
Career events Pavol Palovic
86 39 Signed new contract with Lordi with salary 1745 for 4 years
81 49 Signed new contract with Lordi with salary 1332 for 5 years
78 35 Signed new contract with Lordi with salary 939 for 3 years
76 7 Was traded to team Lordi
73 55 Was traded to team Tigra
73 40 Signed new contract with Dust with salary 218 for 5 years
72 55 Was traded to team Dust
72 55 Was traded to team Rusty rhinoceros
72 46 Was traded to team Avangard 55
72 45 Has signed a contract with GazooRacing
72 5 Has been taken into the main team GazooRacing from youth school