Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
1:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.65 no
1:00 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 9.58 no
1:20 fgasdfasf could foul 16.75 yes
2:20 Georg Annerfalk try to score Tyler Schriner 11.86 no
3:00 Wilhelm Glanzmann try to score Tyler Schriner 16.05 no
3:20 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 18.97 no
4:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.71 no
5:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.54 no
6:40 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 19.56 no
7:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.79 no
7:00 Elias Herrmann try to score Moylan Horner 9.85 no
8:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.52 no
8:00 Walter Jackman try to score Tyler Schriner 16.60 no
9:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.53 no
9:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.88 yes
9:20 fgasdfasf could foul 11.76 no
10:20 fgasdfasf could foul 16.73 yes
10:40 Georg Annerfalk try to score Tyler Schriner 13.99 yes
11:00 fgasdfasf could foul 14.65 yes
11:40 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 16.40 no
12:00 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 9.56 no
12:20 Georg Annerfalk try to score Tyler Schriner 11.98 no
12:40 fgasdfasf could foul 16.30 no
13:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.30 yes
13:20 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 10.23 no
13:40 Konstanty Voronich try to score Tyler Schriner 17.13 no
14:00 fgasdfasf could foul 10.52 yes
15:20 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 19.62 no
16:00 Konstanty Voronich try to score Tyler Schriner 18.28 no
20:00 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 11.48 yes
20:20 Elias Herrmann try to score Moylan Horner 10.35 no
20:40 Raoul Kloboucek try to score Tyler Schriner 13.29 no
21:40 fgasdfasf could foul 23.64 no
22:40 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 17.08 no
23:00 Pierrick Winkler try to score Moylan Horner 8.44 no
24:00 Nikolay Lyko try to score Moylan Horner 9.16 no
24:40 Kenneth Sutter try to score Tyler Schriner 10.45 no
25:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.48 no
25:40 Pierrick Winkler try to score Moylan Horner 9.09 no
26:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.71 no
26:00 Titan Klin could foul 38.39 yes
26:40 Titan Klin could foul 11.61 yes
27:40 Brenden Brodziak try to score Moylan Horner 14.87 no
28:00 Ulf Mansson try to score Moylan Horner 11.98 no
28:20 Ilya Graba try to score Moylan Horner 5.34 no
28:40 Peter Lackberg try to score Moylan Horner 6.90 no
29:20 Carl Moren try to score Tyler Schriner 8.49 no
30:40 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 10.65 no
31:00 Sagvan Hrbas try to score Tyler Schriner 19.43 no
31:40 Titan Klin could foul 18.48 no
31:40 fgasdfasf could foul 21.61 no
32:00 Iyuliy Tikhomirov try to score Tyler Schriner 10.57 no
33:00 Ulf Mansson try to score Moylan Horner 13.43 no
33:20 Brenden Brodziak try to score Moylan Horner 18.00 no
34:40 Titan Klin could foul 18.46 no
34:40 Nard Bannister try to score Tyler Schriner 18.64 no
35:40 John Gertten try to score Tyler Schriner 12.13 no
36:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.93 no
36:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.57 no
36:40 Sagvan Hrbas try to score Tyler Schriner 22.29 no
37:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.46 no
37:20 Iyuliy Tikhomirov try to score Tyler Schriner 11.98 no
37:40 Titan Klin could foul 16.67 yes
38:00 Brenden Brodziak try to score Moylan Horner 18.65 yes
38:20 fgasdfasf could foul 16.76 no
38:40 Konstanty Voronich try to score Tyler Schriner 21.68 yes
39:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.65 yes
40:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.54 no
40:20 Titan Klin could foul 11.63 no
40:40 Sivyar Semashko try to score Moylan Horner 15.17 yes
42:20 Nard Bannister try to score Tyler Schriner 17.24 no
43:20 fgasdfasf could foul 23.87 no
44:00 fgasdfasf could foul 16.67 no
44:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.81 yes
44:20 Sivyar Semashko try to score Moylan Horner 11.59 yes
44:40 Aksel Cornelius try to score Moylan Horner 7.12 no
45:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.44 no
45:00 Fabian Prokop try to score Tyler Schriner 12.88 no
45:40 Oscar Cappleman try to score Tyler Schriner 20.79 no
46:00 Georg Annerfalk try to score Tyler Schriner 14.36 no
46:40 Titan Klin could foul 23.55 no
46:40 Ael Bergman try to score Tyler Schriner 22.34 no
47:20 fgasdfasf could foul 16.75 no
48:00 Titan Klin could foul 18.64 no
48:20 fgasdfasf could foul 23.68 no
49:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.55 no
49:20 Bacchisio Cavalcanti try to score Tyler Schriner 22.49 no
49:40 Titan Klin could foul 23.70 yes
50:20 Titan Klin could foul 11.65 no
50:40 Sivyar Semashko try to score Moylan Horner 9.13 yes
51:00 fgasdfasf could foul 23.75 no
51:40 Ulf Mansson try to score Moylan Horner 5.36 no
52:00 Titan Klin could foul 23.61 no
52:40 Karl-Markus Rainmayr try to score Tyler Schriner 9.88 no
53:40 fgasdfasf could foul 23.75 no
53:40 Titan Klin could foul 16.72 yes
54:20 Vezio Bordone try to score Moylan Horner 4.52 no
54:40 Titan Klin could foul 11.86 no
55:20 Brenden Brodziak try to score Moylan Horner 7.15 no
56:00 Carl Moren try to score Tyler Schriner 11.21 no
56:40 Wilhelm Glanzmann try to score Tyler Schriner 22.87 no
57:40 Titan Klin could foul 23.75 yes
58:00 Titan Klin could foul 19.08 yes
59:20 Brenden Brodziak try to score Moylan Horner 7.41 no
59:40 Ulf Mansson try to score Moylan Horner 6.24 no
60:00 Titan Klin could foul 16.88 no