Game logs

There are only possible penalty and goal events for now.
Time Type Event Probability (%) Result
0:20 Kenneth Goldast try to score Joffre Paulet 72.33 no
0:40 Marcel Rustow try to score Joffre Paulet 84.49 yes
1:00 Oswald Grieder try to score Joffre Paulet 87.09 yes
1:20 Hans Agustoni try to score Joffre Paulet 77.17 no
1:40 Sigfried Hohlbaum try to score Joffre Paulet 82.89 yes
2:00 Sigfried Hohlbaum try to score Joffre Paulet 77.15 yes
2:20 Nils Reichert try to score Joffre Paulet 69.90 yes
2:40 Gottfried Mercier try to score Joffre Paulet 56.93 no
3:00 Stefan Capra try to score Joffre Paulet 63.60 yes
3:20 Stefan Capra try to score Joffre Paulet 54.92 no
3:40 Hans Agustoni try to score Joffre Paulet 51.30 no
4:00 Moscow Stars could foul 96.90 yes
4:20 Oswald Grieder try to score Joffre Paulet 57.57 no
4:40 Hans Agustoni try to score Joffre Paulet 53.48 no
5:00 Hans Agustoni try to score Joffre Paulet 54.59 yes
5:20 Nils Reichert try to score Joffre Paulet 50.66 no
5:40 Stefan Capra try to score Joffre Paulet 52.34 yes
6:00 Stefan Capra try to score Joffre Paulet 43.39 yes
6:20 Christopher Henss try to score Joffre Paulet 29.66 no
6:40 Hans Agustoni try to score Joffre Paulet 33.21 yes
14:20 Moscow Stars could foul 96.82 yes
19:20 Moscow Stars could foul 96.75 yes