The end of the third period
Clear play by Hugo Guldemond
Girolamo Beniamino partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Aspirin players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
A penalty. Petter Peterssen 2 minutes
Roughing by Petter Peterssen
Seemingly the corner was vacant but Hugo Guldemond appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
Blocked shot of Laurette Darnaud but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
Nikolay Lomtev is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
Hugo Guldemond is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
Richard Loschmidt falling still shoots the cage
Izidor Travnicek moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Off-side. Players of Aspirin were too hasty
A penalty. Vilhelm Orjaster 2 minutes
Vilhelm Orjaster gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Evgraf Fyodorov - it should have been more accurate
Knuts Stutkis gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
Msta players entered the zone without a hitch
A penalty. Falko Felix 2 minutes
Falko Felix gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Msta. Attack was bogged down
A penalty. Isak Eklund 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Aspirin
Evgraf Fyodorov parries the puck
Hugo Baldunciks jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
Msta cought the opponent on change
Msta players initiate the counterattack. A pass, return and Arvid Cullberg powers the puck in the cage!
Goal. 3-2. Arvid Cullberg
Arvid Cullberg jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
Msta players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
Evgraf Fyodorov solved this puzzle choosing the right position
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
An outstanding pass performed by Vladlen Nabokov
Msta gained the advantage in the last minutes
A penalty. Bohus Herczeg 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Bohus Herczeg. That's a penalty
Hugo Guldemond parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
Aspirin played the moment like a good play - Falko Felix comes on the centre stage!
A long bomb across the blue line - Aspirin is in the opponent's zone
Isak Eklund aimed between the wickets but Hugo Guldemond played well with leg pads
Aspirin sniper charges from the blue line!
Isak Eklund built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
A penalty. Arvid Cullberg 2 minutes
Arvid Cullberg couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
Swift shot!
Nikolay Lomtev watches out for a partner to send a pass to
A pass in the middle of nowhere and Msta loses control over the puck
Msta owns the puck
Players of Msta were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
Rihards Gasjuns overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
Hugo Baldunciks loses the puck out of the blue
Face-off occured. Msta holds the puck
Heimito Bieler appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
Goal. 2-2. Heimito Bieler
The defence of the Aspirin has failed. Heimito Bieler shoots!
A sprint drive! Vitazoslav Konder enters the zone
A penalty. Nikolay Lomtev 2 minutes
Nikolay Lomtev couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
Defensemen apprehended Muller Kohl and removed him out of the zone
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Hugo Guldemond, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
An outstanding pass performed by Izidor Travnicek
Tapio Panula has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
Msta attempts to enter the opponent's zone
The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Hugo Baldunciks swung his baton!
Goal. 1-2. Hugo Baldunciks
Msta played the moment like a good play - Hugo Baldunciks comes on the centre stage!
Meeting no active resistance players of Msta cross the blue line
Hyacinthe Surreau meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Evgraf Fyodorov is strong
Aigars Podnieks took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Msta enters the zone as if by the guidline
The puck is dropped. Msta initiates the atack
The Aspirin attack failed
Hugo Guldemond is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Fredrik Petersson jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
On an even keel fowards of Aspirin rolled into the zone
Players of Msta were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
Lorenz Erb is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
Vilhelm Orjaster appeared to be better at face-off
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Due to the individual skill Osku Hartikainen came to the shooting position, he shoots!
Fight in the centre, a pass and Aigars Podnieks is already in the opponent's zone
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
The puck is held by Aspirin
With a backhand shot Rihards Gasjuns puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
Goal. 0-2. Rihards Gasjuns
Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Rihards Gasjuns into the game – a shot!
Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Aspirin keeps on advancing
Gert Fingerlos gains the puck for his team
In a crush in the slot Bohus Herczeg in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 0-1. Bohus Herczeg
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Bohus Herczeg is in favourable position!
Girolamo Beniamino shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
A penalty. Mohammad Nikolajsen 2 minutes
Roughing by Mohammad Nikolajsen
Players of Aspirin lose the puck
A nice hip-check. Lorenz Erb gained the puck
Centres look cross at each other. Siarhey Volkovich wins the duel
A penalty. Vitazoslav Konder 2 minutes
Vitazoslav Konder realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Centres look cross at each other. Gert Fingerlos wins the duel
Vilhelm Orjaster couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Evgraf Fyodorov, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
Siarhey Volkovich charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
The puck flies from under the defenseman, Evgraf Fyodorov raises the shield and gets it
Shot from the blue line!
Siarhey Volkovich watches out for a partner to send a pass to
A penalty. Laurette Darnaud 2 minutes
Laurette Darnaud realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Evgraf Fyodorov pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
Due to the individual skill Arvid Cullberg came to the shooting position, he shoots!
Msta forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Knuts Stutkis already prepares to shoot!
Msta holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Gert Fingerlos leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
A penalty. Hugo Baldunciks 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Msta
An extremely powerfull hip-check by Ismo Tuuri. An unfit person could be hospitalized after such a thing. Msta gets the puck
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00Clear play by Hugo Guldemond
‘59:00Girolamo Beniamino partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘59:00Aspirin players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘59:00A penalty. Petter Peterssen 2 minutes
‘58:40Roughing by Petter Peterssen
‘58:40Seemingly the corner was vacant but Hugo Guldemond appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘58:20Blocked shot of Laurette Darnaud but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘58:20Nikolay Lomtev is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘58:20Hugo Guldemond is a pure magnet of a man - the puck preffers him to a vacant corner once again
‘58:00Richard Loschmidt falling still shoots the cage
‘58:00Izidor Travnicek moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘58:00Off-side. Players of Aspirin were too hasty
‘56:20A penalty. Vilhelm Orjaster 2 minutes
‘55:40Vilhelm Orjaster gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘55:40Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Evgraf Fyodorov - it should have been more accurate
‘51:40Knuts Stutkis gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
‘51:40Msta players entered the zone without a hitch
‘51:40A penalty. Falko Felix 2 minutes
‘50:40Falko Felix gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘50:40A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Msta. Attack was bogged down
‘50:00A penalty. Isak Eklund 2 minutes
‘48:40A penalty within the team Aspirin
‘48:40Evgraf Fyodorov parries the puck
‘47:00Hugo Baldunciks jumps out to the cage, he didn't managed to handle the puck on the move. Spin shot!
‘47:00Msta cought the opponent on change
‘47:00Msta players initiate the counterattack. A pass, return and Arvid Cullberg powers the puck in the cage!
‘46:00Goal. 3-2. Arvid Cullberg
‘46:00Arvid Cullberg jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
‘46:00Msta players decided to enter the opponent's zone with a dump shot
‘46:00Evgraf Fyodorov solved this puzzle choosing the right position
‘45:40The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘45:40An outstanding pass performed by Vladlen Nabokov
‘45:40Msta gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘45:20A penalty. Bohus Herczeg 2 minutes
‘43:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Bohus Herczeg. That's a penalty
‘43:00Hugo Guldemond parries, the puck wasn't left on the slot for good but quckly pressed down
‘42:00Aspirin played the moment like a good play - Falko Felix comes on the centre stage!
‘42:00A long bomb across the blue line - Aspirin is in the opponent's zone
‘42:00Isak Eklund aimed between the wickets but Hugo Guldemond played well with leg pads
‘41:00Aspirin sniper charges from the blue line!
‘41:00Isak Eklund built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘41:00A penalty. Arvid Cullberg 2 minutes
‘40:20Arvid Cullberg couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘40:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Seemingly the corner was vacant but Hugo Guldemond appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘39:40Swift shot!
‘39:40Nikolay Lomtev watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘39:40A pass in the middle of nowhere and Msta loses control over the puck
‘39:20Msta owns the puck
‘38:20Players of Msta were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘37:20Rihards Gasjuns overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘37:00Hugo Baldunciks loses the puck out of the blue
‘36:40Face-off occured. Msta holds the puck
‘36:40Heimito Bieler appears to be the first for a rebounce and sends the rubber disk in the cage!
‘36:00Goal. 2-2. Heimito Bieler
‘36:00The defence of the Aspirin has failed. Heimito Bieler shoots!
‘36:00A sprint drive! Vitazoslav Konder enters the zone
‘36:00A penalty. Nikolay Lomtev 2 minutes
‘34:40Nikolay Lomtev couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘34:40Defensemen apprehended Muller Kohl and removed him out of the zone
‘34:00A shot was good, the vision blocked for Hugo Guldemond, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘33:40Swift shot!
‘33:40An outstanding pass performed by Izidor Travnicek
‘33:40Tapio Panula has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘31:40Defensemen didn't give a chance to sit it out and pushed the opponent out of the zone
‘31:00Msta attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘31:00The whole ice is taken by the fights and whereever the puck appears - it is blocked by defensemen. A pass back. A loss
‘28:40Goalie was confused by change of puck's direction! Hugo Baldunciks swung his baton!
‘28:20Goal. 1-2. Hugo Baldunciks
‘28:20Msta played the moment like a good play - Hugo Baldunciks comes on the centre stage!
‘28:20Meeting no active resistance players of Msta cross the blue line
‘28:20Hyacinthe Surreau meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
‘28:00Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Evgraf Fyodorov is strong
‘23:20Aigars Podnieks took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘23:20Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Msta enters the zone as if by the guidline
‘23:20The puck is dropped. Msta initiates the atack
‘23:20The Aspirin attack failed
‘23:00Hugo Guldemond is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘22:40Fredrik Petersson jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
‘22:40On an even keel fowards of Aspirin rolled into the zone
‘22:40Players of Msta were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
‘22:20Lorenz Erb is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
‘22:00Vilhelm Orjaster appeared to be better at face-off
‘21:00After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘20:20Due to the individual skill Osku Hartikainen came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘20:20Fight in the centre, a pass and Aigars Podnieks is already in the opponent's zone
‘20:20Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00The puck is held by Aspirin
‘19:20With a backhand shot Rihards Gasjuns puts the puck in a corner, leaving the goalkeeper a failure!
‘18:40Goal. 0-2. Rihards Gasjuns
‘18:40Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Rihards Gasjuns into the game – a shot!
‘18:40Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Aspirin keeps on advancing
‘18:40Gert Fingerlos gains the puck for his team
‘17:00In a crush in the slot Bohus Herczeg in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
‘16:20Goal. 0-1. Bohus Herczeg
‘16:20Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Bohus Herczeg is in favourable position!
‘16:20Girolamo Beniamino shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘16:20The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
‘16:00A penalty. Mohammad Nikolajsen 2 minutes
‘15:00Roughing by Mohammad Nikolajsen
‘15:00Players of Aspirin lose the puck
‘13:40A nice hip-check. Lorenz Erb gained the puck
‘12:40Centres look cross at each other. Siarhey Volkovich wins the duel
‘12:40A penalty. Vitazoslav Konder 2 minutes
‘11:40Vitazoslav Konder realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘11:40Centres look cross at each other. Gert Fingerlos wins the duel
‘11:20A penalty. Vilhelm Orjaster 2 minutes
‘10:20Vilhelm Orjaster couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘10:20A shot was good, the vision blocked for Evgraf Fyodorov, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘8:40It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘8:40Siarhey Volkovich charged through to the oponent's zone lika knife through butter
‘8:40The puck flies from under the defenseman, Evgraf Fyodorov raises the shield and gets it
‘8:20Shot from the blue line!
‘8:20Siarhey Volkovich watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘8:20A penalty. Laurette Darnaud 2 minutes
‘8:00Laurette Darnaud realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘8:00Evgraf Fyodorov pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
‘5:40Due to the individual skill Arvid Cullberg came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘5:40Msta forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘5:40Evgraf Fyodorov parries the puck
‘4:00Knuts Stutkis already prepares to shoot!
‘4:00Msta holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘4:00Gert Fingerlos leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘3:20A penalty. Arvid Cullberg 2 minutes
‘2:40We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘2:40A penalty. Hugo Baldunciks 2 minutes
‘1:40A penalty within the team Msta
‘1:40An extremely powerfull hip-check by Ismo Tuuri. An unfit person could be hospitalized after such a thing. Msta gets the puck
‘0:20Start of the first period