam Debroc gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘46:20Valdemars Kronvalds crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
‘46:20An accurate pass. Molot 2005 moves forward
‘46:20Molot 2005 owns the puck
‘46:00A penalty. Mefodiy Morozov 2 minutes
‘45:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Mefodiy Morozov. That's a penalty
‘45:40Clear play by Adam Debroc
‘44:40The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘44:40Molot 2005 forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘44:40Adam Debroc chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘43:40Molot 2005 players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jan Collenberg shoots
‘43:40Melchior Flüeler is in the opponent's zone
‘43:40With a quick wrist shot Sergey Vergunov got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘42:00Goal. 1-1. Sergey Vergunov
‘42:00Combination, pass goes by - Sergey Vergunov is alone!
‘42:00Ивановцы players entered the zone without a hitch
‘42:00Sevastyan Polyakov rushes to the open corner and parries the shot with his shield
‘40:40Shot from the blue line!
‘40:40Ивановцы cought the opponent on change
‘40:40A penalty. Arne Kroningssvard 2 minutes
‘40:20Arne Kroningssvard couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
‘39:40The Molot 2005 attack failed
‘38:40Fantastic play in the frame by Adam Debroc! A save!
‘38:00Events unfold rapidly - Melchior Flüeler is brought for the shot!
‘38:00Ивановцы skipped a beat and Ruslan Popov is in the zone already
‘38:00A penalty. Sergey Vergunov 2 minutes
‘37:20Sergey Vergunov couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘37:20Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Adam Debroc just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
‘37:00Combination, pass goes by - Nikodim Rybakov is alone!
‘37:00Nikodim Rybakov shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
‘37:00A penalty. Bernie Piche 2 minutes
‘36:20Bernie Piche realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘36:20A penalty. Libor Slovak 2 minutes
‘34:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘34:20With no visible efforts Sevastyan Polyakov parries the puck
‘33:00Johannes Thiele shots
‘33:00An accurate pass. Ивановцы moves forward
‘33:00Adam Debroc weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘32:40Valdemars Kronvalds starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘32:40Thanks to his personal performance Gaston Blatter made himself comfortable in the Ивановцы zone
‘32:40Gaston Blatter couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Molot 2005 is with the puck
‘32:20Players of Ивановцы were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘31:40Leopold von Metternich is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
‘31:20Adam Debroc pressed the puck to the ice and tucked himself up getting ready for a face-off
‘30:40Bully-off to the right; Jan Collenberg with the puck – a chance!
‘30:40Not for the first time Ruslan Popov exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘30:40Face-off is won by Kurt Dorfmeister
‘29:00A penalty. John Mcguigan 2 minutes
‘26:20John Mcguigan commits a faul
‘26:20Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adam Debroc is strong
‘25:20There’s a moment at the Ивановцы cage!
‘25:20Jan Collenberg charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
‘25:20Adam Debroc catches the puck with a trapper
‘22:40Molot 2005 sniper charges from the blue line!
‘22:40Forwards of Molot 2005 entered the zone of Ивановцы
‘22:40A penalty. Ingeborg Dreher 2 minutes
‘22:20Ingeborg Dreher realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘22:20Face-off is won by Melchior Flüeler
‘22:00A penalty. Rostislav Sip 2 minutes
‘21:20We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘21:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Adam Debroc parries the shot
‘19:20Nikodim Rybakov appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘19:20Ивановцы skipped a beat and Valdemars Kronvalds is in the zone already
‘19:20What a moment it was for Denis Heinisch! But Sevastyan Polyakov did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘18:20Denis Heinisch starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘18:20Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘18:20Leopold von Metternich plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘18:00A push, Eskil Jonsson smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘17:40Ingeborg Dreher was a little better at the spot
‘16:40Just waving by guesswork Adam Debroc found the puck in the trapper
‘16:00Imants Dubra got the puck - that's a chance!
‘16:00On an even keel fowards of Molot 2005 rolled into the zone
‘16:00Each player of Molot 2005 was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘15:20A slack shot performed by Storm Agerskov. The goalkiper of Molot 2005 handels it quite easily
‘15:00Shot from the blue line!
‘15:00Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Ивановцы enters the zone as if by the guidline
‘15:00Schmidpeter Grummt is stronger at the spot
‘15:00various technics are used by Adam Debroc, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
‘14:20Melchior Flüeler scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
‘14:20Molot 2005 players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘14:20A nice hip-check. Paul Vacietis gained the puck
‘13:40Ames Miller has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘13:20Adam Debroc gets everything entering the slot as if he were a tornado - the puck is locked down
‘13:00Philippe Kalvelis is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘13:00:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Molot 2005 entered the opponent's zone
‘13:00Jan Collenberg is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘12:00Goal. 0-1. Jan Collenberg
‘12:00Bully-off to the right; Jan Collenberg with the puck – a chance!
‘12:00Jan Collenberg shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘12:00Aatto Blomqvist overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘11:40A push, Mefodiy Morozov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘11:20Defensemen of Molot 2005 put an end to the invasion
‘11:00Sevastyan Polyakov - perfect play with the trapper
‘9:20Due to the individual skill Flavio Gunthor came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘9:20Ивановцы players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘9:20Adam Debroc catches the puck in the air and hides it behind the defensemen
‘8:40Molot 2005 sniper charges from the blue line!
‘8:40Valdemars Kronvalds charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
‘8:40Adam Debroc gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘8:20Combination, pass goes by - Gaston Blatter is alone!
‘8:20Valdemars Kronvalds moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘8:20Imants Dubra securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
‘8:00Muller Kunze played splendidly at the spot
‘6:00Sevastyan Polyakov parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘5:20Muller Kunze already prepares to shoot!
‘5:20As Johannes Thiele entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘5:20A penalty. Kurt Dorfmeister 2 minutes
‘5:00Kurt Dorfmeister couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘5:00Players of Ивановцы lose the puck
‘4:20An outstanding save by Sevastyan Polyakov. Some work to do for press photographers
‘3:40There’s a moment at the Molot 2005 cage!
‘3:40Aatto Blomqvist is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘3:40Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘3:20A push, Nikodim Rybakov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘3:00John Mcguigan makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
‘2:40After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Adam Debroc falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
‘1:20Jan Collenberg shots
‘1:20Molot 2005 forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘1:20The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘1:00Sevastyan Polyakov chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘0:40Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Maros Blascik!
‘0:40:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘0:40Start of the first period