Career events Yuvenaliy Kropanin
87 9 Was traded to team BORDAK
86 7 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 2023 for 2 years
82 55 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 1880 for 4 years
78 7 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 1332 for 4 years
74 25 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 774 for 4 years
72 40 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 584 for 2 years
69 55 Signed new contract with UFA dsk with salary 99 for 2 years
69 55 Was traded to team UFA dsk
69 46 Has signed a contract with listopat
69 1 Has been taken into the main team listopat from youth school