Defensemen apprehended Kitkun Cameron and removed him out of the zone
Defensemen apprehended Rudolf Jonsson and removed him out of the zone
A penalty. Silantiy Kadtsyn 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Silantiy Kadtsyn. That's a penalty
Goalie fails to parry the puck and Nico Steggall sends it in the cage!
Goal. 3-1. Nico Steggall
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Nico Steggall is in favourable position!
Lewin players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
It is exactly for these kinds of shots the goalkeeper is equiped with trapper, and Rasmus Siikasaari is good with it!
Lewin greatly played the puck and Nico Steggall is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Steffen Neubauer and he is already in Perryville Panthers zone
Loosing track of the puck Rasmus Siikasaari lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
Per Herrmann got the puck - that's a chance!
Bender Marius moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
A penalty. Jonas Mayr 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Seemingly the corner was vacant but Rasmus Siikasaari appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Annegret Westerwelle!
As Leopold Rivaud entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
The cage was empty but some player of Perryville Panthers stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
Paul Stigis shoots against the defenseman
Lewin holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
Paul Stigis appeared to be better at face-off
Several players of Lewin attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
Players of Lewin start their attack
A save performed by Rasmus Siikasaari. Not brilliant but calm though
Due to the individual skill Jean-Louis Rigollot came to the shooting position, he shoots!
On an even keel fowards of Lewin rolled into the zone
Rasmus Siikasaari - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Pass, Nikanor Ermolich is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
Nikanor Ermolich manages to perform an excellent drive!
Faceoff in the centre ice, Lewin is with the puck
Attackers of Lewin broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
A penalty. Clarence Borgo 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
Jonas Mayr leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
Rasmus Siikasaari manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
Paul Stigis scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Otto Knobloch and he is already in Perryville Panthers zone
An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
Bohuslav Dragoun has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Jouko Jokiharju couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Perryville Panthers is with the puck
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
Lewin attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Bender Marius was a little better at the spot
A penalty. Ermolay Kruchinkin 2 minutes
Rough play by Ermolay Kruchinkin. Minor penalty, no doubt
An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Rhys Hjertaas - it should have been more accurate
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Jouko Jokiharju is in favourable position!
An accurate pass. Perryville Panthers moves forward
Henri-Victor Delparte meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
Rasmus Siikasaari plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Jean-Louis Rigollot slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
An outstanding pass performed by Otto Knobloch
With no visible efforts Rasmus Siikasaari parries the puck
Terrance Besancenot playfully handled the defender
Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Lewin enters the zone as if by the guidline
Suitable actions are demosntrated by Rasmus Siikasaari, who picked a good spot - the puck is stuck in his gear
Per Herrmann circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Fight in the centre, a pass and Nikanor Ermolich is already in the opponent's zone
Face-off is won by Bender Marius
start 3
Start of the third period
end 2
The end of the second period
Rasmus Siikasaari plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Bender Marius falling still shoots the cage
Yuriy Balakhonau gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Yuriy Balakhonau rushes towards the cage
In a crush in the slot Rudolf Jonsson in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 2-1. Rudolf Jonsson
Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Rudolf Jonsson is ready to shoot
Yuriy Balakhonau took the bit between his teeth
A penalty. Boyle Beer 2 minutes
Rough play by Boyle Beer. Minor penalty, no doubt
Rasmus Siikasaari is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
Silantiy Kadtsyn delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
An outstanding pass performed by Silantiy Kadtsyn
Face-off occured. Lewin holds the puck
Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
Perryville Panthers attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Alrik Nystrom blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
A pass in the middle of nowhere and Perryville Panthers loses control over the puck
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Perryville Panthers. Attack was bogged down
Jonas Mayr wins face-off
Rhys Hjertaas rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Blocked shot of Kitkun Cameron but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
Perryville Panthers cought the opponent on change
Jonas Mayr played splendidly at the spot
Clarence Borgo makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
A penalty. Bender Marius 2 minutes
Bender Marius gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Players of Perryville Panthers do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
Centres look cross at each other. Steffen Neubauer wins the duel
Rasmus Siikasaari rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
Nikanor Ermolich partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
Yuriy Balakhonau built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
Nikanor Ermolich is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 1-1. Nikanor Ermolich
Lewin players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Nikanor Ermolich shoots
Meeting no active resistance players of Lewin cross the blue line
Centres look cross at each other. Silantiy Kadtsyn wins the duel
After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
Lewin sniper charges from the blue line!
An accurate pass. Lewin moves forward
start 2
Start of the second period
end 1
The end of the first period
Kitkun Cameron stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
The puck is dropped. Perryville Panthers initiates the atack
The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
The puck bounces off from the pad and keeps on rolling just in front of the cage but finally Rhys Hjertaas manages to win it over
Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Osku Laurikainen into the game – a shot!
Perryville Panthers charges
Jouko Jokiharju leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
A penalty. Leopold Rivaud 2 minutes
A penalty within the team Lewin
Only Naum Arkhipov managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Jouko Jokiharju wins face-off
Players of Lewin can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Players of Perryville Panthers can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Rhys Hjertaas - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Each player of the Perryville Panthers got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Perryville Panthers enters the zone as if by the guidline
A penalty. Paul Stigis 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
Players of Perryville Panthers won the puck
Players of Perryville Panthers were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
Zdenek Neuvirth couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Perryville Panthers is with the puck
A penalty. Modris Silins 2 minutes
Modris Silins couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
Kitkun Cameron blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
Each player of Lewin was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
Rasmus Siikasaari - perfect play with the trapper
Nico Steggall falling still shoots the cage
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Lewin - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 0-1. Jonas Mayr
Jonas Mayr is left alone on the slot!
Jonas Mayr moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
The cage was empty but some player of Perryville Panthers stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
Blocked shot of Nikanor Ermolich but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
The end of the third period
‘60:00A penalty. Terrance Besancenot 2 minutes
‘59:20By the way, we got a penalty here
‘59:20Defensemen apprehended Kitkun Cameron and removed him out of the zone
‘59:00Defensemen apprehended Rudolf Jonsson and removed him out of the zone
‘58:40A penalty. Silantiy Kadtsyn 2 minutes
‘58:20An unsuccessful hip-check by Silantiy Kadtsyn. That's a penalty
‘58:20Goalie fails to parry the puck and Nico Steggall sends it in the cage!
‘58:00Goal. 3-1. Nico Steggall
‘58:00Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Nico Steggall is in favourable position!
‘58:00Lewin players entered the opponent's zone with no efforts
‘58:00It is exactly for these kinds of shots the goalkeeper is equiped with trapper, and Rasmus Siikasaari is good with it!
‘57:40Lewin greatly played the puck and Nico Steggall is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘57:40An outstanding diagonal pass to Steffen Neubauer and he is already in Perryville Panthers zone
‘57:40Loosing track of the puck Rasmus Siikasaari lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
‘57:00Per Herrmann got the puck - that's a chance!
‘57:00Bender Marius moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘57:00A penalty. Jonas Mayr 2 minutes
‘56:20Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘56:20Seemingly the corner was vacant but Rasmus Siikasaari appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘56:00Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Annegret Westerwelle!
‘56:00As Leopold Rivaud entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘56:00The cage was empty but some player of Perryville Panthers stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
‘55:00Paul Stigis shoots against the defenseman
‘55:00Lewin holds the puck. A pass to the left, another one to the right, then back, a shot. Zone is entered!
‘55:00Paul Stigis appeared to be better at face-off
‘55:00Several players of Lewin attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
‘54:40Players of Lewin start their attack
‘53:00A save performed by Rasmus Siikasaari. Not brilliant but calm though
‘52:40Due to the individual skill Jean-Louis Rigollot came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘52:40On an even keel fowards of Lewin rolled into the zone
‘52:40Rasmus Siikasaari - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘51:20Pass, Nikanor Ermolich is with the puck – that is really appealing position!
‘51:20Nikanor Ermolich manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘51:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Lewin is with the puck
‘51:20Attackers of Lewin broke into the zone without noticing that they had lost the puck. A clear check.
‘49:20A penalty. Clarence Borgo 2 minutes
‘49:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘49:00Jonas Mayr leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘48:20Rasmus Siikasaari manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
‘47:20Paul Stigis scraped the puck out of the tangle of fighting – he goes to the cage!
‘47:20An outstanding diagonal pass to Otto Knobloch and he is already in Perryville Panthers zone
‘47:20An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
‘46:40Bohuslav Dragoun has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘46:00Jouko Jokiharju couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Perryville Panthers is with the puck
‘46:00The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘45:40The attack was stopped just in the middle of the ice
‘45:20Lewin attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘45:20Bender Marius was a little better at the spot
‘45:00A penalty. Ermolay Kruchinkin 2 minutes
‘44:40Rough play by Ermolay Kruchinkin. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘44:40An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
‘44:20Not a difficult shot at all, parried with a pad by Rhys Hjertaas - it should have been more accurate
‘44:00Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Jouko Jokiharju is in favourable position!
‘44:00An accurate pass. Perryville Panthers moves forward
‘44:00Henri-Victor Delparte meets the opponent on high speed! Puck, baton and gloves - all three are lost.
‘43:40Rasmus Siikasaari plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘41:40Jean-Louis Rigollot slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘41:40An outstanding pass performed by Otto Knobloch
‘41:40With no visible efforts Rasmus Siikasaari parries the puck
‘41:20Terrance Besancenot playfully handled the defender
‘41:20Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Lewin enters the zone as if by the guidline
‘41:20Suitable actions are demosntrated by Rasmus Siikasaari, who picked a good spot - the puck is stuck in his gear
‘40:40Per Herrmann circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘40:40Fight in the centre, a pass and Nikanor Ermolich is already in the opponent's zone
‘40:40Face-off is won by Bender Marius
‘40:40Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Rasmus Siikasaari plays strong and parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘38:00Bender Marius falling still shoots the cage
‘38:00Yuriy Balakhonau gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Yuriy Balakhonau rushes towards the cage
‘38:00In a crush in the slot Rudolf Jonsson in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
‘37:40Goal. 2-1. Rudolf Jonsson
‘37:40Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Rudolf Jonsson is ready to shoot
‘37:40Yuriy Balakhonau took the bit between his teeth
‘37:40A penalty. Boyle Beer 2 minutes
‘35:00Rough play by Boyle Beer. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘35:00Rasmus Siikasaari is forced to intervene, but manages the shot with no efforts
‘34:20Silantiy Kadtsyn delivers a hidden shot from a face-off circle!
‘34:20An outstanding pass performed by Silantiy Kadtsyn
‘34:20Face-off occured. Lewin holds the puck
‘34:20Hand in hand defensemen carefully met the attack - the puck is lost
‘33:00Perryville Panthers attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘32:40Alrik Nystrom blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
‘32:00A pass in the middle of nowhere and Perryville Panthers loses control over the puck
‘31:20A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Perryville Panthers. Attack was bogged down
‘30:00Jonas Mayr wins face-off
‘30:00Rhys Hjertaas rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘28:40Blocked shot of Kitkun Cameron but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘28:40Perryville Panthers cought the opponent on change
‘28:40Jonas Mayr played splendidly at the spot
‘28:40Clarence Borgo makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
‘27:20A penalty. Bender Marius 2 minutes
‘27:00Bender Marius gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘27:00Players of Perryville Panthers do well defending, leaving no chance to the oponent in their zone
‘26:40Centres look cross at each other. Steffen Neubauer wins the duel
‘25:20Rasmus Siikasaari rushes in front to meet the forward who falls over him though the puck is pressed to the ice by a goalkeeper
‘24:40Nikanor Ermolich partners put the puck right on the hook… shot!
‘24:40Yuriy Balakhonau built up a burst of speed from the cage and meeting no resistance entered the attack zone
‘24:40Nikanor Ermolich is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘24:20Goal. 1-1. Nikanor Ermolich
‘24:20Lewin players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Nikanor Ermolich shoots
‘24:20Meeting no active resistance players of Lewin cross the blue line
‘24:20Centres look cross at each other. Silantiy Kadtsyn wins the duel
‘24:00After the shot puck is stuck somewhere in goalie's gear
‘23:40Lewin sniper charges from the blue line!
‘23:40An accurate pass. Lewin moves forward
‘23:40Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00Kitkun Cameron stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
‘19:20The puck is dropped. Perryville Panthers initiates the atack
‘18:00The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
‘17:00The puck bounces off from the pad and keeps on rolling just in front of the cage but finally Rhys Hjertaas manages to win it over
‘16:20Finally decided to involve the goalkeeper Osku Laurikainen into the game – a shot!
‘16:20Perryville Panthers charges
‘16:20Jouko Jokiharju leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘16:00A penalty. Leopold Rivaud 2 minutes
‘15:40A penalty within the team Lewin
‘15:40Only Naum Arkhipov managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘15:20Jouko Jokiharju wins face-off
‘14:40Players of Lewin can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘14:20Players of Perryville Panthers can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘12:20Rhys Hjertaas - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘11:00Each player of the Perryville Panthers got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘11:00Each pass is tape-to-tape, as well as every movement. Perryville Panthers enters the zone as if by the guidline
‘11:00A penalty. Paul Stigis 2 minutes
‘10:00We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘10:00Players of Perryville Panthers won the puck
‘9:40Players of Perryville Panthers were struggling to get to the slot so hard that swept away the cage
‘8:20Zdenek Neuvirth couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Perryville Panthers is with the puck
‘7:20A penalty. Modris Silins 2 minutes
‘4:20Modris Silins couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘4:20They won't let the oppent reach the blue-lined frontier
‘3:20Kitkun Cameron blocks a powerfull pass with his baton and the puck flies over to the terrace
‘3:00Each player of Lewin was honoured by presence of the puck after this face-off, as they established a foothold on the opponent's zone. But it didn't come to a shot anyway
‘2:40Rasmus Siikasaari - perfect play with the trapper
‘1:00Nico Steggall falling still shoots the cage
‘1:00A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Lewin - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘1:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘0:40Goal. 0-1. Jonas Mayr
‘0:40Jonas Mayr is left alone on the slot!
‘0:40Jonas Mayr moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘0:40The cage was empty but some player of Perryville Panthers stood up in front of the puck. He seemes to have recalled the Tarasov's phrase "Protect the cage!"
‘0:20Blocked shot of Nikanor Ermolich but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘0:20An outstanding pass performed by Nikanor Ermolich
‘0:20Start of the first period