The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Arnulf Benneche manages to throw it away just in time
Silvano Trappotoni partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Fryazino BulDogs enters the zone efortlessly
Players of Fryazino BulDogs won the puck
An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Hans Shadd prooved to be faster and won it for his team
Arnulf Benneche plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Every pass is accurate - Lennart Guldbrandsen goes for the shot!
An outstanding pass performed by Hans Shadd
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Adolfs Kalejs, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Matvey Ceniko playfully handled the defender
Teysto Savolainen took the bit between his teeth
Face-off occured. Sokol holds the puck
A penalty. Hienadz Sadovnichy 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Fryazino BulDogs
start 4
Beginning of the overtime
end 3
The end of the third period
The cage was empty but some player of Fryazino BulDogs stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
Olavsson Sunde flicks from the blue line…
:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Sokol entered the opponent's zone
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adolfs Kalejs is strong
Sokol players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
Teysto Savolainen looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
Sokol owns the puck
A penalty. Klaus-Dieter Jochen 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
In a short, slack flick Olavsson Sunde shots through the goalie.
Goal. 4-4. Olavsson Sunde
Olavsson Sunde is left alone on the slot!
Olavsson Sunde is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
David Balog leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adolfs Kalejs is strong
Valter Aksenov goes to the cage – swing, shot!
With his pass Valter Aksenov simply cuts apart Fryazino BulDogs defence
Arnulf Benneche - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Fryazino BulDogs is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Matthieu Mcchan
David Balog gains the puck for his team
Adolfs Kalejs catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Valter Aksenov slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
Sokol players entered the zone without a hitch
A push, Lennart Guldbrandsen smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
The puck is held by Fryazino BulDogs
In a short, slack flick Silvano Trappotoni shots through the goalie.
Goal. 3-4. Silvano Trappotoni
Silvano Trappotoni scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
An accurate pass. Fryazino BulDogs moves forward
A penalty. Matthieu Mcchan 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Matthieu Mcchan. That's a penalty
A push, Valter Aksenov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
A penalty. Ctibor Gula 2 minutes
Roughing by Ctibor Gula
Klaus-Dieter Jochen appeared to be better at face-off
Denzel Sutton wins face-off
Off-side. Players of Sokol were too hasty
Sokol players initiate the counterattack. A pass, return and Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet powers the puck in the cage!
Goal. 3-3. Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet
Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet aims!
An outstanding pass performed by Johannes Gachter
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
A penalty. Hans Holm 2 minutes
Hans Holm breaks the rules
A nice hip-check. Atis Jumikis gained the puck
A penalty. Jure Lysak 2 minutes
Rough play by Jure Lysak. Minor penalty, no doubt
The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
Seemingly the corner was vacant but Arnulf Benneche appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Rasmus Eliasson did it!
Alexander Pleva exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Arnulf Benneche manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
Raoul Pastor crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
Raoul Pastor shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
A penalty. Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet 2 minutes
Roughing by Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet
Players of Fryazino BulDogs won the puck
Face-off occured. Fryazino BulDogs holds the puck
A penalty. Valentin Rumpler 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Sokol
Arnulf Benneche catches the puck with a trapper
Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Alexander Pleva is ready to shoot!
Silvano Trappotoni took the bit between his teeth
Players of Fryazino BulDogs were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
Arnulf Benneche is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
Fryazino BulDogs greatly played the puck and Olaf Bjerregaard is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
Thanks to his personal performance Hans Holm made himself comfortable in the Sokol zone
An outstanding save by Arnulf Benneche. Some work to do for press photographers
Olaf Bjerregaard got the puck - that's a chance!
Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
Face-off, Olaf Bjerregaard gnaws the puck out
A penalty. Matvey Ceniko 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Matvey Ceniko. That's a penalty
Valter Aksenov almost tore the net apart with his shot from the blue line! And the goalie had nothing to do with it
Goal. 2-3. Valter Aksenov
Valter Aksenov delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
Sokol holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
A penalty. Hans Shadd 2 minutes
Hans Shadd breaks the rules
Adolfs Kalejs parries the shot
Matvey Ceniko shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
Teysto Savolainen exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Centres look cross at each other. David Balog wins the duel
A strong flick by Hans Holm succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
Goal. 1-3. Hans Holm
Hans Holm shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
Forwards of Fryazino BulDogs entered the zone of Sokol
Arnulf Benneche is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Lennart Guldbrandsen is ready to shoot
A sprint drive! Hienadz Sadovnichy enters the zone
David Balog was a little better at the spot
After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Adolfs Kalejs falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
Ladislav Repasky got the puck - that's a chance!
With his pass Ladislav Repasky simply cuts apart Fryazino BulDogs defence
Face-off, Hans Shadd gnaws the puck out
Hans Holm appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
Goal. 1-2. Hans Holm
Hans Holm shots!
Raoul Pastor looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
A penalty. Johannes Gachter 2 minutes
Johannes Gachter breaks the rules
Just waving by guesswork Arnulf Benneche found the puck in the trapper
Combination, pass goes by - Miguel Wise is alone!
Klaus-Dieter Jochen built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
Arnulf Benneche! What is the goalkeeper of Sokol doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
Fryazino BulDogs greatly played the puck and Hienadz Sadovnichy is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
Fight in the centre, a pass and Lennart Guldbrandsen is already in the opponent's zone
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Adolfs Kalejs was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
Matthieu Mcchan jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Teysto Savolainen corralled it and crosses the blue line
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
The cross turned into a shot, Johannes Gachter hurries for a putback.
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Sokol - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
Zmicier Maroz appeared to be better at face-off
Hans Shadd leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
Goal. 1-1. David Balog
David Balog with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Fryazino BulDogs!
David Balog moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Alexander Pleva appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
Goal. 0-1. Alexander Pleva
Fryazino BulDogs players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Alexander Pleva shoots
The puck bounces back to the Sokol zone
David Balog is stronger at the spot
Players of Sokol can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Arnulf Benneche catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Sokol defenders allowed Silvano Trappotoni to shoot
Rasmus Eliasson shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
A penalty. Valter Aksenov 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Valter Aksenov. That's a penalty
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Zmicier Maroz is in favourable position!
Sokol players entered the zone without a hitch
Valentin Rumpler meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
Adolfs Kalejs gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Fryazino BulDogs defenders allowed David Balog to shoot
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Matvey Ceniko corralled it and crosses the blue line
The cage was empty but some player of Fryazino BulDogs stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
Swift shot!
Sokol holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Arnulf Benneche put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
Janis Feigelson flicks to the cage
As Klaus-Dieter Jochen entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Arnulf Benneche manages to throw it away just in time
‘64:40Silvano Trappotoni partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘64:40The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Fryazino BulDogs enters the zone efortlessly
‘64:40Players of Fryazino BulDogs won the puck
‘64:40An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Hans Shadd prooved to be faster and won it for his team
‘63:20Arnulf Benneche plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘63:00Every pass is accurate - Lennart Guldbrandsen goes for the shot!
‘63:00An outstanding pass performed by Hans Shadd
‘63:00A shot was good, the vision blocked for Adolfs Kalejs, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘61:40Matvey Ceniko playfully handled the defender
‘61:40Teysto Savolainen took the bit between his teeth
‘61:40Face-off occured. Sokol holds the puck
‘60:40A penalty. Hienadz Sadovnichy 2 minutes
‘60:20A penalty within the team Fryazino BulDogs
‘60:20Beginning of the overtime
‘60:20The end of the third period
‘60:00The cage was empty but some player of Fryazino BulDogs stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
‘58:20Olavsson Sunde flicks from the blue line…
‘58:20:is on the blue line, spotts a partner, knock-on. Puck-chasers of Sokol entered the opponent's zone
‘58:20Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adolfs Kalejs is strong
‘58:00Sokol players played greatly in the opponent's zone, there's a shot!
‘58:00Teysto Savolainen looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘58:00Sokol owns the puck
‘58:00A penalty. Klaus-Dieter Jochen 2 minutes
‘56:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘56:00In a short, slack flick Olavsson Sunde shots through the goalie.
‘55:40Goal. 4-4. Olavsson Sunde
‘55:40Olavsson Sunde is left alone on the slot!
‘55:40Olavsson Sunde is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘55:40David Balog leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘54:40Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Adolfs Kalejs is strong
‘54:00Valter Aksenov goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘54:00With his pass Valter Aksenov simply cuts apart Fryazino BulDogs defence
‘54:00Arnulf Benneche - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘52:40Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘52:40Fryazino BulDogs is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘52:40A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Matthieu Mcchan
‘51:40David Balog gains the puck for his team
‘49:00Adolfs Kalejs catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘48:40Valter Aksenov slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘48:40Sokol players entered the zone without a hitch
‘48:40A push, Lennart Guldbrandsen smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘47:00The puck is held by Fryazino BulDogs
‘46:40In a short, slack flick Silvano Trappotoni shots through the goalie.
‘46:20Goal. 3-4. Silvano Trappotoni
‘46:20Silvano Trappotoni scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
‘46:20An accurate pass. Fryazino BulDogs moves forward
‘46:20A penalty. Matthieu Mcchan 2 minutes
‘45:20An unsuccessful hip-check by Matthieu Mcchan. That's a penalty
‘45:20A push, Valter Aksenov smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘44:20A penalty. Ctibor Gula 2 minutes
‘43:20Roughing by Ctibor Gula
‘43:20Klaus-Dieter Jochen appeared to be better at face-off
‘42:40Denzel Sutton wins face-off
‘42:00Off-side. Players of Sokol were too hasty
‘41:00Sokol players initiate the counterattack. A pass, return and Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet powers the puck in the cage!
‘40:40Goal. 3-3. Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet
‘40:40Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet aims!
‘40:40An outstanding pass performed by Johannes Gachter
‘40:40Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00A penalty. Hans Holm 2 minutes
‘39:20Hans Holm breaks the rules
‘39:20A nice hip-check. Atis Jumikis gained the puck
‘38:40A penalty. Jure Lysak 2 minutes
‘38:00Rough play by Jure Lysak. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘38:00The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
‘37:20Seemingly the corner was vacant but Arnulf Benneche appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘36:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Rasmus Eliasson did it!
‘36:20Alexander Pleva exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘36:20Arnulf Benneche manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
‘36:00Raoul Pastor crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
‘36:00Raoul Pastor shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
‘36:00A penalty. Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet 2 minutes
‘35:00Roughing by Toussaint-Bernard Gouguet
‘35:00Players of Fryazino BulDogs won the puck
‘34:20Face-off occured. Fryazino BulDogs holds the puck
‘33:40A penalty. Valentin Rumpler 2 minutes
‘33:00A penalty within the team Sokol
‘33:00Arnulf Benneche catches the puck with a trapper
‘32:20Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Alexander Pleva is ready to shoot!
‘32:20Silvano Trappotoni took the bit between his teeth
‘32:20Players of Fryazino BulDogs were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘32:00Arnulf Benneche is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘31:40Fryazino BulDogs greatly played the puck and Olaf Bjerregaard is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘31:40Thanks to his personal performance Hans Holm made himself comfortable in the Sokol zone
‘31:40An outstanding save by Arnulf Benneche. Some work to do for press photographers
‘31:20Olaf Bjerregaard got the puck - that's a chance!
‘31:20Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘31:20Face-off, Olaf Bjerregaard gnaws the puck out
‘31:20A penalty. Matvey Ceniko 2 minutes
‘30:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Matvey Ceniko. That's a penalty
‘30:40Valter Aksenov almost tore the net apart with his shot from the blue line! And the goalie had nothing to do with it
‘28:40Goal. 2-3. Valter Aksenov
‘28:40Valter Aksenov delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘28:40Sokol holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘28:40A penalty. Hans Shadd 2 minutes
‘28:20Hans Shadd breaks the rules
‘28:20Adolfs Kalejs parries the shot
‘28:00Matvey Ceniko shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
‘28:00Teysto Savolainen exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘28:00Centres look cross at each other. David Balog wins the duel
‘28:00A strong flick by Hans Holm succeds! Goalie didn't have time to react!
‘27:40Goal. 1-3. Hans Holm
‘27:40Hans Holm shines – he is with the puck again and is ready to shoot!
‘27:40Forwards of Fryazino BulDogs entered the zone of Sokol
‘27:40Arnulf Benneche is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
‘26:00Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Lennart Guldbrandsen is ready to shoot
‘26:00A sprint drive! Hienadz Sadovnichy enters the zone
‘26:00David Balog was a little better at the spot
‘25:20After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Adolfs Kalejs falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
‘24:40Ladislav Repasky got the puck - that's a chance!
‘24:40With his pass Ladislav Repasky simply cuts apart Fryazino BulDogs defence
‘24:40Face-off, Hans Shadd gnaws the puck out
‘23:00Hans Holm appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
‘22:00Goal. 1-2. Hans Holm
‘22:00Hans Holm shots!
‘22:00Raoul Pastor looms up on the blue line, asks for the puck and gets it
‘22:00A penalty. Johannes Gachter 2 minutes
‘21:40Johannes Gachter breaks the rules
‘21:40Just waving by guesswork Arnulf Benneche found the puck in the trapper
‘21:20Combination, pass goes by - Miguel Wise is alone!
‘21:20Klaus-Dieter Jochen built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘21:20The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
‘20:40Arnulf Benneche! What is the goalkeeper of Sokol doing! At full stretch he saves an empty corner of the cage!
‘20:20Fryazino BulDogs greatly played the puck and Hienadz Sadovnichy is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘20:20Fight in the centre, a pass and Lennart Guldbrandsen is already in the opponent's zone
‘20:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Adolfs Kalejs was strong at the base, all caught up and locked in
‘17:20Matthieu Mcchan jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
‘17:20Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Teysto Savolainen corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘17:20After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘16:40The cross turned into a shot, Johannes Gachter hurries for a putback.
‘16:40A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Sokol - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘16:40The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
‘16:00Zmicier Maroz appeared to be better at face-off
‘10:40Hans Shadd leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘10:00A quick flick! Gooooaaal!
‘9:00Goal. 1-1. David Balog
‘9:00David Balog with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Fryazino BulDogs!
‘9:00David Balog moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘9:00Alexander Pleva appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
‘8:20Goal. 0-1. Alexander Pleva
‘8:20Fryazino BulDogs players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Alexander Pleva shoots
‘8:20The puck bounces back to the Sokol zone
‘8:20David Balog is stronger at the spot
‘7:40Players of Sokol can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘7:20Arnulf Benneche catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘6:20Sokol defenders allowed Silvano Trappotoni to shoot
‘6:20Rasmus Eliasson shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘6:20A penalty. Valter Aksenov 2 minutes
‘5:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Valter Aksenov. That's a penalty
‘5:40After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘5:00Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Zmicier Maroz is in favourable position!
‘5:00Sokol players entered the zone without a hitch
‘5:00Valentin Rumpler meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
‘4:00Adolfs Kalejs gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘3:40Fryazino BulDogs defenders allowed David Balog to shoot
‘3:40Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Matvey Ceniko corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘3:40The cage was empty but some player of Fryazino BulDogs stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
‘3:00Swift shot!
‘3:00Sokol holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘3:00Arnulf Benneche put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
‘2:20Janis Feigelson flicks to the cage
‘2:20As Klaus-Dieter Jochen entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘2:20Start of the first period