Defensemen apprehended Uberto Cirri and removed him out of the zone
Fiore Boccherini loses the puck out of the blue
Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
Andrin Kaegi partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Thanks to his personal performance Andrin Kaegi made himself comfortable in the Liverpool zone
Joshua Stanowski weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
Liverpool sniper charges from the blue line!
Jesper Agerskov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Players of Liverpool were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
Joshua Stanowski - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
Liverpool players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
A strong flick by Liam Milligan succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 6-1. Liam Milligan
Liam Milligan playfully handled the defender
Liam Milligan shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Jesper Agerskov swung his baton!
Goal. 5-1. Jesper Agerskov
Jesper Agerskov shots
Jesper Agerskov is in the opponent's zone
Joshua Stanowski! What is the goalkeeper of HC MORPEHI doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Liam Milligan aims!
As Mauno Tuomisto entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
Narcisse Briedis plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
The puck flies from under the defenseman, Johan Graulund raises the shield and gets it
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
HC MORPEHI forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
A strong flick by Alexandre Michel succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 4-1. Alexandre Michel
Alexandre Michel partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
As Trofim Gorbunov entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
Alexandre Michel aimed between the wickets but Joshua Stanowski played well with leg pads
Alexandre Michel outplays the opponent and shoots!
On an even keel fowards of Liverpool rolled into the zone
A penalty. Ludovico Zanetti 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Ludovico Zanetti. That's a penalty
Joshua Stanowski is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Mauno Tuomisto appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
Demid Vishnyakov hastily crosses the blue line around the board
The team is saved by Joshua Stanowski! A copy-book move with the shield
Alexandre Michel playfully handled the defender
Trofim Gorbunov is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
A penalty. Guntis Milkevics 2 minutes
Rough play by Guntis Milkevics. Minor penalty, no doubt
Johan Graulund rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
HC MORPEHI sniper charges from the blue line!
Liverpool skipped a beat and Silvestre Delisle is in the zone already
Stefan Mrna plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Trofim Gorbunov shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
Liverpool cought the opponent on change
Doriano Rolando is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
Joshua Stanowski is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
Mauno Tuomisto is left alone on the slot!
Liam Milligan looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Joshua Stanowski parries the shot
Every pass is accurate - Alexandre Michel goes for the shot!
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
Liverpool attempts to enter the opponent's zone
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
First-class clean check by a defensman of HC MORPEHI
A penalty. Arpad Jancek 2 minutes
Roughing by Arpad Jancek
Joshua Stanowski is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Events unfold rapidly - Demid Vishnyakov is brought for the shot!
Liverpool forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
Face-off occured. HC MORPEHI holds the puck
various technics are used by Joshua Stanowski, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
Jesper Agerskov is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
Liverpool charges
The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
HC MORPEHI sniper charges from the blue line!
Forwards of HC MORPEHI entered the zone of Liverpool
A push, Alexandre Michel smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
Joshua Stanowski manages to move on time and parry the puck
The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
Forwards of Liverpool entered the zone of HC MORPEHI
Johan Graulund parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Joel Wijk did it!
HC MORPEHI charges
Attackers of HC MORPEHI broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
An outstanding save by Joshua Stanowski. Some work to do for press photographers
Mauno Tuomisto is left alone on the slot!
Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Liverpool keeps on advancing
The puck is dropped. Liverpool initiates the atack
A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
Goal. 3-1. Alexandre Michel
Swift shot!
Alexandre Michel hastily crosses the blue line around the board
A shattering hip-check by Arturs Berzs. Claude Hammel stretched on the ice and Liverpool holds the puck
A pass in the middle of nowhere and Liverpool loses control over the puck
Raduz Eichinger loses control over the puck
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Johan Graulund covers the puck being backed up by a defeseman, making a skate save. He shouldn't have yawned
Vittorio Arciuli shots!
Guntis Milkevics exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Edmund Recicar appeared to be more adroit at face-off
HC MORPEHI attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Johan Graulund is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Claude Hammel did it!
Silvestre Delisle is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
HC MORPEHI owns the puck
A push, Liam Milligan smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Edmund Recicar circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Trofim Gorbunov is in the opponent's zone
Each player of Liverpool was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
Face-off is won by Andrin Kaegi
Some hustle on the slot of HC MORPEHI, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
Shot from the blue line!
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Liverpool entered the opponent's zone
Iyuliy Kapustin checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
A strong flick by Liam Milligan succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 2-1. Liam Milligan
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Liam Milligan did it!
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Liverpool - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
Liverpool owns the puck
Players of Liverpool lose the puck
Under a head of steam Johan Graulund rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
Fiore Boccherini goes to the cage – swing, shot!
HC MORPEHI holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
The whole areay is on lockdown by Johan Graulund. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
HC MORPEHI greatly played the puck and Claude Hammel is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
Each player of Liverpool was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
Players of Liverpool can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Inacurate pass performed by a player of Liverpool. Initiative is lost
Joshua Stanowski is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
Each player of the Liverpool got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Alexandre Michel corralled it and crosses the blue line
With a quick wrist shot Edmund Recicar got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 1-1. Edmund Recicar
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Edmund Recicar did it!
With his pass Alexandre Michel simply cuts apart HC MORPEHI defence
A penalty. Ludovico Zanetti 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
A penalty. Stefan Mrna 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Face-off is won by Andrin Kaegi
A marvelous wrist shot by Fiore Boccherini! Puck is in the net!
Goal. 0-1. Fiore Boccherini
Fiore Boccherini partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Fiore Boccherini shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
Johan Graulund plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Gian Franco Calzabigi shoots!
Guntis Milkevics took the bit between his teeth
Guntis Milkevics appeared to be more adroit at face-off
A penalty. Narcisse Briedis 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
A penalty. Ernest Belyev 2 minutes
Ernest Belyev commits a faul
Players of HC MORPEHI start their attack
Dzhukaheynen Hatakka leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
Declan Mills partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
HC MORPEHI forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
The end of the third period
‘60:00Defensemen apprehended Uberto Cirri and removed him out of the zone
‘59:40Fiore Boccherini loses the puck out of the blue
‘59:20Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘58:20Andrin Kaegi partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘58:20Thanks to his personal performance Andrin Kaegi made himself comfortable in the Liverpool zone
‘58:20Joshua Stanowski weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘58:00Liverpool sniper charges from the blue line!
‘58:00Jesper Agerskov exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘58:00Players of Liverpool were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
‘57:40Joshua Stanowski - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
‘57:20Liverpool players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘57:20:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘57:20A strong flick by Liam Milligan succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘57:00Goal. 6-1. Liam Milligan
‘57:00Liam Milligan playfully handled the defender
‘57:00Liam Milligan shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘57:00Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Jesper Agerskov swung his baton!
‘55:00Goal. 5-1. Jesper Agerskov
‘55:00Jesper Agerskov shots
‘55:00Jesper Agerskov is in the opponent's zone
‘55:00Joshua Stanowski! What is the goalkeeper of HC MORPEHI doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
‘54:20Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Liam Milligan aims!
‘54:20As Mauno Tuomisto entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘54:20A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
‘52:00Narcisse Briedis plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘51:20The puck flies from under the defenseman, Johan Graulund raises the shield and gets it
‘50:40The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘50:40HC MORPEHI forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘50:40A strong flick by Alexandre Michel succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘50:20Goal. 4-1. Alexandre Michel
‘50:20Alexandre Michel partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘50:20As Trofim Gorbunov entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘50:20Alexandre Michel aimed between the wickets but Joshua Stanowski played well with leg pads
‘48:40Alexandre Michel outplays the opponent and shoots!
‘48:40On an even keel fowards of Liverpool rolled into the zone
‘48:40A penalty. Ludovico Zanetti 2 minutes
‘48:20An unsuccessful hip-check by Ludovico Zanetti. That's a penalty
‘48:20Joshua Stanowski is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘47:20Mauno Tuomisto appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘47:20Demid Vishnyakov hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘47:20The team is saved by Joshua Stanowski! A copy-book move with the shield
‘47:00Alexandre Michel playfully handled the defender
‘47:00Trofim Gorbunov is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘47:00A penalty. Guntis Milkevics 2 minutes
‘46:40Rough play by Guntis Milkevics. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘46:40Johan Graulund rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘45:20HC MORPEHI sniper charges from the blue line!
‘45:20Liverpool skipped a beat and Silvestre Delisle is in the zone already
‘45:20Stefan Mrna plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘44:00After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘43:00Trofim Gorbunov shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
‘43:00Liverpool cought the opponent on change
‘43:00Doriano Rolando is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
‘41:40Joshua Stanowski is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
‘41:20Mauno Tuomisto is left alone on the slot!
‘41:20Liam Milligan looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘41:20Joshua Stanowski parries the shot
‘40:20Every pass is accurate - Alexandre Michel goes for the shot!
‘40:20:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘40:20Liverpool attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00First-class clean check by a defensman of HC MORPEHI
‘40:00A penalty. Arpad Jancek 2 minutes
‘39:00Roughing by Arpad Jancek
‘39:00Joshua Stanowski is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘38:40Events unfold rapidly - Demid Vishnyakov is brought for the shot!
‘38:40Liverpool forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘38:40Face-off occured. HC MORPEHI holds the puck
‘38:00various technics are used by Joshua Stanowski, rotating like a hamster on a wheel! Save!
‘36:40Jesper Agerskov is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘36:40Liverpool charges
‘36:40The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
‘35:40Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘34:00HC MORPEHI sniper charges from the blue line!
‘34:00Forwards of HC MORPEHI entered the zone of Liverpool
‘34:00A push, Alexandre Michel smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘32:20Joshua Stanowski manages to move on time and parry the puck
‘31:20The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
‘31:20Forwards of Liverpool entered the zone of HC MORPEHI
‘31:20Johan Graulund parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘31:00It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Joel Wijk did it!
‘31:00HC MORPEHI charges
‘31:00Attackers of HC MORPEHI broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
‘29:40Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
‘29:20An outstanding save by Joshua Stanowski. Some work to do for press photographers
‘28:00Mauno Tuomisto is left alone on the slot!
‘28:00Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Liverpool keeps on advancing
‘28:00The puck is dropped. Liverpool initiates the atack
‘28:00A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
‘27:00Goal. 3-1. Alexandre Michel
‘27:00Swift shot!
‘27:00Alexandre Michel hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘27:00A shattering hip-check by Arturs Berzs. Claude Hammel stretched on the ice and Liverpool holds the puck
‘26:20A pass in the middle of nowhere and Liverpool loses control over the puck
‘24:40Raduz Eichinger loses control over the puck
‘24:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Johan Graulund covers the puck being backed up by a defeseman, making a skate save. He shouldn't have yawned
‘20:00Vittorio Arciuli shots!
‘20:00Guntis Milkevics exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘20:00Edmund Recicar appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘19:20HC MORPEHI attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘19:00Johan Graulund is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
‘18:40It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Claude Hammel did it!
‘18:40Silvestre Delisle is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘18:40HC MORPEHI owns the puck
‘18:00A push, Liam Milligan smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘17:00After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘16:40Edmund Recicar circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘16:40Trofim Gorbunov is in the opponent's zone
‘16:40Each player of Liverpool was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘16:20Face-off is won by Andrin Kaegi
‘16:00Some hustle on the slot of HC MORPEHI, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
‘15:40Shot from the blue line!
‘15:40:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Liverpool entered the opponent's zone
‘15:40Iyuliy Kapustin checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
‘15:20A strong flick by Liam Milligan succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘14:20Goal. 2-1. Liam Milligan
‘14:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Liam Milligan did it!
‘14:20A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Liverpool - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘14:20Liverpool owns the puck
‘14:20Players of Liverpool lose the puck
‘14:00Under a head of steam Johan Graulund rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
‘13:40Fiore Boccherini goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘13:40HC MORPEHI holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘13:40The whole areay is on lockdown by Johan Graulund. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
‘13:00HC MORPEHI greatly played the puck and Claude Hammel is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘13:00The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘13:00Each player of Liverpool was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘12:40Players of Liverpool can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘12:20Inacurate pass performed by a player of Liverpool. Initiative is lost
‘12:00Joshua Stanowski is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘11:00Each player of the Liverpool got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘11:00Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Alexandre Michel corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘11:00With a quick wrist shot Edmund Recicar got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘10:40Goal. 1-1. Edmund Recicar
‘10:40It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Edmund Recicar did it!
‘10:40With his pass Alexandre Michel simply cuts apart HC MORPEHI defence
‘10:40A penalty. Ludovico Zanetti 2 minutes
‘9:40Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘9:40A penalty. Stefan Mrna 2 minutes
‘9:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘9:00Face-off is won by Andrin Kaegi
‘8:00A marvelous wrist shot by Fiore Boccherini! Puck is in the net!
‘7:00Goal. 0-1. Fiore Boccherini
‘7:00Fiore Boccherini partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘7:00Fiore Boccherini shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
‘7:00Johan Graulund plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘5:20Gian Franco Calzabigi shoots!
‘5:20Guntis Milkevics took the bit between his teeth
‘5:20Guntis Milkevics appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘5:20A penalty. Narcisse Briedis 2 minutes
‘5:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘5:00A penalty. Ernest Belyev 2 minutes
‘4:20Ernest Belyev commits a faul
‘4:20Players of HC MORPEHI start their attack
‘3:00Dzhukaheynen Hatakka leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘2:20Johan Graulund acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘2:00Declan Mills partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘2:00HC MORPEHI forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘2:00Start of the first period