
Career events Zdenek Blazej
87 8 Signed new contract with Avanteam with salary 1441 for 2 years
85 35 Has signed a contract with Avanteam
85 26 Has been fired from team Dynamo Msc
80 55 Signed new contract with Dynamo Msc with salary 936 for 4 years
78 37 Has signed a contract with Dynamo Msc
78 15 Has been fired from team STENOVIK
77 55 Signed new contract with STENOVIK with salary 584 for 2 years
77 49 Was traded to team STENOVIK
76 55 Signed new contract with Defders with salary 460 for 2 years
74 3 Has signed a contract with Defders
73 55 Has been fired from team Lethbridge Hurricanes
72 53 Has signed a contract with Lethbridge Hurricanes
72 4 Has been taken into the main team Lethbridge Hurricanes from youth school