Time | Type | Event | Probability (%) | Result |
0:20 |
Shane Harpur try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 13.64 | no |
1:00 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 68.94 | yes |
1:40 |
Moritz Obermoser try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 9.39 | no |
2:00 |
Hugo "Varnakovs" try to score Matous Seda | 59.71 | yes |
2:20 |
Hubertus Waeber try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.20 | no |
3:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 28.78 | no |
3:40 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 13.20 | no |
4:20 |
Sammy Conors try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 6.31 | no |
4:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 21.93 | no |
5:00 |
Stanley Rozkalns try to score Matous Seda | 52.58 | yes |
5:20 |
Kristaps Ratnieks try to score Matous Seda | 36.80 | yes |
5:40 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 28.78 | no |
6:00 |
Peteris Freidenfelds try to score Matous Seda | 25.53 | no |
6:40 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 14.21 | no |
7:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 23.32 | no |
7:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 21.93 | no |
7:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 23.13 | no |
8:00 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 21.85 | no |
8:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 28.92 | no |
8:20 |
Vinzenz Lorenz try to score Matous Seda | 30.77 | no |
10:00 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 21.95 | no |
10:00 |
Lennart Holm try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.51 | no |
10:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 22.88 | no |
10:40 |
Kristaps Ratnieks try to score Matous Seda | 31.60 | yes |
11:20 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 30.35 | yes |
11:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.13 | no |
13:00 |
Stanley Rozkalns try to score Matous Seda | 23.24 | no |
13:40 |
Victor Shubianok try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.59 | yes |
14:00 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 17.54 | no |
14:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.28 | no |
14:40 |
Korney Belozyorov try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.37 | no |
15:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 23.43 | yes |
16:20 |
Shane Harpur try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 14.39 | no |
17:00 |
Dobroslav Cuj try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 14.01 | no |
17:20 |
Korney Belozyorov try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 13.82 | no |
17:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.96 | yes |
18:00 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 23.98 | yes |
18:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 22.92 | no |
18:40 |
Eber Gailitis try to score Matous Seda | 12.96 | no |
19:00 |
Liga Ozols try to score Matous Seda | 13.98 | no |
19:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 17.70 | yes |
19:40 |
Hugo "Varnakovs" try to score Matous Seda | 19.28 | no |
20:20 |
Hugo "Varnakovs" try to score Matous Seda | 20.01 | yes |
21:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 13.41 | yes |
22:00 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 15.46 | no |
22:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 9.58 | no |
23:00 |
Aigars "Dei" try to score Matous Seda | 12.71 | yes |
23:40 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 17.33 | no |
23:40 |
Elliot "Vitolins" try to score Matous Seda | 9.65 | no |
24:00 |
Filip Vodila try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.40 | no |
25:20 |
Lev Eidins try to score Matous Seda | 9.81 | no |
25:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.91 | no |
26:40 |
Lev Eidins try to score Matous Seda | 10.14 | no |
27:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 17.62 | no |
27:40 |
Dmitrijs "Baldonieks" try to score Matous Seda | 10.87 | no |
28:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 25.44 | yes |
28:40 |
Kol Kivi try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.97 | no |
29:00 |
Victor Shubianok try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 12.15 | yes |
29:20 |
Filip Vodila try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 10.50 | yes |
30:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.30 | no |
30:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 24.29 | yes |
30:40 |
Yakub Sidorsky try to score Dmitrijs Redlihs | 7.48 | no |
31:00 |
Kol Kivi try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 4.46 | no |
31:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 17.53 | no |
32:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 18.64 | no |
33:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 25.61 | no |
34:00 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 14.21 | no |
34:20 |
Stanley Rozkalns try to score Matous Seda | 14.81 | no |
35:40 |
Elliot "Vitolins" try to score Matous Seda | 11.79 | no |
36:40 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 16.05 | no |
37:00 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 16.59 | no |
38:40 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.04 | no |
39:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 23.88 | yes |
39:20 |
Boemondo Benedetti try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 6.14 | no |
39:40 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.45 | no |
40:40 |
Dobroslav Cuj try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 6.25 | no |
41:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 18.76 | yes |
41:20 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.90 | no |
41:40 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 22.44 | no |
42:00 |
Jeremie Lehoux try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 3.72 | no |
42:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 23.29 | no |
42:40 |
Victor Shubianok try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.26 | no |
44:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 21.61 | yes |
45:20 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 17.30 | yes |
45:40 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 28.14 | no |
45:40 |
Hugo Redlihs try to score Matous Seda | 10.68 | no |
46:00 |
Peteris Freidenfelds try to score Matous Seda | 10.83 | yes |
46:20 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 9.97 | no |
47:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 24.29 | no |
47:00 |
Vinzenz Lorenz try to score Matous Seda | 9.53 | yes |
48:20 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 28.14 | no |
48:40 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 7.67 | no |
49:00 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 17.06 | no |
49:00 |
Jeremie Lehoux try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 3.90 | no |
51:40 |
Stanley Rozkalns try to score Matous Seda | 8.02 | no |
52:00 |
Kristaps Ratnieks try to score Matous Seda | 7.78 | no |
52:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 16.25 | no |
54:00 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 8.73 | no |
54:20 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 9.10 | no |
55:20 |
Zelig "Golovkovs" try to score Matous Seda | 9.53 | no |
55:40 |
Mikhail Olijars try to score Matous Seda | 9.91 | no |
56:00 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 19.15 | no |
56:00 |
Kristaps Ratnieks try to score Matous Seda | 9.47 | no |
56:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 13.83 | no |
56:40 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 18.37 | no |
57:00 |
Stanley Rozkalns try to score Matous Seda | 10.87 | no |
57:40 |
Moritz Obermoser try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.54 | no |
58:40 |
Daugava Riga could foul | 19.15 | no |
59:20 |
Lada Togliatti could foul | 18.16 | no |
59:20 |
Shane Harpur try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 8.20 | yes |
59:40 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.44 | no |
60:00 |
Clifford Larkins try to score Uldis "Samoilovs" | 5.65 | no |