The end of the third period
An eager beaver Niklas Wagner-Jauregg achieved his goal and ended the attack
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Capitals. Attack was bogged down
With a quick wrist shot Nestor Boucher got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 1-4. Nestor Boucher
Nestor Boucher shoots!
Forwards of Capitals entered the zone of Rungsted
A slack shot performed by Kiosti Miljoona. The goalkiper of Rungsted handels it quite easily
Rungsted defenders allowed Kiosti Miljoona to shoot
On an even keel fowards of Capitals rolled into the zone
A penalty. Linards Raitums 2 minutes
Linards Raitums gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
The puck flies from under the defenseman, Tobias Sperber raises the shield and gets it
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Capitals players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
Faceoff in the centre ice, Capitals is with the puck
Tobias Lind securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
Off-side. Players of Capitals were too hasty
A marvelous wrist shot by Nestor Boucher! Puck is in the net!
Goal. 1-3. Nestor Boucher
Nestor Boucher shoots against the defenseman
Players of Capitals start their attack
Rennison Boileau played splendidly at the spot
A slack shot performed by Melvin Bonivard. The goalkiper of Capitals handels it quite easily
Combination, pass goes by - Melvin Bonivard is alone!
With his pass Melvin Bonivard simply cuts apart Capitals defence
Melvin Bonivard leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Players of Rungsted start their attack
Centres look cross at each other. Arcibaldo Bandello wins the duel
Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Alvin Hakansson manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
Each player of the Rungsted got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
Vanhanen Jokinen leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
The Rungsted attack failed
The puck is in Alvin Hakansson trapper
Blocked shot of Linards Raitums but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
Omobono Bergamo hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Players of Rungsted initiate the attack
A penalty. Rothke Hohne 2 minutes
Rough play by Rothke Hohne. Minor penalty, no doubt
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
A penalty. Romain Freymond 2 minutes
Rough play by Romain Freymond. Minor penalty, no doubt
Defense acts rough and pacy, pushing the opponent's forwards away from the puck. The attack is dead by now
Tobias Sperber - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
The puck bounces back to the Rungsted zone
Tobias Sperber parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Tobias Lind slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
Capitals players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
Rennison Boileau securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
Antioh Mironov checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
Dzintars Keizars skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 1-2. Dzintars Keizars
Dzintars Keizars shoots against the defenseman
Dzintars Keizars is in the opponent's zone
The team is saved by Tobias Sperber! A copy-book move with the shield
Vaclav Okuliar is left alone on the slot!
A penalty. Tracey Neilson 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
Alvin Hakansson catches the puck surprisingly easy
Omobono Bergamo playfully handled the defender
Kamil Turon took the bit between his teeth
Alvin Hakansson catches the puck with a trapper
Gavriil Chigir slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
Rungsted charges
Niklas Hornbostel blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
A penalty. Kiosti Miljoona 2 minutes
Kiosti Miljoona realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Tobias Sperber felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
Pass, Arcibaldo Bandello is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Taavetti Kokkonen manages to perform an excellent drive!
Tobias Sperber is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
Peter-Kierkegaard Wang outplays the opponent and shoots!
Capitals cought the opponent on change
Alvin Hakansson weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
A sprint drive! Toti DAgostino enters the zone
Face-off, Gavriil Chigir gnaws the puck out
What a moment it was for Taavetti Kokkonen! But Tobias Sperber did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Taavetti Kokkonen aims!
Arcibaldo Bandello took the bit between his teeth
Face-off is won by Arcibaldo Bandello
A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Antioh Mironov
Rennison Boileau was a little better at the spot
They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
The puck is dropped. Capitals initiates the atack
Ruslan Moskalevich skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 1-1. Ruslan Moskalevich
Ruslan Moskalevich shots!
Fight in the centre, a pass and Ruslan Moskalevich is already in the opponent's zone
Alvin Hakansson acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
Toti DAgostino delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
Not for the first time Ruslan Moskalevich exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
Philipp Tschuor loses the puck out of the blue
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Alvin Hakansson is strong
Capitals defenders allowed Alfred Nordegren to shoot
The puck is held by Capitals
A penalty. Seth Courchesne 2 minutes
Rough play by Seth Courchesne. Minor penalty, no doubt
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Jerry Bowie did it!
Jerry Bowie is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
Kiosti Miljoona delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Nestor Boucher and he is already in Rungsted zone
Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Tobias Sperber - it should have been more accurate
Dzintars Keizars shoots!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Vaclav Okuliar and he is already in Rungsted zone
A penalty. Alfred Nordegren 2 minutes
Alfred Nordegren couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
Alvin Hakansson catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Ruslan Moskalevich shots
An accurate pass. Rungsted moves forward
A penalty. Conrad Skrede 2 minutes
Alvin Hakansson parries the puck
Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Omobono Bergamo is ready to shoot!
On an even keel fowards of Rungsted rolled into the zone
Faceoff in the centre ice, Rungsted is with the puck
Players of Rungsted do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
Tobias Sperber catches the puck surprisingly easy
Tobias Lind is left alone on the slot!
Taavetti Kokkonen watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Alvin Hakansson managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
Omobono Bergamo scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Rungsted entered the opponent's zone
Rennison Boileau gains the puck for his team
A marvelous wrist shot by Dzintars Keizars! Puck is in the net!
Goal. 0-1. Dzintars Keizars
Capitals players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
Capitals forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Rungsted players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
Thanks to his personal performance Kamil Turon made himself comfortable in the Capitals zone
Face-off, Omobono Bergamo gnaws the puck out
Tobias Sperber rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Capitals players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jerry Bowie shoots
Romain Freymond moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Alvin Hakansson saves his team!
Toti DAgostino appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
Toti DAgostino looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Players of Capitals lose the puck
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00An eager beaver Niklas Wagner-Jauregg achieved his goal and ended the attack
‘60:00A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Capitals. Attack was bogged down
‘59:20With a quick wrist shot Nestor Boucher got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘59:00Goal. 1-4. Nestor Boucher
‘59:00Nestor Boucher shoots!
‘59:00Forwards of Capitals entered the zone of Rungsted
‘59:00A slack shot performed by Kiosti Miljoona. The goalkiper of Rungsted handels it quite easily
‘56:40Rungsted defenders allowed Kiosti Miljoona to shoot
‘56:40On an even keel fowards of Capitals rolled into the zone
‘56:40A penalty. Linards Raitums 2 minutes
‘56:20Linards Raitums gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘56:20The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘55:40The puck flies from under the defenseman, Tobias Sperber raises the shield and gets it
‘54:20Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘54:20Capitals players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘54:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Capitals is with the puck
‘53:40Tobias Lind securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
‘53:00Off-side. Players of Capitals were too hasty
‘52:20A marvelous wrist shot by Nestor Boucher! Puck is in the net!
‘51:20Goal. 1-3. Nestor Boucher
‘51:20Nestor Boucher shoots against the defenseman
‘51:20Forwards of Capitals entered the zone of Rungsted
‘51:20Players of Capitals start their attack
‘50:00Rennison Boileau played splendidly at the spot
‘47:20A slack shot performed by Melvin Bonivard. The goalkiper of Capitals handels it quite easily
‘47:00Combination, pass goes by - Melvin Bonivard is alone!
‘47:00With his pass Melvin Bonivard simply cuts apart Capitals defence
‘47:00Melvin Bonivard leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘47:00Players of Rungsted start their attack
‘46:00Centres look cross at each other. Arcibaldo Bandello wins the duel
‘45:00Squeezed between his own sluggish defesemen, Alvin Hakansson manages to writhe himself free and press the puck in this mess!
‘44:20Each player of the Rungsted got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘44:20The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘44:20Vanhanen Jokinen leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘44:00The Rungsted attack failed
‘43:40The puck is in Alvin Hakansson trapper
‘41:00Blocked shot of Linards Raitums but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘41:00Omobono Bergamo hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘41:00Players of Rungsted initiate the attack
‘41:00A penalty. Rothke Hohne 2 minutes
‘40:20Rough play by Rothke Hohne. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00A penalty. Romain Freymond 2 minutes
‘39:00Rough play by Romain Freymond. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘39:00Defense acts rough and pacy, pushing the opponent's forwards away from the puck. The attack is dead by now
‘38:20Tobias Sperber - quick movement with the leg pads and the puck finds no way to the cage!
‘37:20The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘37:20The puck bounces back to the Rungsted zone
‘37:20Tobias Sperber parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘37:00Tobias Lind slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘37:00Capitals players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘37:00Rennison Boileau securing a pass couldn't see the opponent. He falls onto the ice gathering ice chips. It was hard on him
‘36:40Players of Capitals start their attack
‘36:40Antioh Mironov checks cleanly, skilfully twisting the baton
‘36:20The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
‘36:00Dzintars Keizars skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
‘35:40Goal. 1-2. Dzintars Keizars
‘35:40Dzintars Keizars shoots against the defenseman
‘35:40Dzintars Keizars is in the opponent's zone
‘35:40The team is saved by Tobias Sperber! A copy-book move with the shield
‘35:20Vaclav Okuliar is left alone on the slot!
‘35:20Forwards of Capitals entered the zone of Rungsted
‘35:20A penalty. Tracey Neilson 2 minutes
‘35:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘35:00Alvin Hakansson catches the puck surprisingly easy
‘34:20Omobono Bergamo playfully handled the defender
‘34:20Kamil Turon took the bit between his teeth
‘34:20Alvin Hakansson catches the puck with a trapper
‘33:40Gavriil Chigir slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘33:40Rungsted charges
‘33:40Niklas Hornbostel blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
‘33:20A penalty. Kiosti Miljoona 2 minutes
‘32:20Kiosti Miljoona realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘32:20Tobias Sperber felt the moment and closed the vavant corner
‘32:00Pass, Arcibaldo Bandello is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘32:00Taavetti Kokkonen manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘32:00Tobias Sperber is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘31:40Peter-Kierkegaard Wang outplays the opponent and shoots!
‘31:40Capitals cought the opponent on change
‘31:40Alvin Hakansson weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘30:40The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘30:40A sprint drive! Toti DAgostino enters the zone
‘30:40Face-off, Gavriil Chigir gnaws the puck out
‘30:40What a moment it was for Taavetti Kokkonen! But Tobias Sperber did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘29:00Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Taavetti Kokkonen aims!
‘29:00Arcibaldo Bandello took the bit between his teeth
‘29:00Face-off is won by Arcibaldo Bandello
‘29:00A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Antioh Mironov
‘28:40Rennison Boileau was a little better at the spot
‘28:40They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
‘28:20The puck is dropped. Capitals initiates the atack
‘28:20Ruslan Moskalevich skillfully tips the puck towards the cage!
‘27:40Goal. 1-1. Ruslan Moskalevich
‘27:40Ruslan Moskalevich shots!
‘27:40Fight in the centre, a pass and Ruslan Moskalevich is already in the opponent's zone
‘27:40Alvin Hakansson acts harsh but manages to get hold of the puck!
‘25:20Toti DAgostino delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘25:20Not for the first time Ruslan Moskalevich exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘25:20Philipp Tschuor loses the puck out of the blue
‘24:40Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘24:20Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Alvin Hakansson is strong
‘23:20Capitals defenders allowed Alfred Nordegren to shoot
‘23:20The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘23:20The puck is held by Capitals
‘22:40A penalty. Seth Courchesne 2 minutes
‘20:40Rough play by Seth Courchesne. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘20:40Tobias Sperber is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘20:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Jerry Bowie did it!
‘20:20Jerry Bowie is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘20:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Tobias Sperber parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘18:20Kiosti Miljoona delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘18:20An outstanding diagonal pass to Nestor Boucher and he is already in Rungsted zone
‘18:20Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Tobias Sperber - it should have been more accurate
‘18:00Dzintars Keizars shoots!
‘18:00An outstanding diagonal pass to Vaclav Okuliar and he is already in Rungsted zone
‘18:00A penalty. Alfred Nordegren 2 minutes
‘17:40Alfred Nordegren couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘17:40Players of Rungsted initiate the attack
‘17:20Alvin Hakansson catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘16:00Ruslan Moskalevich shots
‘16:00An accurate pass. Rungsted moves forward
‘16:00A penalty. Conrad Skrede 2 minutes
‘14:20We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘14:20Alvin Hakansson parries the puck
‘13:40Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Omobono Bergamo is ready to shoot!
‘13:40On an even keel fowards of Rungsted rolled into the zone
‘13:40Defense acts rough and pacy, pushing the opponent's forwards away from the puck. The attack is dead by now
‘12:00Faceoff in the centre ice, Rungsted is with the puck
‘11:20Players of Rungsted do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
‘9:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Capitals is with the puck
‘9:00Tobias Sperber catches the puck surprisingly easy
‘7:40Tobias Lind is left alone on the slot!
‘7:40Taavetti Kokkonen watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘7:40Alvin Hakansson managed to get back to the opern corner on time - the puck is locked in
‘6:00Omobono Bergamo scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
‘6:00:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Rungsted entered the opponent's zone
‘6:00The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘5:00Rennison Boileau gains the puck for his team
‘4:20A marvelous wrist shot by Dzintars Keizars! Puck is in the net!
‘3:40Goal. 0-1. Dzintars Keizars
‘3:40Capitals players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘3:40Capitals forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘3:40The puck is in Alvin Hakansson trapper
‘3:00Rungsted players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘3:00Thanks to his personal performance Kamil Turon made himself comfortable in the Capitals zone
‘3:00Face-off, Omobono Bergamo gnaws the puck out
‘3:00Tobias Sperber rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘1:40Capitals players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jerry Bowie shoots
‘1:40Romain Freymond moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘1:40Alvin Hakansson saves his team!
‘1:20Toti DAgostino appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘1:20Toti DAgostino looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘1:20Players of Capitals lose the puck
‘0:40Start of the first period