
This game is finished early because of score difference is more or equal 10 goals.
0 10



HC Chepelevo



Date: 2025-02-03
Audience: 2500 (100%)
Ticket price: 1.15
Income: 2875
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
Panthers 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 26
HC Chepelevo 10 10 0 0 24 24 0 0 4

Three stars

William Madsen

Goals: 4
Assists: 1
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 20:40

Goals: 2
Assists: 3
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 18:40

Goals: 2
Assists: 0
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 10:00
This game is finished early because of score difference is more or equal 10 goals.
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Honor Lecavalier Rudolf Johan Hjalmar Isaksson 0:20 GOAL
Быстрый кистевой бросок
William Madsen0-1
retiredFazil Yusupov
On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
PENALTY Hjalmar Isaksson2 min
Толчок соперника клюшкой
On ice: Augustin Pellegrin Theodor Skrede Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 2:20 PPG
Быстрый кистевой бросок
Arnould deLaborde0-2
William Madsenretired
On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Honor Lecavalier Julian Hofbauer Hjalmar Isaksson 5:20 GOAL
Щелчок с коротким замахом
retiredBevis Rafferty
On ice: Bevis Rafferty retired retired retired retired
PENALTY Hjalmar Isaksson2 min
Неспортивное поведение
On ice: Augustin Pellegrin Theodor Skrede Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 6:20 PPG
Бросок с неудобной руки
William Madsen0-4
retiredArnould deLaborde
On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Honor Lecavalier Julian Hofbauer Hjalmar Isaksson 8:40 GOAL
Щелчок с коротким замахом
Moritz Gass
On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Honor Lecavalier Rudolf Johan Hjalmar Isaksson 10:40 GOAL
Щелчок с длинным замахом
On ice: Bevis Rafferty retired retired retired retired
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
Атака соперника сзади
On ice: Augustin Pellegrin Braylen Kisio Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 11:40 PPG
Pitari Kontiola0-7
On ice: retired retired Kimbel Madden Pitari Kontiola retired
PENALTY Augustin Pellegrin2 min
Толчок соперника на борт
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 12:40 PPG
Быстрый кистевой бросок
Moritz Gass
On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
PENALTY Augustin Pellegrin2 min
Удар соперника коленом
On ice: Justus Wahlberg Theodor Skrede Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 15:00 PPG
Мощный кистевой бросок
William Madsen0-9

On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
On ice: Augustin Pellegrin Braylen Kisio Klaus Manuel Honor Lecavalier 18:40 PPG
Бросок с неудобной руки
William Madsen0-10

On ice: Moritz Gass Arnould deLaborde William Madsen Fazil Yusupov retired
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
Неспортивное поведение
24:20 PENALTY Moritz Gass2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
37:00 PENALTY Bevis Rafferty2 min
Неправильная атака соперника
PENALTY Julian Hofbauer2 min
Удар локтем
PENALTY Julian Hofbauer2 min
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
PENALTY Servac Huna2 min
PENALTY Theodor Skrede2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
Teams stats Panthers HC Chepelevo
Shots 2 2-0-0 24 24-0-0
Goals 0 0-0-0 10 10-0-0
Powerplay shots 0 0-0-0 14 14-0-0
Powerplay goals 0 0-0-0 6 6-0-0
Counterattack shots 1 1-0-0 1 1-0-0
Counterattack goals 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Penalty 26 12-4-10 4 0-4-0
Faceoffs (%) 19 81
Players stats Panthers HC Chepelevo
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Raduz Porubsky 24 14 0.583 60:00 10
G Raduz Porubsky 24 14 0.583 60:00 10
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Theodor Skrede 0 0 0 -4 33:40 12 0 10
RD Justus Wahlberg 0 0 0 -4 23:00 0 0 10
RW Honor Lecavalier 0 0 0 -4 42:40 0 0 10
C 6 Rudolf Johan 1 0 0 -2 11:40 0 66 88
LW Hjalmar Isaksson 0 0 0 -4 32:20 4 0 10
Line 2
LD Theodor Skrede 0 0 0 -4 33:40 12 0 10
RD Justus Wahlberg 0 0 0 -4 23:00 0 0 10
RW Honor Lecavalier 0 0 0 -4 42:40 0 0 10
C Julian Hofbauer 0 0 0 -2 17:40 4 11 10
LW Hjalmar Isaksson 0 0 0 -4 32:20 4 0 10
Line 3
LD Braylen Kisio 0 0 0 +0 17:40 0 0 82
RD Augustin Pellegrin 0 0 0 +0 37:00 4 0 10
RW Servac Huna 1 0 0 +0 7:40 2 0 92
C Klaus Manuel 0 0 0 +0 30:40 0 5 10
LW Hjalmar Isaksson 0 0 0 -4 32:20 4 0 10
Line 4
LD Nando Trunz 0 0 0 +0 8:40 0 0 91
RD Augustin Pellegrin 0 0 0 +0 37:00 4 0 10
RW Roland Cierpinski 0 0 0 +0 8:40 0 0 91
C Julian Hofbauer 0 0 0 -2 17:40 4 11 10
LW Piers Zemgalis 0 0 0 +0 8:40 0 0 91
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G retired 2 2 1.000 60:00 89
G retired 2 2 1.000 60:00 89
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Arnould deLaborde 2 1 1 +2 20:40 0 0 73
RD Moritz Gass 0 0 2 +2 19:40 2 0 80
RW William Madsen 5 4 1 +2 20:40 0 0 72
C Fazil Yusupov 0 0 1 +2 20:40 0 90 69
LW retired 4 2 3 +2 18:40 0 0 81
Line 2
LD retired 1 0 0 +0 20:20 0 0 46
RD retired 0 0 0 +0 21:20 0 0 76
RW Kimbel Madden 2 0 0 +0 20:20 0 0 51
C Pitari Kontiola 2 1 0 +0 20:20 0 79 76
LW retired 2 0 1 +0 18:20 0 0 82
Line 3
LD retired 1 0 0 +0 9:00 0 0 91
RD retired 1 0 0 +0 9:00 0 0 91
RW retired 0 0 0 +0 9:00 0 0 91
C Vladimir Stanek 1 0 0 +0 9:00 0 70 63
LW retired 0 0 0 +0 9:00 0 0 91
Line 4
LD retired 0 0 0 +2 10:00 0 0 90
RD Bevis Rafferty 0 0 1 +2 10:00 2 0 19
RW retired 1 0 2 +2 10:00 0 0 90
C retired 0 0 1 +2 10:00 0 77 90
LW retired 2 2 0 +2 10:00 0 0 90
Tactics Panthers HC Chepelevo
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 60 Hits 20 +4% +30%
Second line 60 Skill 15 +4% +20%
Third line 40 Speed 15 +1% +10%
Fourth line 40 Hits 15 +1% +30%
First PP 5 on 4 60 Carousel +2% +24%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 More passes +2% +32%
First PP 4 on 3 60 Blue line shots +2% +32%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 Carousel +2% +24%
First PK 4 on 5 60 Square +2% +20%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 Close snipers +2% +20%
Other tactics settings
Morale 2
Policies Magic Hurricane
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +1% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +1% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +0% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +2% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +0% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +2% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +0% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
No messages