Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
0:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.79 no
0:40 Bergljot Asbjornsen try to score Valer Velcek 15.64 no
1:00 Julio Shibutani try to score Matteo Agapito 12.92 no
1:20 Julio Shibutani try to score Matteo Agapito 13.43 no
1:40 Always Reds Team could foul 20.78 no
1:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.24 no
2:00 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 10.06 no
2:20 Always Reds Team could foul 18.86 no
5:00 Toronto Devils could foul 21.45 no
5:00 Bernard Podloski try to score Valer Velcek 5.65 no
5:20 Bengt Neumuller try to score Matteo Agapito 13.28 no
6:40 Yaraslav Galko try to score Valer Velcek 12.13 no
7:00 Jean-Francois Heins try to score Matteo Agapito 9.05 no
7:20 Odd Mork try to score Matteo Agapito 7.57 no
7:40 Always Reds Team could foul 18.84 no
8:00 Aslaug Elster try to score Matteo Agapito 6.04 no
8:20 Florien Nadeau try to score Valer Velcek 14.12 no
9:20 Paciano Vico try to score Valer Velcek 16.40 no
9:40 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 12.11 no
10:20 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 8.90 no
11:20 Always Reds Team could foul 20.43 no
11:20 Mattias Gyllenhaal try to score Matteo Agapito 18.56 yes
11:40 Julio Shibutani try to score Matteo Agapito 13.69 no
12:40 Jean-Francois Heins try to score Matteo Agapito 8.58 no
13:20 Giacinto Rosetti try to score Valer Velcek 7.21 no
13:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.58 no
13:40 Bergljot Asbjornsen try to score Valer Velcek 20.65 no
14:00 Always Reds Team could foul 20.43 no
14:00 Toronto Devils could foul 19.58 yes
14:40 Ctirad Grim try to score Matteo Agapito 13.84 no
15:00 Ctirad Grim try to score Matteo Agapito 14.36 no
15:20 Alwin Clement try to score Matteo Agapito 14.06 no
17:40 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 11.96 no
18:00 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 12.38 yes
18:20 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 9.90 no
18:40 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 10.23 no
19:40 Toronto Devils could foul 17.58 no
19:40 Always Reds Team could foul 22.67 no
20:20 Toronto Devils could foul 19.47 no
20:20 Vito Littizzetto try to score Valer Velcek 17.32 no
20:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.47 no
20:40 Walch Daryl try to score Valer Velcek 16.65 yes
21:00 Toronto Devils could foul 21.25 no
21:00 Bernard Podloski try to score Valer Velcek 6.36 no
21:20 Francois-Pierre Trabucco try to score Matteo Agapito 6.16 no
21:40 Bergljot Asbjornsen try to score Valer Velcek 19.39 no
23:40 Always Reds Team could foul 18.56 yes
24:00 Alwin Clement try to score Matteo Agapito 12.16 no
24:20 Kevin Stromholm try to score Valer Velcek 14.40 no
24:40 Always Reds Team could foul 15.43 no
25:40 Yaraslav Galko try to score Valer Velcek 14.78 no
26:00 Toronto Devils could foul 19.46 no
26:00 Always Reds Team could foul 20.55 yes
26:20 Bergljot Asbjornsen try to score Valer Velcek 21.64 no
26:40 Eriks Pujats try to score Valer Velcek 17.69 no
27:20 Paciano Vico try to score Valer Velcek 20.60 no
28:00 Always Reds Team could foul 16.42 no
28:20 Yanis Trochereau try to score Matteo Agapito 5.88 no
29:00 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 11.30 no
29:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.55 no
30:00 Mattias Gyllenhaal try to score Matteo Agapito 15.51 no
30:20 Toronto Devils could foul 17.72 no
30:40 Julio Shibutani try to score Matteo Agapito 15.71 no
31:20 Walch Daryl try to score Valer Velcek 17.60 no
31:40 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 12.07 no
32:20 Ctirad Grim try to score Matteo Agapito 15.30 no
33:00 Bjorg Aleksandersen try to score Matteo Agapito 15.39 no
34:00 Always Reds Team could foul 20.56 no
34:00 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 12.59 no
34:20 Always Reds Team could foul 18.54 no
35:00 Toronto Devils could foul 19.55 no
35:00 Bergljot Asbjornsen try to score Valer Velcek 26.82 yes
35:20 Mattias Gyllenhaal try to score Matteo Agapito 18.78 yes
35:40 Always Reds Team could foul 22.54 no
35:40 Zelig Niedra try to score Matteo Agapito 9.86 no
36:00 Paciano Vico try to score Valer Velcek 18.60 no
36:20 Always Reds Team could foul 20.85 no
36:20 Paul Stepanek try to score Matteo Agapito 10.75 no
36:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.18 no
36:40 Always Reds Team could foul 20.85 yes
37:00 Always Reds Team could foul 15.42 no
37:20 Paciano Vico try to score Valer Velcek 19.30 no
38:00 Always Reds Team could foul 16.45 no
38:20 Kevin Stromholm try to score Valer Velcek 16.19 yes
40:00 Always Reds Team could foul 18.77 no
40:20 Always Reds Team could foul 20.47 no
41:00 Bjorg Aleksandersen try to score Matteo Agapito 13.89 no
41:40 Always Reds Team could foul 20.57 no
42:00 Jean-Francois Heins try to score Matteo Agapito 9.63 no
43:40 Oskari Savinainen try to score Valer Velcek 14.23 yes
44:20 Toronto Devils could foul 19.16 no
44:40 Jean-Francois Heins try to score Matteo Agapito 9.96 no
45:00 Always Reds Team could foul 18.75 no
45:20 Bernard Podloski try to score Valer Velcek 5.15 no
45:40 Ctirad Grim try to score Matteo Agapito 16.26 no
46:20 Toronto Devils could foul 17.61 no
46:20 Always Reds Team could foul 22.63 no
46:40 Bjorg Aleksandersen try to score Matteo Agapito 16.08 no
47:40 Oskar Matejka try to score Valer Velcek 7.18 no
48:00 Gabriel Antalek try to score Valer Velcek 9.00 no
48:40 Eriks Pujats try to score Valer Velcek 12.26 no
49:00 Always Reds Team could foul 22.63 no
49:00 Bjorg Aleksandersen try to score Matteo Agapito 16.71 no
49:20 Toronto Devils could foul 17.85 no
49:20 Oskari Savinainen try to score Valer Velcek 12.98 no
49:40 Toronto Devils could foul 19.15 no
49:40 Walch Daryl try to score Valer Velcek 12.11 no
51:20 Toronto Devils could foul 19.76 no
51:40 Bjorg Aleksandersen try to score Matteo Agapito 17.30 no
52:40 Halvard Stromholm try to score Matteo Agapito 9.27 no
53:20 Bernard Podloski try to score Valer Velcek 6.37 no
55:20 Yanis Trochereau try to score Matteo Agapito 7.91 no
55:40 Giacinto Rosetti try to score Valer Velcek 7.27 no
56:00 Always Reds Team could foul 18.71 no
56:00 Toronto Devils could foul 21.36 no
57:00 Vezio Accardo try to score Valer Velcek 15.62 no
58:40 Bernard Podloski try to score Valer Velcek 7.16 no
59:20 Always Reds Team could foul 20.50 no
59:40 Paciano Vico try to score Valer Velcek 18.56 no