Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
0:40 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 12.98 no
1:40 Les bretteures could foul 12.85 no
2:00 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 9.38 yes
4:40 Hazen Finley try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 6.64 no
5:20 Les bretteures could foul 18.10 no
6:00 Spartak Moscow could foul 16.59 no
6:20 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 7.15 no
7:40 Ermil Gushchin try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 6.26 no
8:00 Marco Morton try to score Bjarne Jungersen 4.34 no
8:40 Les bretteures could foul 23.96 no
8:40 Spartak Moscow could foul 16.55 no
9:00 Achill Lonchamp try to score Bjarne Jungersen 4.54 no
9:20 Les bretteures could foul 30.18 no
9:20 David Ulmer try to score Bjarne Jungersen 7.48 no
10:00 William Danielsson try to score Bjarne Jungersen 10.83 no
10:40 Burt Di Giuseppe try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 5.87 no
11:00 Costantino Santoro try to score Bjarne Jungersen 8.69 no
12:20 Panfil Vasiliev try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 9.21 no
12:40 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 8.82 no
13:00 Spartak Moscow could foul 22.08 no
13:00 Petteri Jokipakka try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 7.11 no
13:40 Lukas Gertten try to score Bjarne Jungersen 10.43 yes
14:00 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 13.72 no
14:20 Zlatko Halahija try to score Bjarne Jungersen 6.67 no
14:40 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 9.23 no
15:00 Les bretteures could foul 12.93 yes
15:20 Les bretteures could foul 22.94 yes
16:00 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 14.51 no
16:20 Vaino Olkinuora try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 15.50 no
17:20 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 15.69 no
17:40 Spartak Moscow could foul 29.63 no
18:00 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.44 no
18:40 Les bretteures could foul 18.05 yes
19:00 Les bretteures could foul 16.57 yes
19:20 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 16.95 no
20:00 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 17.53 no
20:40 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 18.65 no
22:00 Vaino Olkinuora try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 19.23 no
23:00 William Danielsson try to score Bjarne Jungersen 9.47 no
24:40 Spartak Moscow could foul 16.75 no
25:00 Les bretteures could foul 30.22 yes
25:20 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 19.55 no
25:40 Ivars Mucins try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 8.84 no
26:00 Les bretteures could foul 20.34 yes
26:40 Vaino Olkinuora try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 21.37 no
27:00 Elliot Rydenfelt try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.55 yes
27:40 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.09 no
28:00 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.46 yes
28:20 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 10.09 no
29:00 Brendan Mackie try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 7.07 no
29:20 Les bretteures could foul 17.82 no
30:00 Spartak Moscow could foul 28.87 no
30:00 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 15.30 no
30:40 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 15.54 no
31:00 Les bretteures could foul 12.96 no
31:00 Kitkun Dowman try to score Bjarne Jungersen 9.01 no
31:20 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.64 no
31:40 Kaspar Schneuwly try to score Bjarne Jungersen 7.14 no
32:20 Miroslav Hruby try to score Bjarne Jungersen 10.24 no
32:40 Lukas Gertten try to score Bjarne Jungersen 9.91 no
33:00 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 16.81 no
33:20 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 11.33 no
33:40 Les bretteures could foul 12.88 yes
35:00 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 18.42 no
36:20 Kitkun Dowman try to score Bjarne Jungersen 10.54 no
37:20 Les bretteures could foul 12.75 no
37:20 Spartak Moscow could foul 53.29 no
39:40 Les bretteures could foul 12.75 no
40:00 Les bretteures could foul 12.75 yes
40:20 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 19.12 no
40:40 Les bretteures could foul 11.61 no
41:00 Philippe Gorbunovas try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 19.73 no
41:20 Arnulf Grogaard try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 12.92 no
42:00 Les bretteures could foul 16.64 yes
43:00 Vaino Olkinuora try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 21.10 no
43:20 Seliverst Sorokin try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 13.18 no
46:40 Les bretteures could foul 22.19 yes
47:20 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 21.94 no
47:40 Les bretteures could foul 12.94 no
48:00 Mitrofan Maroz try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 22.60 no
48:40 Les bretteures could foul 8.99 no
49:00 Solomon Lobos try to score Bjarne Jungersen 10.98 no
51:00 Vaino Olkinuora try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 24.17 no
52:00 Les bretteures could foul 17.41 no
53:00 Mel Banika try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 25.18 no
53:20 Les bretteures could foul 9.84 no
54:00 Miroslav Hruby try to score Bjarne Jungersen 11.37 no
54:40 Les bretteures could foul 17.41 no
55:00 Les bretteures could foul 6.86 no
55:00 Kitkun Dowman try to score Bjarne Jungersen 11.81 no
55:20 William Danielsson try to score Bjarne Jungersen 13.47 no
56:40 Les bretteures could foul 13.25 no
57:40 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 18.63 no
58:00 Michael Johansen try to score Herbert Wagner-Jauregg 19.29 no
58:20 Kaspar Schneuwly try to score Bjarne Jungersen 9.56 no
58:40 Osip Nosov try to score Bjarne Jungersen 6.68 no
59:20 Lukas Gertten try to score Bjarne Jungersen 13.51 no
59:40 Les bretteures could foul 17.53 no
59:40 Spartak Moscow could foul 59.52 no