Career events Christine Lepin
87 45 Signed new contract with Vorkuta White Wolves with salary 1679 for 2 years
83 55 Signed new contract with Vorkuta White Wolves with salary 1382 for 3 years
75 55 Was traded to team Vorkuta White Wolves
73 55 Signed new contract with Siberian snipers with salary 294 for 2 years
73 55 Was traded to team Siberian snipers
72 55 Was traded to team Paris Lexus Monsters
72 55 Signed new contract with Lions de Lyon with salary 116 for 2 years
72 55 Has signed a contract with Lions de Lyon
72 40 Has been drafted by team Lions de Lyon on the draft of league LHL 4
71 1 Has been taken into the main team RusBear from youth school