Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
0:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 19.75 no
2:00 Arnulf Gulbranssen try to score Wladimir Cron 10.75 no
2:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.18 yes
2:40 Buster Love try to score Wladimir Cron 12.99 no
3:00 Yaraslav Zeldovich try to score Wladimir Cron 13.15 no
3:20 Milas Kipketer try to score Wladimir Cron 14.14 yes
3:40 Augustin Beaudoin try to score Wladimir Cron 8.83 no
5:40 Buster Love try to score Wladimir Cron 11.28 no
6:20 Renars Kurzemnieks try to score Friederike Fingerlos 11.67 yes
7:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.26 no
7:20 Toussaint-Bernard Nalm try to score Wladimir Cron 7.93 no
8:20 Ketil Undset try to score Wladimir Cron 12.02 no
10:20 Janis Krievs try to score Friederike Fingerlos 5.37 no
12:40 Zigfrids Apse try to score Friederike Fingerlos 8.91 no
13:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.29 no
13:20 Janis Krievs try to score Friederike Fingerlos 5.76 no
13:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 20.00 no
15:20 Arnulf Gulbranssen try to score Wladimir Cron 10.91 no
15:40 Henri-Paul Liegard try to score Wladimir Cron 11.92 no
16:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 20.00 yes
16:40 Naum Biadula try to score Friederike Fingerlos 9.60 no
17:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 13.90 no
17:40 Renars Kurzemnieks try to score Friederike Fingerlos 10.47 no
18:20 Janko Pulscak try to score Friederike Fingerlos 7.57 no
19:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 24.02 yes
20:20 Olav Vaakanainen try to score Friederike Fingerlos 6.35 no
21:00 Kamil Rufer try to score Friederike Fingerlos 10.46 no
22:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.63 no
22:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.86 no
24:40 Naum Biadula try to score Friederike Fingerlos 11.55 no
25:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.86 no
25:00 Milas Kipketer try to score Wladimir Cron 13.42 no
25:20 Martin Edur try to score Friederike Fingerlos 14.15 no
25:40 Arnulf Gulbranssen try to score Wladimir Cron 12.36 no
26:20 Niko Lehtinen try to score Wladimir Cron 12.18 no
26:40 Patrick Ferrand try to score Wladimir Cron 7.65 no
27:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 20.00 yes
28:00 Martin Edur try to score Friederike Fingerlos 14.64 yes
28:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.40 no
28:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.98 no
28:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.40 no
28:40 Arnulf Gulbranssen try to score Wladimir Cron 13.80 no
29:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.37 no
30:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 20.27 no
30:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 19.73 no
31:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.94 no
32:00 Niko Lehtinen try to score Wladimir Cron 13.55 no
32:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 20.00 no
32:40 Naum Biadula try to score Friederike Fingerlos 9.67 no
34:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.11 no
35:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.71 no
35:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.75 no
38:40 Albert Plasil try to score Wladimir Cron 12.06 no
40:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.62 yes
40:40 Ketil Undset try to score Wladimir Cron 17.46 no
41:00 Ketil Undset try to score Wladimir Cron 18.07 no
41:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 10.81 no
42:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.23 no
42:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.23 no
44:00 Martin Edur try to score Friederike Fingerlos 11.64 no
44:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.27 no
44:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 17.09 no
45:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.69 no
46:00 Naum Biadula try to score Friederike Fingerlos 10.35 no
46:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.58 no
46:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.93 no
46:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.58 yes
47:20 Milas Kipketer try to score Wladimir Cron 18.36 yes
48:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.18 no
48:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.46 no
48:20 Bastien Quantin try to score Wladimir Cron 14.44 no
49:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.58 no
49:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.85 no
49:40 Philipp Postinger try to score Friederike Fingerlos 6.39 no
50:00 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 17.05 no
50:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.32 no
50:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.77 no
51:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 20.00 no
51:20 Buster Love try to score Wladimir Cron 15.27 no
52:00 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.99 no
52:20 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.32 no
54:00 Bastien Quantin try to score Wladimir Cron 15.42 no
55:00 Hjalmar Skrede try to score Friederike Fingerlos 8.62 no
55:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 24.84 no
55:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 15.90 no
57:20 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 16.67 no
57:40 Zvezda Chebarkul could foul 17.00 no
57:40 Kaspar Rustow try to score Friederike Fingerlos 8.87 no
58:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 16.08 no
58:40 Niko Lehtinen try to score Wladimir Cron 13.67 no
59:00 Ketil Undset try to score Wladimir Cron 17.01 no
59:20 Janko Pulscak try to score Friederike Fingerlos 8.76 yes
59:40 Slavia 1947 could foul 23.81 no
59:40 Augustin Beaudoin try to score Wladimir Cron 14.60 no