The end of the third period
Peter Rypdal plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
Naum Chernitsky comes out a winner in this matchup - the puck is still and locked in!
It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
With his pass Konrad Birkegaard simply cuts apart lhdrtd defence
Fantastic play in the frame by Naum Chernitsky! A save!
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
A sprint drive! Hugo Kostourek enters the zone
Face-off occured. Berkut holds the puck
Centres look cross at each other. Ragnhild Carling wins the duel
Eddy Hakansson pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
Preston Stark shoots!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Preston Stark corralled it and crosses the blue line
Naum Chernitsky saves his team!
The defence of the lhdrtd has failed. Evald Zajgla shoots!
An accurate pass. Berkut moves forward
Eddy Hakansson saves his team!
Anton Holst slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
On an even keel fowards of lhdrtd rolled into the zone
The whole areay is on lockdown by Naum Chernitsky. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Arefiy Tsarev did it!
Berkut forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
Under a head of steam Eddy Hakansson rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
Charles-Pierre Lapierre is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
lhdrtd is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
Players of Berkut can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
Naum Chernitsky - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Evald Zajgla starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
Meeting no active resistance players of Berkut cross the blue line
Eddy Hakansson weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
Ragnhild Carling goes to the cage – swing, shot!
Ragnhild Carling shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
A penalty. Birger Ahlgren 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Birger Ahlgren. That's a penalty
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
Clear play by Naum Chernitsky
Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Arefiy Tsarev is ready to shoot!
Not for the first time Ignazio Barbaro exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
A splendid wrist shot by Fedor Sipos! Puck's in the net!
Goal. 1-4. Fedor Sipos
Fedor Sipos circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Ignazio Barbaro exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Naum Chernitsky pressed the puck to the ice and tucked himself up getting ready for a face-off
Ales Jum took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
Ales Jum is in the opponent's zone
A penalty. Peter Rypdal 2 minutes
By the way, we got a penalty here
With no hint on violence, defense of Berkut closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
lhdrtd gained the advantage in the last minutes
Players of Berkut were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
Loosing track of the puck Eddy Hakansson lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
lhdrtd players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Rene Nemcek shoots
Meeting no active resistance players of lhdrtd cross the blue line
Berkut owns the puck
An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Birken Fischer prooved to be faster and won it for his team
Naum Chernitsky catches the puck with a trapper
Every pass is accurate - Evald Zajgla goes for the shot!
Quentin Chambon gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Quentin Chambon rushes towards the cage
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Evald Zajgla is in favourable position!
Quentin Chambon hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Uldis Kovals loses the puck out of the blue
Players of Berkut lose the puck
Defensemen of Berkut put an end to the invasion
Only Modris Plakidis managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Combination, pass goes by - Uldis Kovals is alone!
Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Berkut keeps on advancing
A shot was good, the vision blocked for Eddy Hakansson, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Anton Holst is ready to shoot!
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by lhdrtd - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Ragnhild Carling prooved to be faster and won it for his team
Coming out of the goal, Naum Chernitsky narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
Ales Jum flicks to the cage
Forwards of Berkut entered the zone of lhdrtd
A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Berkut. Attack was bogged down
A carom! Goooooaaal!
Goal. 1-3. Fedor Sipos
Fedor Sipos crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
Only Christian Finne managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
What a moment it was for Torsten Alberty! But Naum Chernitsky did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Due to the individual skill Torsten Alberty came to the shooting position, he shoots!
With his pass Birger Ahlgren simply cuts apart lhdrtd defence
The puck is dropped. Berkut initiates the atack
Occasional defenseman jumps in front of the shooter - carom - Naum Chernitsky leads the puck away with the shield
The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
An outstanding pass performed by Evald Zajgla
Nicola Gilardino couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Berkut is with the puck
First-class clean check by a defensman of lhdrtd
A penalty. Fabian Nyberg 2 minutes
Roughing by Fabian Nyberg
Naum Chernitsky put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
The defence of the lhdrtd has failed. Connie Mosher shoots!
The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Berkut enters the zone efortlessly
Players of Berkut initiate the attack
A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 1-2. Arefiy Tsarev
Bully-off to the right; Arefiy Tsarev with the puck – a chance!
As Ignazio Barbaro entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
Goal. 1-1. Birken Fischer
Birken Fischer flicks to the cage
Torsten Alberty is left alone on the slot!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Torsten Alberty and he is already in lhdrtd zone
A penalty. Charles-Pierre Lapierre 2 minutes
Charles-Pierre Lapierre gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
A penalty. Rene Nemcek 2 minutes
Faceoff in the centre ice, Berkut is with the puck
Seemingly the corner was vacant but Eddy Hakansson appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Sturm Sebastian is in favourable position!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Sturm Sebastian and he is already in Berkut zone
Goal. 1-0. Drahomir Veselovsky
Drahomir Veselovsky already prepares to shoot!
Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Eddy Hakansson is strong
There’s a moment at the Berkut cage!
Nicola Gilardino exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
A penalty. Hunter Edamkins 2 minutes
Hunter Edamkins gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
Eddy Hakansson solved this puzzle choosing the right position
Unexpected pass - Vladimir Zhukovskiy breaks into position!
lhdrtd cought the opponent on change
Vladimir Zhukovskiy shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
The puck is dropped. lhdrtd initiates the atack
Some hustle on the slot of Berkut, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
lhdrtd played the moment like a good play - Drahomir Veselovsky comes on the centre stage!
An outstanding pass performed by Drahomir Veselovsky
Nicola Gilardino played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
A penalty. Lubos Grof 2 minutes
We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
Manuel Schiegl entered the fight and was successful. Now Berkut holds the puck
Uldis Kovals shots
Uldis Kovals watches out for a partner to send a pass to
Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Naum Chernitsky just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Birger Ahlgren!
The puck bounces back to the lhdrtd zone
A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Hunter Edamkins
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00Peter Rypdal plays on the edge, but luckily seizes the puck
‘58:00Naum Chernitsky comes out a winner in this matchup - the puck is still and locked in!
‘57:40It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘57:40With his pass Konrad Birkegaard simply cuts apart lhdrtd defence
‘57:40Fantastic play in the frame by Naum Chernitsky! A save!
‘56:00The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘56:00A sprint drive! Hugo Kostourek enters the zone
‘56:00Face-off occured. Berkut holds the puck
‘56:00Centres look cross at each other. Ragnhild Carling wins the duel
‘54:20Eddy Hakansson pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
‘50:40Preston Stark shoots!
‘50:40Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Preston Stark corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘50:40Naum Chernitsky saves his team!
‘50:20The defence of the lhdrtd has failed. Evald Zajgla shoots!
‘50:20An accurate pass. Berkut moves forward
‘50:20Eddy Hakansson saves his team!
‘49:00Anton Holst slips between defenders, open for the pass – He gets it!
‘49:00On an even keel fowards of lhdrtd rolled into the zone
‘49:00The whole areay is on lockdown by Naum Chernitsky. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
‘48:40It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Arefiy Tsarev did it!
‘48:40Berkut forwards gaind the insight of the situation and here they are in the opponent's zone
‘48:40Under a head of steam Eddy Hakansson rases the button and using his shield throws the puck over the cage
‘48:20Charles-Pierre Lapierre is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘48:20lhdrtd is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘48:20Players of Berkut can not do a thing with the opponent's clingy defense
‘48:00Naum Chernitsky - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘45:20Evald Zajgla starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘45:20Meeting no active resistance players of Berkut cross the blue line
‘45:20Eddy Hakansson weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘41:20Ragnhild Carling goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘41:20Ragnhild Carling shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘41:20A penalty. Birger Ahlgren 2 minutes
‘41:00An unsuccessful hip-check by Birger Ahlgren. That's a penalty
‘41:00Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Clear play by Naum Chernitsky
‘38:00Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Arefiy Tsarev is ready to shoot!
‘38:00Not for the first time Ignazio Barbaro exhibits proficiency, switching his team to attack
‘38:00Face-off occured. Berkut holds the puck
‘36:20A splendid wrist shot by Fedor Sipos! Puck's in the net!
‘35:00Goal. 1-4. Fedor Sipos
‘35:00Fedor Sipos circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘35:00Ignazio Barbaro exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘35:00Naum Chernitsky pressed the puck to the ice and tucked himself up getting ready for a face-off
‘34:40Ales Jum took the defender away and he is ready to hit the target!
‘34:40Ales Jum is in the opponent's zone
‘34:40A penalty. Peter Rypdal 2 minutes
‘33:40By the way, we got a penalty here
‘33:40With no hint on violence, defense of Berkut closed all the clear zones and gained the puck
‘33:20lhdrtd gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘33:20Players of Berkut were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘33:00Loosing track of the puck Eddy Hakansson lands on his leg pads and does it just in time to block the low shot
‘31:40lhdrtd players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Rene Nemcek shoots
‘31:40Meeting no active resistance players of lhdrtd cross the blue line
‘31:40Berkut owns the puck
‘31:20An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Birken Fischer prooved to be faster and won it for his team
‘30:40Naum Chernitsky catches the puck with a trapper
‘29:20Every pass is accurate - Evald Zajgla goes for the shot!
‘29:20Quentin Chambon gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Quentin Chambon rushes towards the cage
‘29:20The whole areay is on lockdown by Naum Chernitsky. He leaves no single chance to the opponent
‘29:00Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Evald Zajgla is in favourable position!
‘29:00Quentin Chambon hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘29:00Uldis Kovals loses the puck out of the blue
‘28:40Players of Berkut lose the puck
‘27:40Defensemen of Berkut put an end to the invasion
‘27:20Only Modris Plakidis managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘26:00Naum Chernitsky catches the puck with a trapper
‘25:40Combination, pass goes by - Uldis Kovals is alone!
‘25:40Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Berkut keeps on advancing
‘25:40A shot was good, the vision blocked for Eddy Hakansson, but the puck got into a trapper as if attracted by a manget
‘25:20Intuitive pass, the puck is on the hook - Anton Holst is ready to shoot!
‘25:20A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by lhdrtd - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘25:20An intense fight broke out at face-off! But however Ragnhild Carling prooved to be faster and won it for his team
‘25:20Coming out of the goal, Naum Chernitsky narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
‘24:20Ales Jum flicks to the cage
‘24:20Forwards of Berkut entered the zone of lhdrtd
‘24:20A terribly misfortunate pass performed by a player of Berkut. Attack was bogged down
‘23:00A carom! Goooooaaal!
‘22:00Goal. 1-3. Fedor Sipos
‘22:00Fedor Sipos crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
‘22:00An accurate pass. Berkut moves forward
‘22:00Only Christian Finne managed to get rid of growing threat of a shot, selflessly blocking a powerfull pass
‘21:40Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00What a moment it was for Torsten Alberty! But Naum Chernitsky did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘20:00Due to the individual skill Torsten Alberty came to the shooting position, he shoots!
‘20:00With his pass Birger Ahlgren simply cuts apart lhdrtd defence
‘20:00The puck is dropped. Berkut initiates the atack
‘19:20Occasional defenseman jumps in front of the shooter - carom - Naum Chernitsky leads the puck away with the shield
‘18:40The players huddled at the cage like in a narrow room – dangerous!
‘18:40An outstanding pass performed by Evald Zajgla
‘18:40Nicola Gilardino couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. Berkut is with the puck
‘17:00First-class clean check by a defensman of lhdrtd
‘16:20A penalty. Fabian Nyberg 2 minutes
‘16:00Roughing by Fabian Nyberg
‘16:00Naum Chernitsky put an end to one ow the most beautiful cominations of the day...what profeciency!
‘15:20The defence of the lhdrtd has failed. Connie Mosher shoots!
‘15:20The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Berkut enters the zone efortlessly
‘15:20Players of Berkut initiate the attack
‘15:20A powerfull pass failed. Crackling sound marked a broken baton
‘15:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘13:00Goal. 1-2. Arefiy Tsarev
‘13:00Bully-off to the right; Arefiy Tsarev with the puck – a chance!
‘13:00As Ignazio Barbaro entered the zone, the rest of the team catches up
‘13:00A wrist shot....GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘11:40Goal. 1-1. Birken Fischer
‘11:40Birken Fischer flicks to the cage
‘11:40Defenders are almost cuddling the cage as Berkut keeps on advancing
‘11:40Naum Chernitsky comes out a winner in this matchup - the puck is still and locked in!
‘11:20Torsten Alberty is left alone on the slot!
‘11:20An outstanding diagonal pass to Torsten Alberty and he is already in lhdrtd zone
‘11:20A penalty. Charles-Pierre Lapierre 2 minutes
‘11:00Charles-Pierre Lapierre gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘11:00A penalty. Rene Nemcek 2 minutes
‘10:20By the way, we got a penalty here
‘10:20Faceoff in the centre ice, Berkut is with the puck
‘10:00Seemingly the corner was vacant but Eddy Hakansson appeared out of the blue on the puck's way!
‘9:40Row of passes, attackers kept the puck, it's time to shoot - Sturm Sebastian is in favourable position!
‘9:40An outstanding diagonal pass to Sturm Sebastian and he is already in Berkut zone
‘9:40A carom! Goooooaaal!
‘8:40Goal. 1-0. Drahomir Veselovsky
‘8:40Drahomir Veselovsky already prepares to shoot!
‘8:40Entered the zone around the boards, a cross!
‘8:40Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Eddy Hakansson is strong
‘6:40There’s a moment at the Berkut cage!
‘6:40Nicola Gilardino exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘6:40A penalty. Hunter Edamkins 2 minutes
‘6:20Hunter Edamkins gives it up and commits a faul on his opponent
‘6:20Eddy Hakansson solved this puzzle choosing the right position
‘5:40Unexpected pass - Vladimir Zhukovskiy breaks into position!
‘5:40lhdrtd cought the opponent on change
‘5:40lhdrtd gained the advantage in the last minutes
‘5:40Annoying people at the slot weren't an issue as Eddy Hakansson is strong
‘5:20Ragnhild Carling goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘5:20Vladimir Zhukovskiy shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
‘5:20The puck is dropped. lhdrtd initiates the atack
‘5:20Some hustle on the slot of Berkut, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
‘5:00lhdrtd played the moment like a good play - Drahomir Veselovsky comes on the centre stage!
‘5:00An outstanding pass performed by Drahomir Veselovsky
‘5:00Nicola Gilardino played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
‘5:00A penalty. Lubos Grof 2 minutes
‘4:20We hear a whistle and it seems we have a penalty
‘4:20Manuel Schiegl entered the fight and was successful. Now Berkut holds the puck
‘4:00Clear play by Naum Chernitsky
‘2:00Uldis Kovals shots
‘2:00Uldis Kovals watches out for a partner to send a pass to
‘2:00Goalie parries the shot, the puck is left on the slot sliding and Naum Chernitsky just falls over it - the puck is not going anywhere
‘1:00Confidently entrenched in the zone – a shot from Birger Ahlgren!
‘1:00The puck bounces back to the lhdrtd zone
‘1:00A crashing hip-check demonstrated by Hunter Edamkins
‘0:40Start of the first period