
4 3

Kuznetsk Bears




Ice palace

Date: 2024-09-30
Audience: 500 (100%)
Ticket price: 1
Income: 500
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
Kuznetsk Bears 4 3 0 1 31 10 11 10 12
Narkotiki 3 1 1 1 30 8 10 12 8

Three stars

Paul Eder

Goals: 2
Assists: 0
+/-: +0
Time on ice : 17:40
Brett Luik

Goals: 2
Assists: 0
+/-: +0
Time on ice : 15:00
Timofey Astankov

Saves: 27
Percent : 0.900
Time on ice : 60:00
On ice: Paul Eder Adolph Fisker Egidio Verdizotti Uberto Rino Robert Pataglia 1:20 GOAL
Brett Luik0-1
Bartolomej Kafenda
On ice: Xavier LaDue Bartolomej Kafenda Vilem Sivek Moric Kurali Brett Luik
2:20 PENALTY Bernhard Kirst2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
Щелчок с коротким замахом
Paul Eder1-1
Adolph FiskerUberto Rino
On ice: Paul Eder Adolph Fisker Egidio Verdizotti Uberto Rino Robert Pataglia
3:40 On ice: Xavier LaDue Bartolomej Kafenda Moric Kurali Vilem Sivek
4:40 PENALTY Semen Lavrentyev2 min
Удар клюшкой
PENALTY Lorenz vonWy2 min
Неправильная атака соперника
Щелчок с длинным замахом
Robert Pataglia2-1
Egidio Verdizotti
On ice: Paul Eder Adolph Fisker Egidio Verdizotti Uberto Rino Robert Pataglia
12:00 On ice: Xavier LaDue Bartolomej Kafenda Vilem Sivek Moric Kurali Brett Luik
Paul Eder3-1
Egidio VerdizottiUberto Rino
On ice: Paul Eder Adolph Fisker Egidio Verdizotti Uberto Rino Robert Pataglia
17:20 On ice: Xavier LaDue Bartolomej Kafenda Vilem Sivek Moric Kurali Brett Luik
PENALTY Egidio Verdizotti2 min
PENALTY Voldemars Rags2 min
Задержка клюшки соперника
PENALTY Uberto Rino2 min
Колющий удар соперника клюшкой
On ice: Ronald Hannah Reed Treloar Voldemars Rags Viliam Kratzer 29:00 PPG
Mato Sojcik3-2
Adolf CroceDouglas Holway
On ice: Kilian Ivanschitz Otmar Jandl Mato Sojcik Douglas Holway Adolf Croce
48:00 PENALTY Matti Laine2 min
Удар локтем
Viliam Kratzer4-2
Ronald HannahVoldemars Rags
On ice: Ronald Hannah Reed Treloar Viliam Kratzer Voldemars Rags Pier Carlo Giraldoni
49:00 On ice: Kilian Ivanschitz Otmar Jandl Douglas Holway Mato Sojcik
50:40 PENALTY Martin Cuvier2 min
PENALTY Alexander Paulrud2 min
Неспортивное поведение
On ice: Paul Eder Adolph Fisker Egidio Verdizotti Uberto Rino Robert Pataglia 57:20 GOAL
Контратака: выход один на один с вратарём
Brett Luik4-3
Bartolomej Kafenda
On ice: Xavier LaDue Bartolomej Kafenda Vilem Sivek Moric Kurali Brett Luik
PENALTY Glenn Redmond2 min
Неспортивное поведение
Teams stats Kuznetsk Bears Narkotiki
Shots 31 10-11-10 30 8-10-12
Goals 4 3-0-1 3 1-1-1
Powerplay shots 9 3-0-6 14 3-4-7
Powerplay goals 2 1-0-1 1 0-1-0
Counterattack shots 3 0-3-0 2 0-0-2
Counterattack goals 0 0-0-0 1 0-0-1
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Penalty 12 4-4-4 8 4-0-4
Faceoffs (%) 49 51
Players stats Kuznetsk Bears Narkotiki
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Timofey Astankov 30 27 0.900 60:00 80
G Timofey Astankov 30 27 0.900 60:00 80
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Reed Treloar 0 0 0 +0 18:20 0 0 80
RD Ronald Hannah 3 0 1 +0 18:20 0 0 82
RW Viliam Kratzer 2 1 0 +0 18:00 0 0 82
C Voldemars Rags 2 0 1 +0 17:20 2 50 81
LW Pier Carlo Giraldoni 2 0 0 +0 13:40 0 0 86
Line 2
LD Adolph Fisker 1 0 1 +0 17:40 0 0 82
RD Paul Eder 4 2 0 +0 17:40 0 0 77
RW Egidio Verdizotti 5 0 2 +0 16:40 2 0 83
C Uberto Rino 2 0 2 +0 18:40 2 63 68
LW Robert Pataglia 2 1 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
Line 3
LD Cedric Gass 1 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
RD Karl-Heinz Rothenburg 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
RW Carl Alme 3 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
C Mino Mancini 1 0 0 +0 11:40 0 43 88
LW Viggo Stenberg 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 85
Line 4
LD Lorenz vonWy 0 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
RD Alexander Paulrud 0 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
RW Akseli Manninen 0 0 0 +0 12:20 0 0 88
C Walch Drehmel 0 0 0 +0 12:20 0 35 88
LW Glenn Redmond 3 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Denis Kudrna 31 27 0.871 60:00 77
G Denis Kudrna 31 27 0.871 60:00 77
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Otmar Jandl 1 0 0 +0 18:20 0 0 82
RD Kilian Ivanschitz 0 0 0 +0 18:20 0 0 81
RW Mato Sojcik 2 1 0 +0 18:20 0 0 82
C Douglas Holway 4 0 1 +0 18:20 0 51 82
LW Adolf Croce 3 0 1 +0 14:40 0 0 85
Line 2
LD Bartolomej Kafenda 2 0 2 +0 17:40 0 0 68
RD Xavier LaDue 0 0 0 +0 17:40 0 0 82
RW Vilem Sivek 1 0 0 +0 17:40 0 0 77
C Moric Kurali 1 0 0 +0 17:40 0 36 82
LW Brett Luik 6 2 0 +0 15:00 0 0 85
Line 3
LD Poul Westenholz 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
RD Jorgen Hanefjord 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
RW Semen Lavrentyev 0 0 0 +0 11:40 2 0 88
C Uluan Valyukevich 2 0 0 +0 11:40 0 57 85
LW Dashiell Crawford 2 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
Line 4
LD Matti Laine 0 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
RD Martin Cuvier 0 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
RW Bernhard Kirst 1 0 0 +0 12:20 2 0 88
C Reid Kaiser 4 0 0 +0 12:20 0 65 88
LW Andris Kviesis 1 0 0 +0 12:20 0 0 88
Tactics Kuznetsk Bears Narkotiki
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +10% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +3% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +10% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +3% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +16% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +5% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +16% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +5% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +5% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +1% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +5% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +1% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +5% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +1% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +5% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +1% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
No messages