Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
2:00 Quick Hais could foul 31.46 no
2:00 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 11.98 yes
3:00 Tobias Klammer try to score Timur Chernitsky 7.54 no
3:20 Quick Hais could foul 13.60 no
3:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.56 no
5:00 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.09 no
5:40 Algot Grevenius try to score Timur Chernitsky 12.50 no
6:20 Daniel Capra try to score Indulis Arajs 8.48 no
6:40 Quick Hais could foul 14.89 yes
7:00 Ainars Veinbergs try to score Indulis Arajs 9.53 no
7:20 Quick Hais could foul 11.48 no
7:40 Quick Hais could foul 11.67 no
8:00 Petrus Chigir try to score Indulis Arajs 12.38 no
8:40 Quick Hais could foul 17.70 no
9:00 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 26.32 yes
9:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 15.71 no
9:40 Bjornstjerne Hanse try to score Timur Chernitsky 15.40 no
10:20 Felix Lugn try to score Timur Chernitsky 16.74 no
11:00 Felix Lugn try to score Timur Chernitsky 17.32 no
11:20 Algot Grevenius try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.20 no
11:40 Quick Hais could foul 14.99 no
11:40 Bjornstjerne Hanse try to score Timur Chernitsky 17.92 no
12:20 Quick Hais could foul 31.25 no
12:20 Ondrej Lukac try to score Timur Chernitsky 12.65 no
13:00 Quick Hais could foul 24.32 no
13:20 Evgeny Siksna try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.95 no
13:40 Felix Lugn try to score Timur Chernitsky 20.91 no
14:20 Quick Hais could foul 14.99 no
15:20 Quick Hais could foul 31.43 yes
16:00 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 20.00 no
16:00 Quick Hais could foul 11.11 no
16:40 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 15.59 no
17:40 Ondrej Lukac try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.01 no
18:00 Quick Hais could foul 31.43 no
18:00 Ondrej Lukac try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.47 no
19:00 Silas Jakobsen try to score Indulis Arajs 12.18 no
19:20 Quick Hais could foul 26.35 no
19:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 14.87 yes
19:40 Bjornstjerne Hanse try to score Timur Chernitsky 22.15 yes
20:00 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 15.82 yes
21:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.22 no
21:40 Quick Hais could foul 26.35 yes
22:00 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 12.33 no
23:00 Silas Jakobsen try to score Indulis Arajs 10.25 no
23:20 Emanuel Skovira try to score Indulis Arajs 11.84 no
23:40 Quick Hais could foul 11.11 no
24:00 Egbert Zoidberg try to score Timur Chernitsky 10.39 no
26:00 Taras Jackiewicz try to score Timur Chernitsky 15.00 no
26:20 Quick Hais could foul 24.74 no
26:40 Ipazio Calasso try to score Indulis Arajs 9.97 no
28:00 Mark Mathiasen try to score Indulis Arajs 7.23 no
30:00 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 15.67 no
30:20 Emanuel Skovira try to score Indulis Arajs 13.68 no
31:00 Quick Hais could foul 31.17 no
32:40 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 16.89 no
34:00 Kurt Strand try to score Indulis Arajs 14.65 no
34:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.11 no
35:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 14.82 no
35:20 Quick Hais could foul 26.42 no
37:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.11 no
37:40 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 14.99 no
38:00 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 18.12 no
38:20 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 17.86 no
38:40 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 18.48 no
39:40 Evgeny Siksna try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.65 yes
40:20 Quick Hais could foul 26.17 no
40:40 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 14.75 yes
41:20 Marcel Straub try to score Timur Chernitsky 11.68 no
41:40 Bjornstjerne Hanse try to score Timur Chernitsky 14.90 no
42:40 Felix Lugn try to score Timur Chernitsky 16.47 no
44:00 Petrus Chigir try to score Indulis Arajs 16.09 no
45:20 Lukas Waldemar try to score Timur Chernitsky 10.31 no
47:00 Benny Landino try to score Timur Chernitsky 10.94 no
47:40 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.25 no
47:40 Oystein Zetlitz try to score Indulis Arajs 15.93 no
48:40 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 15.01 no
49:00 Thorvald Overland try to score Timur Chernitsky 15.20 no
50:00 Lukyan Letov try to score Timur Chernitsky 15.25 no
51:20 Quick Hais could foul 26.24 no
51:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 14.94 no
51:40 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 20.54 no
53:00 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 16.19 yes
53:20 Thorvald Overland try to score Timur Chernitsky 16.25 yes
53:40 Roman Slovak try to score Indulis Arajs 25.82 no
54:00 Quick Hais could foul 26.24 yes
54:20 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 22.95 yes
54:40 Claude Kujawinski try to score Indulis Arajs 17.54 no
56:00 Evgeny Siksna try to score Timur Chernitsky 11.90 no
56:20 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 18.97 no
56:40 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 19.63 no
57:40 Amabilio Bergamini try to score Indulis Arajs 11.89 yes
58:00 Benny Landino try to score Timur Chernitsky 10.03 no
58:20 Chelyabinsk Hawks could foul 15.92 no
58:40 Quick Hais could foul 24.53 yes
59:00 Silas Jakobsen try to score Indulis Arajs 12.04 no
59:20 Quick Hais could foul 11.11 no
60:00 Quick Hais could foul 11.11 yes
60:20 Ainars Veinbergs try to score Indulis Arajs 10.70 no
60:40 Emil Lindberg try to score Indulis Arajs 17.32 yes