
5 4






Date: 2024-09-27
Audience: 500 (100%)
Ticket price: 1
Income: 500
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
volgograd 5 3 2 0 29 10 7 12 6
Vincenta 4 1 1 2 25 7 9 9 2

Three stars

Oscar Ebner

Goals: 2
Assists: 0
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 12:20
Uberto Basili

Goals: 3
Assists: 0
+/-: +1
Time on ice : 16:20
Christophe Huber

Goals: 1
Assists: 1
+/-: +2
Time on ice : 12:20
Мощный кистевой бросок
Oscar Ebner1-0
Yan CtypkoSaeftel Beyer
On ice: Saeftel Beyer Christophe Huber Leon Schilchegger Oscar Ebner Yan Ctypko
4:20 On ice: Mitrafan Sych Flat Hurst Gregor Pernis Yosif Keizars Filipp Belov
PENALTY Klaus-Peter Jochen2 min
Опасная игра высоко поднятой клюшкой
On ice: Paxom Cmtyznko Alfred Youri Fedor Kokoshinsky Brock Greubel 9:40 PPG
Бросок с неудобной руки
Uberto Basili1-1
Quinzio Gastone
On ice: Quinzio Gastone Igor Grushevsky Lutz Yasin Samuel Lafosse Uberto Basili
Контратака: выход один на один с вратарём
Simon Carr2-1
Paxom Cmtyznko
On ice: Paxom Cmtyznko Roland Jungstedt Bastian Stefansen Simon Carr Lipman Zarins
11:20 On ice: Theophile Schommer Jean-Augustin Lemelin Cyrus Debelle Lorens Larsson Sander Ewald
Быстрый кистевой бросок
Oscar Ebner3-1
Leon SchilcheggerChristophe Huber
On ice: Saeftel Beyer Christophe Huber Leon Schilchegger Oscar Ebner Yan Ctypko
12:20 On ice: Mitrafan Sych Flat Hurst Gregor Pernis Yosif Keizars Filipp Belov
PENALTY Alfred Youri2 min
Атака соперника сзади
Контратака: в пустые ворота
Christophe Huber4-1
Yan Ctypko
On ice: Saeftel Beyer Christophe Huber Leon Schilchegger Oscar Ebner Yan Ctypko
33:40 On ice: Mitrafan Sych Flat Hurst Gregor Pernis Yosif Keizars Filipp Belov
Bastian Stefansen5-1
Paxom Cmtyznko
On ice: Paxom Cmtyznko Roland Jungstedt Bastian Stefansen Simon Carr Lipman Zarins
35:00 On ice: Theophile Schommer Jean-Augustin Lemelin Cyrus Debelle Lorens Larsson Sander Ewald
PENALTY Bastian Stefansen2 min
Задержка клюшкой
On ice: Klaus-Peter Jochen Alfred Youri Fedor Kokoshinsky Brock Greubel 39:20 PPG
Uberto Basili5-2
Quinzio GastoneLutz Yasin
On ice: Quinzio Gastone Igor Grushevsky Lutz Yasin Samuel Lafosse Uberto Basili
On ice: Klaus-Peter Jochen Alfred Youri Brock Greubel Fedor Kokoshinsky Stanislav Devyatovskiy 44:00 GOAL
Uberto Basili5-3

On ice: Quinzio Gastone Igor Grushevsky Lutz Yasin Samuel Lafosse Uberto Basili
54:40 PENALTY Uberto Basili2 min
Удар соперника коленом
On ice: Saeftel Beyer Christophe Huber Leon Schilchegger Oscar Ebner Yan Ctypko 57:40 GOAL
Filipp Belov5-4
Mitrafan Sych
On ice: Mitrafan Sych Flat Hurst Gregor Pernis Yosif Keizars Filipp Belov
Teams stats volgograd Vincenta
Shots 29 10-7-12 25 7-9-9
Goals 5 3-2-0 4 1-1-2
Powerplay shots 2 0-0-2 5 3-2-0
Powerplay goals 0 0-0-0 2 1-1-0
Counterattack shots 7 5-2-0 1 0-1-0
Counterattack goals 2 1-1-0 0 0-0-0
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Penalty 6 4-2-0 2 0-0-2
Faceoffs (%) 39 61
Players stats volgograd Vincenta
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Evgraf Moiseev 25 21 0.840 60:00 82
G Evgraf Moiseev 25 21 0.840 60:00 82
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Roland Jungstedt 0 0 0 +2 18:00 0 0 82
RD Paxom Cmtyznko 0 0 2 +2 17:40 0 0 82
RW Bastian Stefansen 2 1 0 +2 16:00 2 0 84
C Simon Carr 1 1 0 +2 17:00 0 31 82
LW Lipman Zarins 3 0 0 +2 15:00 0 0 85
Line 2
LD Alfred Youri 1 0 0 -1 16:20 2 0 84
RD Klaus-Peter Jochen 1 0 0 -1 16:40 2 0 83
RW Brock Greubel 0 0 0 -1 18:20 0 0 82
C Fedor Kokoshinsky 3 0 0 -1 17:20 0 44 83
LW Stanislav Devyatovskiy 3 0 0 -1 15:20 0 0 85
Line 3
LD Christophe Huber 1 1 1 +2 12:20 0 0 88
RD Saeftel Beyer 0 0 1 +2 12:20 0 0 88
RW Leon Schilchegger 2 0 1 +2 12:20 0 0 88
C Oscar Ebner 5 2 0 +2 12:20 0 41 88
LW Yan Ctypko 1 0 2 +2 12:20 0 0 88
Line 4
LD Tarquinio Bassi 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RD Lutz Mirko 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RW Rayan Dionne 3 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
C Odon Krassnig 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 40 87
LW Anders Gunnarsen 3 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Samu Raitio Fahl 29 24 0.828 60:00 80
G Samu Raitio Fahl 29 24 0.828 60:00 80
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Jean-Augustin Lemelin 1 0 0 -2 17:00 0 0 77
RD Theophile Schommer 1 0 0 -2 17:00 0 0 83
RW Cyrus Debelle 1 0 0 -2 17:00 0 0 82
C Lorens Larsson 2 0 0 -2 17:00 0 69 83
LW Sander Ewald 2 0 0 -2 16:00 0 0 84
Line 2
LD Igor Grushevsky 0 0 0 +1 17:20 0 0 83
RD Quinzio Gastone 0 0 2 +1 17:20 0 0 79
RW Lutz Yasin 1 0 1 +1 17:20 0 0 83
C Samuel Lafosse 1 0 0 +1 17:20 0 56 83
LW Uberto Basili 6 3 0 +1 16:20 2 0 84
Line 3
LD Flat Hurst 0 0 0 -2 12:20 0 0 88
RD Mitrafan Sych 0 0 1 -2 12:20 0 0 88
RW Gregor Pernis 1 0 0 -2 12:20 0 0 88
C Yosif Keizars 2 0 0 -2 12:20 0 59 88
LW Filipp Belov 1 1 0 -2 12:20 0 0 88
Line 4
LD Hugh Bronson 1 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RD Dusan Rataj 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
RW Knuts Balanas 3 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
C Vasiliy Lastowski 0 0 0 +0 13:20 0 60 87
LW Endra Albrecht 2 0 0 +0 13:20 0 0 87
Tactics volgograd Vincenta
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +9% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +1% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +9% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +1% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +12% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +1% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +12% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +1% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +2% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +0% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +2% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +0% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +0% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +0% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +0% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +0% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
No messages