Career events Lancelotto Arciuli
87 35 Has been fired from team Vostok 55
86 26 Has signed a contract with Vostok 55
85 40 Has been fired from team Lokomotiv - Orsha
85 26 Has signed a contract with Lokomotiv - Orsha
84 48 Has been fired from team Ozimandius
80 55 Signed new contract with Ozimandius with salary 1556 for 4 years
75 55 Signed new contract with Ozimandius with salary 923 for 4 years
73 55 Signed new contract with Ozimandius with salary 643 for 1 years
72 5 Was traded to team Ozimandius
71 47 Signed new contract with Zsv with salary 370 for 3 years
71 47 Was traded to team Zsv
70 55 Was traded to team FinnAir
70 55 Has signed a contract with FinnAir
70 40 Has been drafted by team FinnAir on the draft of league LHL 1
69 1 Has been taken into the main team Neman Grodno from youth school