The end of the third period
Just waving by guesswork Michal Zadrazil found the puck in the trapper
Uldis Raudseps shots!
Uldis Raudseps looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Coming out of the goal, Michal Zadrazil narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
Vollmayer Bringmann goes to the cage – swing, shot!
Uldis Raudseps shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
A penalty. Nemesio Grondona 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Nemesio Grondona. That's a penalty
Loosing track of the puck Arnolds Kalmanovich lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
Events unfold rapidly - Wolfgang Steuk is brought for the shot!
An outstanding pass performed by Wolfgang Steuk
Michal Zadrazil was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
Jokerit Helsinki players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
Not for the first time Ivar Bjerregaard exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
Arnolds Kalmanovich showed extrordinary reaction skillfully parrying the shot with the shield
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Forwards of Leon entered the zone of Jokerit Helsinki
Leon gained the advantage in the last minutes
With a backhand shot Eerik Hartikainen puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
Goal. 2-4. Eerik Hartikainen
Shot from the blue line!
Leon players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
Jorgen Pedersen couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Leon is with the puck
Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Arnolds Kalmanovich manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
Valdis Leitis shots!
Dezider Zmajkovic hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Vollmayer Bringmann is stronger at the spot
Clear play by Michal Zadrazil
Abbondio Costa circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Jokerit Helsinki keeps on advancing
Darcy Hill makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
The puck is in Michal Zadrazil trapper
There’s a moment at the Leon cage!
Otto Bjerke does a buttonhook. Jokerit Helsinki is advancing
Arnolds Kalmanovich saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
Dezider Zmajkovic looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Players of Jokerit Helsinki can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Arnolds Kalmanovich rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Eerik Hartikainen flicks from the blue line…
:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
The puck is held by Leon
Faceoff in the centre ice, Jokerit Helsinki is with the puck
Arnolds Kalmanovich parries the shot
Combination, pass goes by - Brandt Rau is alone!
Paul Favart looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 2-3. Eerik Hartikainen
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Leon entered the opponent's zone
A penalty. Matthias Aubert 2 minutes
Matthias Aubert realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Just waving by guesswork Arnolds Kalmanovich found the puck in the trapper
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Valdis Leitis did it!
Dezider Zmajkovic is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
A penalty. Otto Bjerke 2 minutes
Rough play by Otto Bjerke. Minor penalty, no doubt
A shattering hip-check by Alexandre Laronde. Matthias Aubert stretched on the ice and Leon holds the puck
Michal Zadrazil - perfect play with the trapper
Unexpected pass - Uldis Raudseps breaks into position!
Giovanni Teodoro meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
Karlis Celms was a little better at the spot
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
Defensemen apprehended Andrej Klima and removed him out of the zone
First-class clean check by a defensman of Leon
A penalty. Jens Gade 2 minutes
Jens Gade commits a faul
Buster Temple gains the puck for his team
Arnolds Kalmanovich saves his team!
Toivo Puljujarvi starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Leon enters the zone efortlessly
Arnolds Kalmanovich is unfailing!
Blocked shot of Maksim Hamalainen but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Claude Baltisberger and he is already in Jokerit Helsinki zone
Ernst Hornbostel entered the fight and was successful. Now Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck
A slack shot performed by Abbondio Costa. The goalkiper of Leon handels it quite easily
Fight in the centre, a pass and Abbondio Costa is already in the opponent's zone
A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
A penalty. Eerik Hartikainen 2 minutes
Rough play by Eerik Hartikainen. Minor penalty, no doubt
A penalty. Wolfgang Steuk 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Wolfgang Steuk. That's a penalty
Some hustle on the slot of Jokerit Helsinki, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Paul Favart is in favourable position!
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Leon - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
Arnolds Kalmanovich parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Swift shot!
Maksim Hamalainen is in the opponent's zone
Karlis Celms made a perfect turn on the slot and managed to sent a puck in the cage!
Goal. 2-2. Karlis Celms
Karlis Celms already prepares to shoot!
Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Jokerit Helsinki
Arcady Kostyukevich played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
Michal Zadrazil acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
Jokerit Helsinki players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Otto Bjerke starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Otto Bjerke built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
Michal Zadrazil catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Uldis Raudseps playfully handled the defender
Jokerit Helsinki charges
Michal Zadrazil put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
The cross turned into a shot, Karlis Celms hurries for a putback.
Arne Fransson moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
Fantastic play in the frame by Arnolds Kalmanovich! A save!
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
Leon players entered the zone without a hitch
Jorgen Pedersen played splendidly at the spot
Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
A breakaway! Goal!
Goal. 1-2. Buster Temple
Buster Temple flicks to the cage
Players of Leon were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
Arnolds Kalmanovich felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
Arcady Kostyukevich outplays the opponent and shoots!
Not for the first time Paul Favart exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
Faceoff in the centre ice, Leon is with the puck
Michal Zadrazil parries the puck
Simone Adalberto falling still shoots the cage
Leon skipped a beat and Vilhelm Jespersen is in the zone already
Arnolds Kalmanovich is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
Leon sniper charges from the blue line!
Leon holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
A carom! Goooooaaal!
Goal. 1-1. Edvard Egerbrandt
Edvard Egerbrandt took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Jokerit Helsinki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
The puck is dropped. Jokerit Helsinki initiates the atack
Michal Zadrazil is unfailing!
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Matthias Aubert did it!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Matthias Aubert corralled it and crosses the blue line
Dezider Zmajkovic almost tore the net apart with his shot from the blue line! And the goalie had nothing to do with it
Goal. 0-1. Dezider Zmajkovic
Dezider Zmajkovic partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Players of Leon won the puck
A penalty. Ivar Bjerregaard 2 minutes
Roughing by Ivar Bjerregaard
Michal Zadrazil plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Dobroslav Bober took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Jokerit Helsinki - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Michal Zadrazil just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
Uldis Raudseps moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Simone Adalberto prooved to be faster and won it for his team
Arnolds Kalmanovich managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
Leon played the moment like a good play - Eerik Hartikainen comes on the centre stage!
Eerik Hartikainen does a buttonhook. Leon is advancing
A penalty. Teuvo Martenson 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Teuvo Martenson. That's a penalty
Darcy Hill entered the fight and was successful. Now Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck
Face-off, Buster Temple gnaws the puck out
Arnolds Kalmanovich catches the puck with a trapper
Combination, pass goes by - Oskar Bjerke is alone!
Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Arnolds Kalmanovich, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Every pass is accurate - Paul Favart goes for the shot!
Sandro Leeger plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
Alexandre Laronde checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
An unsuccessful hip-check by Eerik Hartikainen. That's a penalty
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00Just waving by guesswork Michal Zadrazil found the puck in the trapper
‘58:00Uldis Raudseps shots!
‘58:00Uldis Raudseps looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘58:00Coming out of the goal, Michal Zadrazil narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
‘57:40Vollmayer Bringmann goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘57:40Uldis Raudseps shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘57:40A penalty. Nemesio Grondona 2 minutes
‘57:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Nemesio Grondona. That's a penalty
‘57:00Loosing track of the puck Arnolds Kalmanovich lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
‘56:40Events unfold rapidly - Wolfgang Steuk is brought for the shot!
‘56:40An outstanding pass performed by Wolfgang Steuk
‘56:40Michal Zadrazil was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
‘55:20Jokerit Helsinki players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘55:20Not for the first time Ivar Bjerregaard exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘55:20Arnolds Kalmanovich showed extrordinary reaction skillfully parrying the shot with the shield
‘54:40Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘54:40Forwards of Leon entered the zone of Jokerit Helsinki
‘54:40Leon gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘54:20With a backhand shot Eerik Hartikainen puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
‘53:40Goal. 2-4. Eerik Hartikainen
‘53:40Shot from the blue line!
‘53:40Leon players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘53:40Jorgen Pedersen couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Leon is with the puck
‘52:40Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Arnolds Kalmanovich manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
‘52:00Valdis Leitis shots!
‘52:00Dezider Zmajkovic hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘52:00Vollmayer Bringmann is stronger at the spot
‘51:40Clear play by Michal Zadrazil
‘51:00Abbondio Costa circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘51:00Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Jokerit Helsinki keeps on advancing
‘51:00Darcy Hill makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
‘50:00The puck is in Michal Zadrazil trapper
‘49:40There’s a moment at the Leon cage!
‘49:40Otto Bjerke does a buttonhook. Jokerit Helsinki is advancing
‘49:40Arnolds Kalmanovich saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
‘49:20It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘49:20Dezider Zmajkovic looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘49:20Players of Jokerit Helsinki can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘48:40Arnolds Kalmanovich rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘48:20Eerik Hartikainen flicks from the blue line…
‘48:20:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘48:20The puck is held by Leon
‘48:00Players of Jokerit Helsinki can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘47:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Jokerit Helsinki is with the puck
‘45:20Arnolds Kalmanovich parries the shot
‘45:00Combination, pass goes by - Brandt Rau is alone!
‘45:00Paul Favart looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘45:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘44:40Goal. 2-3. Eerik Hartikainen
‘44:40Eerik Hartikainen flicks from the blue line…
‘44:40:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Leon entered the opponent's zone
‘44:40A penalty. Matthias Aubert 2 minutes
‘44:00Matthias Aubert realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘44:00Just waving by guesswork Arnolds Kalmanovich found the puck in the trapper
‘43:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Valdis Leitis did it!
‘43:20Dezider Zmajkovic is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘43:20A penalty. Otto Bjerke 2 minutes
‘41:40Rough play by Otto Bjerke. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘41:40A shattering hip-check by Alexandre Laronde. Matthias Aubert stretched on the ice and Leon holds the puck
‘41:20Michal Zadrazil - perfect play with the trapper
‘41:00Unexpected pass - Uldis Raudseps breaks into position!
‘41:00Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Jokerit Helsinki keeps on advancing
‘41:00Giovanni Teodoro meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
‘40:20Karlis Celms was a little better at the spot
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Defensemen apprehended Andrej Klima and removed him out of the zone
‘40:00First-class clean check by a defensman of Leon
‘39:00A penalty. Jens Gade 2 minutes
‘38:40Jens Gade commits a faul
‘38:40Buster Temple gains the puck for his team
‘38:20Arnolds Kalmanovich saves his team!
‘37:20Toivo Puljujarvi starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘37:20The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Leon enters the zone efortlessly
‘37:20Arnolds Kalmanovich is unfailing!
‘36:40Blocked shot of Maksim Hamalainen but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘36:40An outstanding diagonal pass to Claude Baltisberger and he is already in Jokerit Helsinki zone
‘36:40Ernst Hornbostel entered the fight and was successful. Now Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck
‘36:20A slack shot performed by Abbondio Costa. The goalkiper of Leon handels it quite easily
‘34:20Jokerit Helsinki players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘34:20Fight in the centre, a pass and Abbondio Costa is already in the opponent's zone
‘34:20A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
‘33:40A penalty. Eerik Hartikainen 2 minutes
‘33:00Rough play by Eerik Hartikainen. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘33:00A penalty. Wolfgang Steuk 2 minutes
‘32:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Wolfgang Steuk. That's a penalty
‘32:40Some hustle on the slot of Jokerit Helsinki, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
‘29:20Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Paul Favart is in favourable position!
‘29:20A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Leon - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘29:20Arnolds Kalmanovich parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘28:20Swift shot!
‘28:20Maksim Hamalainen is in the opponent's zone
‘28:20Karlis Celms made a perfect turn on the slot and managed to sent a puck in the cage!
‘27:20Goal. 2-2. Karlis Celms
‘27:20Karlis Celms already prepares to shoot!
‘27:20Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘27:20Where the heck is the puck!? Oh yeah, here it is, held by Jokerit Helsinki
‘26:40Arcady Kostyukevich played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
‘26:40Michal Zadrazil acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘26:20Shot from the blue line!
‘26:20Jokerit Helsinki players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘26:20After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘25:40Otto Bjerke starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘25:40Otto Bjerke built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘25:40Michal Zadrazil catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘25:00Uldis Raudseps playfully handled the defender
‘25:00Jokerit Helsinki charges
‘25:00Michal Zadrazil put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
‘24:20The cross turned into a shot, Karlis Celms hurries for a putback.
‘24:20Arne Fransson moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘24:20Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
‘24:00Fantastic play in the frame by Arnolds Kalmanovich! A save!
‘23:20The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘23:20Leon players entered the zone without a hitch
‘23:20Jorgen Pedersen played splendidly at the spot
‘23:20Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
‘21:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00A breakaway! Goal!
‘19:40Goal. 1-2. Buster Temple
‘19:40Buster Temple flicks to the cage
‘19:40:foward breathes heavily - he crossed the blue line in a rush
‘19:40Players of Leon were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘19:00Arnolds Kalmanovich felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
‘18:40Arcady Kostyukevich outplays the opponent and shoots!
‘18:40Not for the first time Paul Favart exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘18:40Faceoff in the centre ice, Leon is with the puck
‘18:40Michal Zadrazil parries the puck
‘16:00Simone Adalberto falling still shoots the cage
‘16:00Leon skipped a beat and Vilhelm Jespersen is in the zone already
‘16:00Arnolds Kalmanovich is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
‘15:40Leon sniper charges from the blue line!
‘15:40Leon holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘15:40A carom! Goooooaaal!
‘15:00Goal. 1-1. Edvard Egerbrandt
‘15:00Edvard Egerbrandt took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘15:00Jokerit Helsinki forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘15:00The puck is dropped. Jokerit Helsinki initiates the atack
‘15:00Michal Zadrazil is unfailing!
‘14:40It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Matthias Aubert did it!
‘14:40Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Matthias Aubert corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘14:40Dezider Zmajkovic almost tore the net apart with his shot from the blue line! And the goalie had nothing to do with it
‘13:20Goal. 0-1. Dezider Zmajkovic
‘13:20Dezider Zmajkovic partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘13:20Leon players entered the zone without a hitch
‘13:20Players of Leon won the puck
‘13:20A penalty. Ivar Bjerregaard 2 minutes
‘12:20Roughing by Ivar Bjerregaard
‘12:20Michal Zadrazil plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘12:00Dobroslav Bober took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘12:00A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Jokerit Helsinki - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘12:00Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Michal Zadrazil just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
‘11:40It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘11:40Uldis Raudseps moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘11:40An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Simone Adalberto prooved to be faster and won it for his team
‘10:20Arnolds Kalmanovich managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
‘8:20Leon played the moment like a good play - Eerik Hartikainen comes on the centre stage!
‘8:20Eerik Hartikainen does a buttonhook. Leon is advancing
‘8:20A penalty. Teuvo Martenson 2 minutes
‘7:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Teuvo Martenson. That's a penalty
‘7:40Darcy Hill entered the fight and was successful. Now Jokerit Helsinki holds the puck
‘7:00Face-off, Buster Temple gnaws the puck out
‘6:40Arnolds Kalmanovich catches the puck with a trapper
‘6:00Combination, pass goes by - Oskar Bjerke is alone!
‘6:00Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘6:00First-class clean check by a defensman of Leon
‘5:40A shot was good, the vision blocked for Arnolds Kalmanovich, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘5:00Every pass is accurate - Paul Favart goes for the shot!
‘5:00Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘5:00Sandro Leeger plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘4:20Alexandre Laronde checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
‘1:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Jokerit Helsinki is with the puck
‘0:40A penalty. Eerik Hartikainen 2 minutes
‘0:20An unsuccessful hip-check by Eerik Hartikainen. That's a penalty
‘0:20Start of the first period