The end of the third period
Inacurate pass performed by a player of Свема Шостка. Initiative is lost
Kirby Carrick leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
Artur Akulich manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
Each player of the Свема Шостка got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
Louis Philippe Deck is in the opponent's zone
Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
Goal. 2-3. Dalimil Handl
Dalimil Handl goes to the cage – swing, shot!
Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Gabriel Sochůrek corralled it and crosses the blue line
Artur Akulich pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
Miroslav Pistek gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
An outstanding diagonal pass to Jiri Gula and he is already in HC Suuri Tartari zone
Artur Akulich - perfect play with the trapper
Gabriel Sochůrek starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Свема Шостка - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
A penalty. Johan Larsen 2 minutes
Johan Larsen realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
Keylva Intonen is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
Goal. 2-2. Keylva Intonen
Keylva Intonen with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Свема Шостка!
Keylva Intonen does a buttonhook. HC Suuri Tartari is advancing
What a moment it was for Hjalmar Sivle! But Artur Akulich did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Hjalmar Sivle is left alone on the slot!
Свема Шостка charges
Artur Akulich parries the puck in the corner of the ice
Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Dalimil Handl aims!
Свема Шостка is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
Face-off is won by Jiri Gula
The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
Players of Свема Шостка lose the puck
A penalty. Andrievs "Balderis" 2 minutes
Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Artur Akulich manages to throw it away just in time
The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
Bretislav Rulik shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
Bretislav Rulik overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
Artur Akulich weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Miroslav Pistek did it!
The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Свема Шостка enters the zone efortlessly
A penalty. Savo Derlago 2 minutes
Rough play by Savo Derlago. Minor penalty, no doubt
In a crush in the slot Bryan Mcclement in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
Goal. 1-2. Bryan Mcclement
Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Bryan Mcclement is ready to shoot
An outstanding pass performed by Marcel vonJacquin
Defensemen of Свема Шостка put an end to the invasion
What a moment it was for Jani Puustinen! But Artur Akulich did well in the frame. What cold blood!
Jani Puustinen falling still shoots the cage
The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
Artur Akulich gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
Dalimil Handl crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
Свема Шостка cought the opponent on change
Inacurate pass performed by a player of HC Suuri Tartari. Initiative is lost
Vanhanen Peitsamo was a little better at the spot
Some hustle on the slot of HC Suuri Tartari, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
Miroslav Pistek flicks to the cage
Miroslav Pistek is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
Artur Akulich is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
Свема Шостка greatly played the puck and Marcel vonJacquin is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
With his pass Marcel vonJacquin simply cuts apart HC Suuri Tartari defence
An absolutely powerful shot by Gabriel Sochůrek and the puck shakes the net of the cage!
Goal. 1-1. Gabriel Sochůrek
Unexpected pass - Gabriel Sochůrek breaks into position!
Gabriel Sochůrek hastily crosses the blue line around the board
Start of the third period
The end of the second period
Coming out of the goal, Artur Akulich narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
Свема Шостка players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jiri Gula shoots
Jiri Gula exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
A penalty. Lubos Vyhlidal 2 minutes
Artur Akulich catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
Partners skillfully brought Fredrik Machacek to the final shot…
Свема Шостка forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
HC Suuri Tartari skipped a beat and Gabriel Sochůrek is in the zone already
An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
A penalty. Vanhanen Peitsamo 2 minutes
An unsuccessful hip-check by Vanhanen Peitsamo. That's a penalty
Stepan Pytlik is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
Artur Akulich chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
Bretislav Rulik already prepares to shoot!
Marcel Ostrizek exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
Marcel Ostrizek played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
Свема Шостка attempts to enter the opponent's zone
Henrik Berggren has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
Faceoff in the centre ice, HC Suuri Tartari is with the puck
Ivan Schranil - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
Alrik Fryxell hastily crosses the blue line around the board
An eager beaver Vilhelmi Tieksola achieved his goal and ended the attack
Ivan Schranil catches the puck with a trapper
Johan Larsen is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
Reino Siikonen exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
With no visible efforts Ivan Schranil parries the puck
Savo Derlago is in the opponent's zone
Stepan Pytlik entered the fight and was successful. Now Свема Шостка holds the puck
A penalty. Henrik Berggren 2 minutes
After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Ivan Schranil falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
Schmidpeter Westerwelle circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
Olaf Vaa gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Olaf Vaa rushes towards the cage
Hjalmar Sivle appeared to be more adroit at face-off
Artur Akulich is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
Jani Puustinen shots
Thanks to his personal performance Gabriel Sochůrek made himself comfortable in the HC Suuri Tartari zone
The puck flies from under the defenseman, Artur Akulich raises the shield and gets it
Marian Bakula shots
Jani Puustinen moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
Several players of Свема Шостка attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
Jiri Gula appeared to be more adroit at face-off
A push, Olaf Vaa smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
Players of HC Suuri Tartari won the puck
Jakub Jandac makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Ivan Schranil manages to throw it away just in time
Blocked shot of Andrievs "Balderis" but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
Savo Derlago manages to perform an excellent drive!
Hjalmar Sivle couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. HC Suuri Tartari is with the puck
Start of the second period
The end of the first period
An eager beaver Jakub Jandac achieved his goal and ended the attack
Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
Kirby Carrick appeared to be better at face-off
Vilhelmi Tieksola stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
A penalty. Schmidpeter Westerwelle 2 minutes
Schmidpeter Westerwelle couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
A push, Schmidpeter Westerwelle smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
Face-off is won by Reino Siikonen
Off-side. Players of HC Suuri Tartari were too hasty
Jaroslav Cely makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
Players of HC Suuri Tartari were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
With a quick wrist shot Johan Larsen got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
Goal. 1-0. Johan Larsen
Johan Larsen jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
A sprint drive! Bernd Jochen enters the zone
Ivan Schranil saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
Alrik Fryxell goes to the cage – swing, shot!
An outstanding diagonal pass to Keylva Intonen and he is already in Свема Шостка zone
HC Suuri Tartari played the moment like a good play - Keylva Intonen comes on the centre stage!
Savo Derlago shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
Defense acts rough and pacy, pushing the opponent's forwards away from the puck. The attack is dead by now
A penalty. Louis Philippe Deck 2 minutes
Louis Philippe Deck commits a faul
Ivan Schranil covers the puck being backed up by a defeseman, making a skate save. He shouldn't have yawned
Savo Derlago appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
A sprint drive! Andrievs "Balderis" enters the zone
Start of the first period
The end of the third period
‘60:00Inacurate pass performed by a player of Свема Шостка. Initiative is lost
‘60:00Kirby Carrick leaves no chance to the opponnent in face-off
‘59:40The puck is pressed to a board, the defensemen pushed away all the opponents
‘57:40Artur Akulich manages to interlock the leg pads, a dull blow, the puck is settled
‘57:20Each player of the Свема Шостка got the puck in this bully-off – the moment for the shot!
‘57:20Louis Philippe Deck is in the opponent's zone
‘57:20Though after the second try, :shoter managed to get tge puck in the cage!
‘56:20Goal. 2-3. Dalimil Handl
‘56:20Dalimil Handl goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘56:20Rough but skillfull pass from a teammate. Gabriel Sochůrek corralled it and crosses the blue line
‘56:20Artur Akulich pushes his shield in front of the puck and it flies high up in the air
‘56:00Miroslav Pistek gained a phenomenal speed and is the first on the puck – shoots immediately
‘56:00An outstanding diagonal pass to Jiri Gula and he is already in HC Suuri Tartari zone
‘56:00Artur Akulich - perfect play with the trapper
‘55:20Gabriel Sochůrek starts attacking, he gave it, got it – he can shoot!
‘55:20A dangerous high-speed attack initiated by Свема Шостка - the blue line crossed in the blink of an eye
‘55:20A penalty. Johan Larsen 2 minutes
‘55:00Johan Larsen realized what he did and appologized. But it doesn't cancel the penalty
‘55:00Keylva Intonen is the first at putback....GOOOOOAAAAAL!
‘54:00Goal. 2-2. Keylva Intonen
‘54:00Keylva Intonen with the puck popped from the boarder – risky fire blazes at the cage Свема Шостка!
‘54:00Keylva Intonen does a buttonhook. HC Suuri Tartari is advancing
‘54:00What a moment it was for Hjalmar Sivle! But Artur Akulich did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘53:40Hjalmar Sivle is left alone on the slot!
‘53:40Свема Шостка charges
‘53:40Artur Akulich parries the puck in the corner of the ice
‘53:20Practically it is possible to shoot from any position - Dalimil Handl aims!
‘53:20Свема Шостка is attacking. the opponent is blocked in the zone
‘53:20Face-off is won by Jiri Gula
‘52:00The opponent made the defensemen sweat but managed to put an end to the pass
‘51:40Players of Свема Шостка lose the puck
‘51:20A penalty. Andrievs "Balderis" 2 minutes
‘51:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘51:00The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Artur Akulich manages to throw it away just in time
‘50:40The goalkeeper’s view is closed! Point-blank shot!
‘50:40Bretislav Rulik shows magnificent stickwork and enters the opponent's zone
‘50:40Bretislav Rulik overreacted a bit and his pass was easily readable. The puck is lost
‘50:20Artur Akulich weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘49:20It's not a child's play to sneak through the defence to the cage - Miroslav Pistek did it!
‘49:20The defender look worn-out, it's time to change, Свема Шостка enters the zone efortlessly
‘49:20A penalty. Savo Derlago 2 minutes
‘48:40Rough play by Savo Derlago. Minor penalty, no doubt
‘48:40In a crush in the slot Bryan Mcclement in some supernatural way pushed the puck towards the cage!
‘48:20Goal. 1-2. Bryan Mcclement
‘48:20Steadily skates into the zone, suddenly everything changes - Bryan Mcclement is ready to shoot
‘48:20An outstanding pass performed by Marcel vonJacquin
‘48:20Defensemen of Свема Шостка put an end to the invasion
‘48:00What a moment it was for Jani Puustinen! But Artur Akulich did well in the frame. What cold blood!
‘47:40Jani Puustinen falling still shoots the cage
‘47:40The defender couldn't reach the puck and stop the pass. What a dangerous misfortune.
‘47:40Artur Akulich gets the puck coldbloodedly while his fellow defensemen push the opponents aside
‘45:20Dalimil Handl crossed the entire opponent's zone and was behind the cage, pass to the slot. Dangerous!
‘45:20Свема Шостка cought the opponent on change
‘45:20Inacurate pass performed by a player of HC Suuri Tartari. Initiative is lost
‘45:00Vanhanen Peitsamo was a little better at the spot
‘45:00Some hustle on the slot of HC Suuri Tartari, several attempted shots but the puck never finds a way across the finishing tape
‘44:40Miroslav Pistek flicks to the cage
‘44:40Miroslav Pistek is on the roll, thinking of no pass enters the zone himself
‘44:40Artur Akulich is the last obstacle for the puck on its way and he's unbreakable - it was parried!
‘43:20Свема Шостка greatly played the puck and Marcel vonJacquin is left eye to eye with the goalkeeper. Shot!
‘43:20With his pass Marcel vonJacquin simply cuts apart HC Suuri Tartari defence
‘43:20An absolutely powerful shot by Gabriel Sochůrek and the puck shakes the net of the cage!
‘42:20Goal. 1-1. Gabriel Sochůrek
‘42:20Unexpected pass - Gabriel Sochůrek breaks into position!
‘42:20Gabriel Sochůrek hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘42:20Start of the third period
‘40:20The end of the second period
‘40:00Coming out of the goal, Artur Akulich narrows the angle for a shot and chests down the puck
‘39:40Свема Шостка players spun a carousel in the opponent’s zone, Jiri Gula shoots
‘39:40Jiri Gula exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘39:40A penalty. Lubos Vyhlidal 2 minutes
‘39:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘39:00Artur Akulich catches the puck with his trapper - a perfect save for a slick magazine's cover!
‘38:40Partners skillfully brought Fredrik Machacek to the final shot…
‘38:40Свема Шостка forwards reached the opponent's zone off the cuff
‘38:40Artur Akulich weighed the threat and acted accordingly, closing the angle for a shot
‘37:20It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘37:20HC Suuri Tartari skipped a beat and Gabriel Sochůrek is in the zone already
‘37:20An intense fight by the board, the puck is sent out of the zone
‘35:20A penalty. Vanhanen Peitsamo 2 minutes
‘34:40An unsuccessful hip-check by Vanhanen Peitsamo. That's a penalty
‘34:40Stepan Pytlik is not as easy as a pie. He stopped the attack single-handed
‘34:20Artur Akulich chose low position and luckily covered the corner with the leg pad
‘34:00Bretislav Rulik already prepares to shoot!
‘34:00Marcel Ostrizek exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘34:00Marcel Ostrizek played well at face-off, neatly passing the puck to a teammate
‘34:00Свема Шостка attempts to enter the opponent's zone
‘33:40Henrik Berggren has the nerves of steel that weren't shaken by the forward
‘33:00Faceoff in the centre ice, HC Suuri Tartari is with the puck
‘32:20Ivan Schranil - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘31:40Steady passes, the puck wanders like in a maze – a moment!
‘31:40Alrik Fryxell hastily crosses the blue line around the board
‘31:40Faceoff in the centre ice, HC Suuri Tartari is with the puck
‘31:20An eager beaver Vilhelmi Tieksola achieved his goal and ended the attack
‘30:40Ivan Schranil catches the puck with a trapper
‘30:00Johan Larsen is alone on the slot and receives the pass – Dangerous!
‘30:00Reino Siikonen exhibits rocket speed upon entering the zone
‘30:00With no visible efforts Ivan Schranil parries the puck
‘29:20It seemed that from nothing there is a moment at the cage
‘29:20Savo Derlago is in the opponent's zone
‘29:20Stepan Pytlik entered the fight and was successful. Now Свема Шостка holds the puck
‘28:20A penalty. Henrik Berggren 2 minutes
‘28:00Lead referee raises his hands, we have a penalty
‘28:00After a carom the puck as if reluctantly wanishes between the leg pads. Ivan Schranil falls on ice and miraculously presses it with his back!
‘27:40Schmidpeter Westerwelle circles the penalty zone, passes and gets the puck again!
‘27:40Olaf Vaa gets the puck, a short run, a dodge. Olaf Vaa rushes towards the cage
‘27:40Hjalmar Sivle appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘27:20Artur Akulich is in the puck's way! An extrodinary save!
‘26:40Jani Puustinen shots
‘26:40Thanks to his personal performance Gabriel Sochůrek made himself comfortable in the HC Suuri Tartari zone
‘26:40The puck flies from under the defenseman, Artur Akulich raises the shield and gets it
‘26:20Marian Bakula shots
‘26:20Jani Puustinen moved aside, spinned in place and entered the zone
‘26:20Several players of Свема Шостка attempted to enter the zone in parallel, but the liney pauses the game, calling it offside
‘26:00Jiri Gula appeared to be more adroit at face-off
‘25:20A push, Olaf Vaa smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘25:00Players of HC Suuri Tartari won the puck
‘25:00Jakub Jandac makes a hip-check on the opponent. Neat and tidy!
‘24:40Forwards spent quite a time thinking the attack over and lost the puck
‘22:40The puck hits the pad's edge and almost crosses the cage line - Ivan Schranil manages to throw it away just in time
‘21:40Blocked shot of Andrievs "Balderis" but he oriented quickly and gave another shot!
‘21:40Savo Derlago manages to perform an excellent drive!
‘21:40Hjalmar Sivle couldn't make a good deal of fighting at face-off. HC Suuri Tartari is with the puck
‘21:40Start of the second period
‘20:20The end of the first period
‘20:00An eager beaver Jakub Jandac achieved his goal and ended the attack
‘19:00Cut the pass and now have some time to catch their breath
‘14:40Kirby Carrick appeared to be better at face-off
‘14:40Vilhelmi Tieksola stands strong on the blue line and meets the opponent
‘13:20A penalty. Schmidpeter Westerwelle 2 minutes
‘12:00Schmidpeter Westerwelle couldn't hold his combatative spirit back. That's just one of those things
‘12:00A push, Schmidpeter Westerwelle smacks the board with his face and the puck is lost
‘11:40Face-off is won by Reino Siikonen
‘9:40Off-side. Players of HC Suuri Tartari were too hasty
‘9:20Jaroslav Cely makes a carefull hip-check and dispossesses the opponent of the puck
‘7:20Players of HC Suuri Tartari were unable to infiltrate the zone. Here comes the whistle. We have an offside
‘6:20With a quick wrist shot Johan Larsen got the puck straight between the goalie's legs!
‘6:00Goal. 1-0. Johan Larsen
‘6:00Johan Larsen jumps over the sprawled defender after the puck, there's only the goalkeeper in front of him!
‘6:00A sprint drive! Bernd Jochen enters the zone
‘6:00Ivan Schranil saw every movement and it wasn't hard to parry the puck
‘5:20Alrik Fryxell goes to the cage – swing, shot!
‘5:20An outstanding diagonal pass to Keylva Intonen and he is already in Свема Шостка zone
‘5:20Ivan Schranil - a mechanical shoulder movement, nice reaction!
‘5:00HC Suuri Tartari played the moment like a good play - Keylva Intonen comes on the centre stage!
‘5:00Savo Derlago shapes the attack and brings the puck to the opponent's zone
‘5:00Defense acts rough and pacy, pushing the opponent's forwards away from the puck. The attack is dead by now
‘4:40A penalty. Louis Philippe Deck 2 minutes
‘4:00Louis Philippe Deck commits a faul
‘4:00Ivan Schranil covers the puck being backed up by a defeseman, making a skate save. He shouldn't have yawned
‘3:00Savo Derlago appears right in front of the goalkeeper…
‘3:00A sprint drive! Andrievs "Balderis" enters the zone
‘3:00Start of the first period