Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
0:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.18 no
1:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 17.12 no
1:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 23.23 no
1:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 10.61 no
1:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.92 no
2:00 Justin Chapdelaine try to score Mohammad "ALI" 5.67 no
2:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 11.69 no
3:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 23.27 no
3:00 Silas Simonsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 7.44 no
4:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.30 no
4:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 9.78 no
6:00 Lefty Brandolini try to score Mohammad "ALI" 12.98 yes
6:20 Sebastian Alexandersen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.42 yes
6:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 19.70 no
7:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 17.06 no
7:00 Kraig Faubert try to score Mohammad "ALI" 6.93 no
7:40 Svend Carstensen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 7.21 no
9:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.31 no
10:00 Kraig Faubert try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.25 no
11:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 23.37 no
11:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.17 no
11:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 9.74 no
11:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 7.78 no
12:20 Armel Reinheller try to score Mohammad "ALI" 6.33 no
13:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 23.21 no
13:20 Aron Matthiasen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 3.23 no
13:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.55 no
14:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 23.40 no
14:00 Silas Simonsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 7.15 no
14:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.11 yes
15:20 Dennis Jokumsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 6.61 no
16:00 Dennis Jokumsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 6.87 no
16:20 Silas Simonsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.07 no
16:40 Harry Daley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 4.84 no
17:00 Lefty Brandolini try to score Mohammad "ALI" 11.97 no
17:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 11.83 no
18:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 12.40 no
18:40 Leo Mole try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 3.95 no
19:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 11.36 no
20:20 Armel Reinheller try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.89 no
20:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 11.89 no
21:00 Magnus Jakobsson try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 11.70 no
21:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.29 no
21:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 13.58 yes
22:00 Dennis Jokumsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 8.84 no
22:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 9.92 no
23:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 16.73 no
23:00 Kraig Faubert try to score Mohammad "ALI" 8.12 yes
23:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.00 no
23:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.55 no
24:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.23 no
25:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 12.98 no
26:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.92 no
27:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 16.70 yes
27:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 11.48 yes
28:00 Silas Simonsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 10.70 no
28:20 Magnus Jakobsson try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 13.68 no
29:00 Dennis Jokumsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 10.19 no
30:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.00 no
31:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 8.35 no
31:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.00 no
32:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 19.83 no
33:00 Lefty Brandolini try to score Mohammad "ALI" 9.25 no
33:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 9.21 no
33:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.00 no
33:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.00 no
34:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.00 no
34:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.00 no
35:00 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 24.53 no
37:00 Kraig Faubert try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.53 no
37:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.00 no
38:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 10.10 no
39:00 Magnus Jakobsson try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 14.38 no
39:20 Sebastian Alexandersen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 13.55 no
39:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 20.00 no
40:00 Magnus Jakobsson try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 15.65 no
40:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 10.58 no
41:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.41 no
41:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 11.09 no
41:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 19.83 no
42:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 16.18 no
42:20 Aron Matthiasen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 6.24 no
43:00 Magnus Jakobsson try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 16.91 no
43:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 18.79 no
44:00 Dennis Jokumsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 13.04 no
44:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 20.38 yes
45:00 Silas Simonsen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 11.83 no
47:40 Brandin Daze try to score Mohammad "ALI" 3.96 no
48:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 16.08 yes
50:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.00 no
51:20 Piotr Sergeyenya try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 12.04 no
52:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.18 no
54:00 Charlie Milroy try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.11 no
54:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 12.59 no
55:40 Svend Carstensen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 12.59 no
56:20 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 14.42 no
56:20 Kenton Konsorada try to score Mohammad "ALI" 6.04 no
57:00 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 15.93 no
57:00 Lefty Brandolini try to score Mohammad "ALI" 14.57 no
57:20 Rennison Stanley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 14.42 no
57:40 Halvard "BLAKE" try to score Mohammad "ALI" 15.09 no
58:40 Dzhukaheynen Raisanen try to score Barrie "Sevigny" 13.55 no
59:00 Lefty Brandolini try to score Mohammad "ALI" 16.68 no
59:40 Grand Tartaria Asgard could foul 19.82 no
59:40 Montreal-Canadiens could foul 20.19 no
60:00 Kraig Faubert try to score Mohammad "ALI" 12.66 no
60:40 Harry Daley try to score Mohammad "ALI" 7.50 yes