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Ice Palace

Date: 2024-08-31
Audience: 500 (100%)
Ticket price: 1
Income: 500
Match info
Team Goals: 1 2 3 Shots: 1 2 3 PIM
SPB TIME 3 1 2 0 30 7 16 7 10
Enisey 5 1 2 2 36 13 13 10 8

Three stars

Bertrand Gulbranssen

Goals: 2
Assists: 1
+/-: -1
Time on ice : 18:00
Ernst Tullin

Saves: 27
Percent : 0.900
Time on ice : 60:00
Gunnhild Nedreaas

Goals: 0
Assists: 3
+/-: -1
Time on ice : 15:20
On ice: Vlad Khudovekov Elfgard Brett Hermann Ek Raphael Leighton Tove Liimatta 6:00 GOAL
Быстрый кистевой бросок
Carlos Felbiger0-1
Sebastien GauvilliersDmitry Ruderman
On ice: Dmitry Ruderman Muller Dombrowski Gidon Walden Carlos Felbiger Sebastien Gauvilliers
8:20 PENALTY Dmitry Ruderman2 min
PENALTY Vlad Khudovekov2 min
Опасная игра высоко поднятой клюшкой
PENALTY Guillaume Ducharme2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
18:00 PENALTY Hartwig Herold2 min
Толчок соперника на борт
Мощный кистевой бросок
Vlad Khudovekov1-1
Tove LiimattaElfgard Brett
On ice: Vlad Khudovekov Elfgard Brett Hermann Ek Raphael Leighton Tove Liimatta
18:40 On ice: Dmitry Ruderman Muller Dombrowski Carlos Felbiger Gidon Walden
Контратака: в пустые ворота
Guillaume Ducharme2-1
Wilson Nimzowitsch
On ice: Wilson Nimzowitsch Hilde Mihail Guillaume Ducharme Vilhelm Wessel Maksim Rubinoff
29:20 On ice: Yan Rostovtsev Melchior Friedli Barthelemy Monnier Ivo Dähler Peder Tellefsen
On ice: Wilson Nimzowitsch Hilde Mihail Guillaume Ducharme Vilhelm Wessel Maksim Rubinoff 37:00 GOAL
Melchior Friedli2-2
Barthelemy Monnier
On ice: Yan Rostovtsev Melchior Friedli Barthelemy Monnier Ivo Dähler Peder Tellefsen
Prokhor Sharov3-2
Brendan Shackelford
On ice: Warren Cholewinsky Reima Kahkonen Dalimil Plsek Brendan Shackelford Prokhor Sharov
38:20 On ice: Navum Krauchanka Moritz Stalder Bertrand Gulbranssen Manes Schopp Gunnhild Nedreaas
PENALTY Brendan Shackelford2 min
Атака в область головы и шеи
On ice: Warren Cholewinsky Reima Kahkonen Raphael Leighton Dalimil Plsek 40:00 PPG
Щелчок с коротким замахом
Bertrand Gulbranssen3-3
Navum KrauchankaGunnhild Nedreaas
On ice: Navum Krauchanka Moritz Stalder Bertrand Gulbranssen Manes Schopp Gunnhild Nedreaas
PENALTY Guillaume Ducharme2 min
Неспортивное поведение
On ice: Warren Cholewinsky Reima Kahkonen Brendan Shackelford Dalimil Plsek 52:00 PPG
Мощный кистевой бросок
Moritz Stalder3-4
Bertrand GulbranssenGunnhild Nedreaas
On ice: Navum Krauchanka Moritz Stalder Bertrand Gulbranssen Manes Schopp Gunnhild Nedreaas
52:20 PENALTY Patrik Gardell2 min
Атака соперника сзади
PENALTY Hilde Mihail2 min
Неспортивное поведение
On ice: Warren Cholewinsky Reima Kahkonen Brendan Shackelford Dalimil Plsek 57:20 PPG
Быстрый кистевой бросок
Bertrand Gulbranssen3-5
Gunnhild NedreaasMoritz Stalder
On ice: Navum Krauchanka Moritz Stalder Bertrand Gulbranssen Manes Schopp Gunnhild Nedreaas
59:20 PENALTY Gidon Walden2 min
Задержка клюшки соперника
Teams stats SPB TIME Enisey
Shots 30 7-16-7 36 13-13-10
Goals 3 1-2-0 5 1-2-2
Powerplay shots 4 3-0-1 13 5-2-6
Powerplay goals 1 1-0-0 3 0-1-2
Counterattack shots 7 1-5-1 3 0-1-2
Counterattack goals 1 0-1-0 0 0-0-0
Shorthanded goals (shots) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Penalty 10 4-2-4 8 4-0-4
Faceoffs (%) 48 52
Players stats SPB TIME Enisey
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Adam Cihak 36 31 0.861 60:00 76
G Adam Cihak 36 31 0.861 60:00 76
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD Elfgard Brett 0 0 1 -1 18:20 0 0 81
RD Vlad Khudovekov 1 1 0 -1 17:20 2 0 83
RW Hermann Ek 2 0 0 -1 18:20 0 0 82
C Raphael Leighton 4 0 0 -1 19:20 0 47 81
LW Tove Liimatta 0 0 1 -1 14:40 0 0 85
Line 2
LD Reima Kahkonen 1 0 0 +1 18:00 0 0 82
RD Warren Cholewinsky 0 0 0 +1 19:00 0 0 67
RW Dalimil Plsek 5 0 0 +1 18:00 0 0 82
C Brendan Shackelford 2 0 1 +1 17:00 2 51 63
LW Prokhor Sharov 3 1 0 +1 13:40 0 0 86
Line 3
LD Otakar Pistej 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 80
RD Elias Salvenmoser 0 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
RW Belisario Ferraro 1 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
C Vincent Konecny 1 0 0 +0 11:40 0 57 88
LW Kaelan Cornforth 2 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
Line 4
LD Hilde Mihail 0 0 0 +0 12:00 2 0 88
RD Wilson Nimzowitsch 0 0 1 +0 12:00 0 0 88
RW Guillaume Ducharme 6 1 0 +0 12:00 4 0 59
C Vilhelm Wessel 1 0 0 +0 12:00 0 39 88
LW Maksim Rubinoff 1 0 0 +0 12:00 0 0 88
Pos # Player Sh Sa % TOI Form
G Ernst Tullin 30 27 0.900 60:00 64
G Ernst Tullin 30 27 0.900 60:00 64
Pos # Player S G A +/- TOI PIM F % Form
Line 1
LD 49 Muller Dombrowski 1 0 0 +1 18:20 0 0 82
RD Dmitry Ruderman 2 0 1 +1 17:20 2 0 83
RW Gidon Walden 2 0 0 +1 18:20 2 0 82
C Carlos Felbiger 4 1 0 +1 18:20 0 55 82
LW Sebastien Gauvilliers 4 0 1 +1 15:40 0 0 84
Line 2
LD Moritz Stalder 2 1 1 -1 18:00 0 0 71
RD Navum Krauchanka 0 0 1 -1 19:00 0 0 81
RW Bertrand Gulbranssen 4 2 1 -1 18:00 0 0 82
C Manes Schopp 0 0 0 -1 18:00 0 48 82
LW Gunnhild Nedreaas 6 0 3 -1 15:20 0 0 85
Line 3
LD Hartwig Herold 0 0 0 +0 11:40 2 0 88
RD 56 Ignazio Baccardini 1 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 51
RW Evgeny Mukhin 2 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
C Patrik Gardell 0 0 0 +0 11:40 2 43 88
LW Luca Lorenz 2 0 0 +0 11:40 0 0 88
Line 4
LD Melchior Friedli 4 1 0 +0 12:00 0 0 88
RD Yan Rostovtsev 1 0 0 +0 12:00 0 0 88
RW Barthelemy Monnier 0 0 1 +0 12:00 0 0 88
C Ivo Dähler 1 0 0 +0 12:00 0 61 88
LW Peder Tellefsen 0 0 0 +0 12:00 0 0 88
Tactics SPB TIME Enisey
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +8% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +2% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +1% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +2% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +8% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +2% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +7% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +1% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +7% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +1% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
Line Time Tactic Bal TW Che
First line 40 No tactic 0 +16% +0%
Second line 40 No tactic 0 +4% +0%
Third line 40 No tactic 0 +2% +0%
Fourth line 40 No tactic 0 +4% +0%
First PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +16% +0%
Second PP 5 on 4 60 No tactic +4% +0%
First PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +15% +0%
Second PP 4 on 3 60 No tactic +2% +0%
First PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +15% +0%
Second PK 4 on 5 60 No tactic +2% +0%
Other tactics settings
Morale 0
Copy time of opponent lines No
No messages